Journal of Buddhistic Sociology 2024-12-27T19:55:05+07:00 ผศ.ดร.ทิพมาศ เศวตวรโชติ Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"> วารสารพุทธสังคมวิทยาปริทรรศน์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตศรีธรรมาโศกราช เลขมาตรฐานสากล ISSN : 2697-5130 (Print) และ ISSN : 2697-5254 (Online) เป็นสื่อกลางส่งเสริมการเผยแพร่องค์ความรู้ในด้านพระพุทธศาสนา สังคมศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ และการประยุกต์ใช้องค์ความรู้จากการบูรณาการศาสตร์ต่าง ๆ เข้ากับพระพุทธศาสนา เปิดรับผลงานทั้งทางด้านการวิจัย และผลงานทางวิชาการ บทความวิจัย หรือบทความวิชาการ ในมิติด้าน พุทธศาสนา การพัฒนาสังคม สังคมวิทยา ศิลปศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ และสหวิทยาการ ทุกบทความที่ตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ได้ผ่านการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ 3 ท่าน ในลักษณะปกปิดรายชื่อ (Double blind peer-reviewed) เปิดรับบทความทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ โดยรับพิจารณาตีพิมพ์ต้นฉบับของบุคคลทั้งภายในและภายนอกมหาวิทยาลัย ตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ. 2564 เป็นต้นไป กำหนดพิมพ์ปีละ 4 ฉบับ คือ ฉบับที่ 1 เดือนมกราคม-มีนาคม / ฉบับที่ 2 เดือนเมษายน-มิถุนายน / ฉบับที่ 3 เดือนกรกฎาคม-กันยายน / และฉบับที่ 4 เดือนตุลาคม-ธันวาคม (ราย 3 เดือน) โดยผลงานที่ส่งมาจะต้องไม่เคยเสนอหรือกำลังเสนอตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการใดมาก่อน บทความอาจถูก ดัดแปลง แก้ไขเนื้อหา รูปแบบ และสำนวน ตามที่กองบรรณาธิการเห็นสมควร ทั้งนี้เพื่อให้วารสารมีคุณภาพใน ระดับมาตรฐานสากล และนำไปอ้างอิงได้ หากผู้นิพนธ์มีข้อสงสัยในการจัดเตรียมต้นฉบับสามารถตรวจสอบ ระเบียบการตีพิมพ์ล่าสุดของวารสาร หรือสอบถามได้ทาง E-mail: <a href=""></a></p> THE APPLICATION OF BUDDHIST DHAMMA FOR DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT IN THAI SOCIETY 2024-01-22T16:25:03+07:00 Korawit Bunmee <p>This study aims to analyze the application of Buddhist principles (Buddhadhamma) in developing democracy in Thai society, particularly in promoting political participation and civic consciousness. The study employs documentary research methodology through analysis and synthesis of academic documents, research papers, and literature related to Buddhist principles and democratic development. The findings reveal that Buddhist principles, especially the Four Divine States of Mind (Brahmavihara 4), the Four Bases of Social Solidarity (Sangahavatthu 4), and the Six Principles of Harmonious Living (Saraniyadhamma 6), can be practically applied to enhance political participation and civic consciousness in a democratic system. These principles promote constructive participation, respect for different opinions, and awareness of public interests, which are fundamental to democratic development. However, the application of these Buddhist principles must consider the context of multicultural society and the basic principles of modern democracy to ensure appropriate integration and widespread acceptance.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology HUMAN ETHICS IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION 2024-11-12T15:45:53+07:00 Phra Paladparadon Apiwattano Keawsen Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon Suphap Temrat <p>This study aimed to study ethics in the modern world and the application of Buddhist principles for coexistence. The study methods were document analysis, content analysis, synthesis of concepts and ethics, and the modern world from primary data documents, namely Tripitaka, books, textbooks, academic articles, dissertations, and related research. The study found that the globalization era has progressed more in science and technology. It is an era of information, an era of a borderless world. The world of information has more influence on human thoughts, minds, and behaviors. It is influenced by foreign cultures and values, which play a role in and dominate the obsession with foreign cultures and values. It is not interested in the teachings of Thai religion and culture. Ethics is a guideline for behavior that relies on moral principles. It is a reason for people in society to distinguish right and wrong, not to harm each other for the benefit of themselves and others, and to live together peacefully and happily. It aims to develop people in society into complete human beings in body, mind, intellect, knowledge, and morality. With ethics in life, people can live with others peacefully, which will benefit society and the country in the future.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE PROMOTION OF MINDFULNESS CULTURE: BALANCING LIFE AND WORK, SEEKING INNER PEACE THROUGH BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES AMONG PERSONNEL OF MAHAMAKUT BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY MAHAVAJIRALONGKORN CAMPUS 2024-10-09T10:53:34+07:00 Phra Rajmethiwachiradilok Paijit Uttamthammo Artit Choochai Nathapat ํYumuang Arada Chimmakun Teerapong Wanpetch <p>This article aims to reflect on the balance between life and work in today's society because this balance affects the happiness and well-being of individuals, both physically and mentally. Therefore, the ability to effectively work while maintaining personal well-being is not just a concept that speaks to our happiness and success in all aspects of life. It is also about having self-emotional intelligence and mindfulness. A virtuous mind is a crucial factor to consider when considering the balance between work and personal life to achieve the highest quality of life. The balance of life and work reflects the need to adjust the balance between times spent working and time devoted to personal activities. In creating a culture of happiness, modern organizational management must foster a balanced work environment to drive the organization toward becoming a quality organization. This relies on collaborative leadership to promote holistic well-being in four dimensions: (1) Physical - ensuring occupational health and safety, (2) Mental - cultivating mindfulness, tranquility, and ethical principles, (3) Social - fostering positive relationships, promoting fairness, and creating a peaceful community, and (4) Intellectual - empowering individuals to think, act, and solve problems effectively.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE STUDY OF PALI LANGUAGE TO CREATE RELIGIOUS HEIRS AND MAINTAIN BUDDHISM 2024-11-29T10:49:05+07:00 Sutthipong Samsungnoen <p>This article aimed to study 1) the history of Pali language studies, 2) the importance of studying the Pali language, and 3) the existence of Buddhism through the Pali language. The author analyzed the benefits and importance of studying the Pali language to establish religious successors and maintain the presence of Buddhism. The article discussed the history of studying the Pali Dharma texts and explored what "education" means and the Pali language. It also examined why the Thai Sangha emphasizes and values the study of Pali and why Pali is a language associated with developing successors to sustain Buddhism. Magadhi, commonly known among the Thai people as the Pali language, is the language the Buddha chose to use to propagate Buddhism. It is also the language in which the disciples inscribed and compiled the Buddhist scriptures, known as the Tripitaka. However, Pali does not have its own unique script, making it challenging to study. When it accesses any language, it only has to use the script of that language to study. Currently, the study of the Pali language in the Dharma schools, overseen by the Pali Sanam Luang Headquarters Office, involves holding the Pali Exam each year. This is one of the main objectives of the Thai Sangha in terms of scriptural study (Ganthadhura). As long as monks, novices, laymen, and laywomen continue to focus on studying the Pali texts, the religion will remain stable and can bring great happiness to many people. The study of Pali is considered a crucial foundation for the existence of Buddhism, with successors who are well-versed in reading and writing the Pali language being the main force.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE WORK OF THE THAI SANGHA 2024-09-16T15:52:52+07:00 Phrakhru Phothiworakun Supphadet Saengpithak Phrakhrudhammadhorn Phirach Siricando Phrasamu Prajurak Mahapanno <p>Public welfare is an important and essential activity in temples and general communities. Monks manage public welfare to benefit society by assisting the less fortunate and communities, promoting community development, caring for public assets, and helping the general public. Developing public welfare aligns with the principles of Buddhism, emphasizing mental development and problem-solving, promoting a good quality of life in both spiritual and material aspects, and providing knowledge and understanding of various arts and sciences. Monks play a significant role in community development and in helping to solve social problems by providing spiritual guidance, being good examples, and offering advice and guidance in both academic and social aspects. They provide advice to residents for the benefit of the community. Public welfare development has been operating under the Buddhist principles, emphasizing finding solutions and improving the quality of life, both physical and mental. The monks support the social, financial, and industrial development of public welfare. Furthermore, monks play a crucial role in developing society by giving advice and suggestions in academic and social aspects. They also consider public welfare for social development and activities that can eventually help individuals become self-reliant.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE UNDERTAKER: A SPIRITUAL GUIDE BETWEEN THE LIVING AND THE DEAD 2024-09-21T08:50:42+07:00 Sutthipong Semsungnoen <p>All humans are subject to the law of the Three Marks of Existence (Tilakkhaṇa) or the natural law governing all things. The Three Marks refer to the arising, existing, and ceasing of everything in the world, as taught in Buddhism. In simpler terms, it is understood that everyone must die, but where one goes after death is still a mystery that science has yet to fully explain or answer. However, there is one profession in Thai society that remains connected between the living and the dead. Some refer to these individuals as “graveyard masters,” while others call them “funeral ritualists,” though today, we know them as "undertakers". Their role is to handle the bodies of the deceased, and this role has deep historical roots in religion and culture, particularly tied to the inevitable end of life: death. Despite the significant decline in those pursuing this profession due to fear, beliefs, compensation, or modern trends, the role of the undertaker remains vital and irreplaceable in Thai society. Every day, people die, and the person responsible for bridging the gap between the living and the dead is the undertaker. With every step of their work, they act with pure intentions for both the living and the dead, ensuring that the final departure is as dignified as possible. No one can escape the undertaker-not even the undertaker themselves-since, upon death, it is another undertaker who will cremate or bury them. The person who remains with us until our very last moment, until we are reduced to ashes, is the undertaker. This article aims to explore the concepts, meaning, and history related to undertakers, as well as Buddhist beliefs about the afterlife. It also examines new alternative approaches to handling death.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology A STUDY OF VIKALAPHONCHANA PRINCIPLES IN THERAVADA BUDDHISM 2024-10-09T11:00:30+07:00 PhraMaha Sakkapon Sakaphalo <p>This study aimed to 1) examine the principles of the Vigalaphonchana in Theravada Buddhism, 2) analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Vigalaphonchana principles in Theravada Buddhism, and 3) propose guidelines for preventing and addressing current nutritional issues among monks. This study utilized a qualitative documentary research approach. The Vigalaphonchana is a disciplinary rule in the 4th Bhojana Section, the 7thSikkhapada of the Pajittiya Kanda. The Buddha instructed that monks cannot eat after noon but may consume beverages known as "Nam Pana" and Phesach 5 (ghee, condensed butter, oil, honey, and sugarcane juice) throughout the day. The strength of the Vigalaphonchana lies in its requirement for mindfulness while eating, according to the Bhojanemattanyuta principle. However, a significant weakness is that practitioners lack the nutrition knowledge appropriate for the modern age to consume a balanced diet that meets the body's needs. Additionally, consuming beverages after noon may result in excessive intake of nutrients and calories, contributing to a high prevalence of overweight among monks. Being overweight may also arise from other factors, such as not adhering to the Buddha's teachings on mindful eating according to the Bhojanemattanyuta principle, limited nutritional knowledge, lack of physical activity, and reliance on food offered by relatives and people. The recommended guidelines for preventing and addressing issues of overnutrition or undernutrition among monks are as follows: 1) Practice mindful eating according to the Bhojanemattanyuta principle; 2) Acquire greater knowledge of nutrition; 3) Exercise regularly; and 4) Apply the principle of Intermittent Fasting consumption in combination with the principle of Vikalaphonchana.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology TWELVE TRADITIONS OF SOFT POWER FOR NEW NORMAL ECONOMIC 2024-09-23T12:43:50+07:00 Phramahanipitpon Ciravaddhano <p>This article plays a role in strengthening communities by preserving Buddhism through ensuring the stability of family and kinship systems, as well as developing relationships both within and between communities. The “Heet Sib Song” tradition is valuable for individual development in areas such as emotional well-being, intellect, and emotional intelligence. It also fosters knowledge and skills. At the societal level, it promotes confidence and faith in local culture, strengthens budget management, and instills pride. The values supporting community development include progress in the areas of economy, environment, education, governance, communication and technology, health, and the community itself.</p> <p>The approach to passing down the “Heet Sib Song” tradition includes clearly defining the practices for each month in line with societal conditions, expanding communication channels to be more diverse and modern, and encouraging children, youth, and the community to actively participate in the preservation of the tradition. This fosters local pride and development in conservation, the transmission of historical and cultural values, which are key to building community strength while continuing to promote livelihoods for community members.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE LIFE QUALITY DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE ACCORDING TO SAPPURISADHAMMA IN KHAORUPCHANG SUB-DISTRICT, MUANGDISTRICT, SONGKHLA PROVINCE 2023-11-18T13:24:40+07:00 Praklissada Sujitto Namkaeow <p>This research aimed to study 1) The development of people's quality of life under Sappurisadhamma principles and 2) The guidelines for developing the quality of life. The population of this quantitative research consisted of 42,972 people living in 10 villages in Khao Rup Chang subdistrict, Mueang Songkhla District, Songkhla Province. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane's table, resulting in a sample of 400 people selected by proportional stratified sampling. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The quality of the research tools was measured based on the IOC, which showed an average of 1.00, with a reliability score of .9485.</p> <p><strong>The results were found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Overall, the quality of life development of the people living in the Khao Rup Chang subdistrict, based on Sappurisadhamma principles, was high. In each aspect consideration, the highest level was on Thammanyuta-planning a careful life and well-considered decision-making, followed by Atthanyuta-living by prioritizing the wellbeing of those around them. Attanyuta means accepting the mistakes in life that one has caused. Matthannuta is for engaging in an honest profession. Kalanyuta is for utilizing time efficiently. Parisanyuta is for adhering to the community's rules, customs, and traditions. Finally, Pukkalanyuta is for acknowledging and praising individuals who demonstrate righteous and virtuous behavior.</li> <li>Recommendations: It is recommended for the community members to practice self-awareness and live with reasons, understand their responsibilities, and take accountability for their actions. They should set life goals while discovering and utilizing their abilities. It is also suggested that individuals pursue activities they enjoy and are interested in, cultivate inner moral values, practice moderation, adhere to righteousness, engage in honest and ethical professions, and fulfill their duties responsibly. Time management in daily life is crucial, and they should comply with laws and societal regulations while upholding personal integrity. Lastly, they should leverage their skills to benefit themselves, others, and the community.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES THROUGH SPECIAL CLASSROOMS OF WAT AMPHARAM SCHOOL SURATTHANI PROVINCE SURATTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2 2024-09-17T10:27:01+07:00 Ratchanu Rittikul Sompong Raksatham Werayut Chatakan <p>This research aimed to evaluate objectives, learning plan, project development guidance, project Implementation, and project results and to evaluate the monitoring and impact of the project to develop the potential of students with learning disabilities through special classrooms of Wat Amparam School under Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2. The assessment was conducted using Ralph W. Tyler's assessment model. The population consisted of school administrators, teachers, and students at Wat Amparam School, totaling 37 people. The research tools were the 5-level satisfaction rating scale. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, population mean, and standard deviation. Overall, the evaluation and assessment results were at the highest level in every step. The evaluation for development guidance had the highest mean, followed by the outcome evaluation, and the learning plans evaluation had the lowest aspect.</p> <p><strong>The results showed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Objective evaluation found that the project was suitable for the population and target group with the highest average.</li> <li>The learning plan evaluation found that media/ equipment/learning resources had a consistent relationship with the learning activities of students with learning disabilities, with the highest average.</li> <li>The evaluation for project development guidance revealed that the special classrooms had ready and sufficient media/equipment to meet the student's needs, with the highest average.</li> </ol> <ol start="4"> <li>The evaluation of the project implementation found that the activities were suitable for the students with the highest average.</li> <li>The outcome evaluation of the educational project revealed that participants had fun doing the activities with the highest average. Results of monitoring and assessment of impacts found that success was assessed and improved.</li> <li>The weaknesses of the project were inspected regularly with the highest average.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology AN EVALUATION OF MOBILE LIBRARY ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE TO THE DEVELOPMENT READING AND WRITING FOR STUDENT WATAUMPARAM SCHOOL SURATTHANI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVIETY AREA OFFICE 2 2024-08-23T16:13:30+07:00 Chadaphon Ritmun Sompong Raksatham Werayut Chatakan <p>The purpose of this research was to assess the objectives, learning plan, project development guidance, project implementation, and outcomes and to evaluate the monitoring and impact of the Mobile Library Project for Acquisition of Knowledge to Reading and Writing Development in Wat Amparam School, Surat Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research employed Ralph W. Tyler's assessment model. The population consisted of school administrators, teachers, and students of Wat Amparam School, totaling 137 people. The research tools included a satisfaction evaluation form with a five-point scale. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>The results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>For objectives' evaluation, the sequence of activities in the project was consistent with the objectives and had the highest average.</li> <li>For learning plan evaluation, the learning management plan had all the essential elements and had the highest average.</li> <li>For the evaluation of project development guidance, the mobile libraries had media and equipment that was ready and sufficient for the needs, with the highest average.</li> <li>For the evaluation of project implementation, the public relations of the project and the activities used were suitable for the learners, with the highest average.</li> <li>For outcome evaluation, the learners gained knowledge and understanding, including skills based on the content and learning activities. The achievements of learners in all subject groups were in accordance with the criteria specified by the educational institution, with the highest average.</li> <li>The measurement methods and tools were consistent with the specified behaviors, with the highest average for monitoring and project impact assessment.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE LEADING TO USED MORALITY IN DAILY LIFE OF STUDENTS IN WATKUBON SCHOOL KLONG SAM WA DISTRICT, BANGKOK 2024-11-07T11:03:02+07:00 Natvipa Sokumpa Phrapaladwisudsri Nandajayo Phramahaviroj Guttaviro <p>This thesis aimed to 1) study the application of moral principles in the daily life of students in Mathayom Suksa 1-3, 2) compare the application of moral principles in the daily life of students in Mathayom Suksa 1-3 based on personal factors and 3) study the recommendations of the application of moral principles in the daily life of students in Mathayom Suksa 1-3, Watkhubon School. This research was quantitative. The sample group comprised 205 students from Watkhubon School, Khlong Sam Wa district, Bangkok. Statistics used for data analysis included Descriptive statistics, Inferential statistics, and Content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The results of the research were as follows: </strong></p> <ol> <li>Overall, the application of moral principles in the daily life of students of Watkhubon School, Klong Sam Wa District, Bangkok, was very high (<img id="output" src="\bar{X}" alt="equation" />=3.86, S.D.=0.71).</li> <li>A Comparison of the application of moral principles in students' daily lives based on personal factors indicated that different genders, ages, and academic levels did not influence the distinct application of Moral principles in students' daily lives.</li> <li>Students gave feedback on their application of moral principles in their daily lives as follows: Not Killing Animals, when they saw their friends about to kill an animal, they immediately dissuaded it. In terms of Not Stealing, they absolutely do not take other people's things as their own. For Not Committing Sexual Misconduct, they do not interfere in adultery with a person who has a boyfriend or girlfriend. On Not Lying, they do not discuss or expand on other people's bad things. Finally, Not Drinking Alcohol/Drugs, they do not get involved with any type of alcohol or drugs.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT TO ENHANCE THE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT TOWARDS IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION OF BANNAIKEAW 1 SCHOOL NAKHON SRI THAMMARAT PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 4 2024-09-10T10:47:17+07:00 Mantana Phunchan Nilrat Navakijpaitoon Boorinpat Prommas <p>This research aimed to evaluate the project's context, input, process, and output. The research population included 33 people. The research employed five-point scale questionnaires and an in-depth interview form as research instruments. Statistics used for data analysis comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation calculation, and content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The results of the research indicated that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Context-the highest average aspect was "The project meets the needs to enhance learning achievement." The lowest aspect was "Cooperation among the personnel."</li> <li>Input-the highest average aspect was "The readiness of the school administrator to support." The lowest aspect was "The readiness of media, technology equipment, and modern learning and teaching."</li> <li>Process by administrators and teachers: The highest average aspect was "All specified activities were operated under the plan." The lowest aspect was "The establishment of committees for project implementation and administration."</li> <li>Output on administrators and teachers: The highest average aspect was "The results of internal quality assessment of school were higher." The lowest aspect was "The Reading Test (RT) results." Additionally, the results of the National Test (NT) and Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) were higher.</li> <li>Contextual development guidelines revealed that the school administrator and teachers should set the objectives, realize the importance of improving learning achievement, and cooperate in activities as appropriate. For the input, personnel, media, materials, equipment, and budget should be prepared. For the administration of the process aspect, there should be preparation for organizing the project with clear steps and tools. The activities should be organized in line with the project's objectives. Finally, there should be quality tools for output, and the project should be implemented continuously, leading to reaching the student's maximum potential.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology BUDDHIST POLITICAL ATTITUDES IN LOCAL ELECTIONS OF VOTERS IN NAKHON RATCHSIMA MUNICIPALITY 2024-08-16T18:00:49+07:00 Phra Rarit Waridthiyano Phonsetthi Wutthipanyaisakun Chutipon Wongamonwit <p>The objectives of this research article were to 1) study the level of political attitudes in local elections among voters in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality, 2) compare political attitudes in local elections among voters in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality, and 3) analyze the political attitudes under Buddhist principles in local elections of voters in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality. The research employed a combined method. Quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect data. The sample group was 386 people with the right to vote in the Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality area. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using t-test and F-test values. Qualitative research used in-depth interviews with nine key informants/persons. Data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Overall, the political attitude level of voters in local elections in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality was high. The aspect with the highest average was political decision-making, followed by election operations. The aspect with the lowest average was participation in the election campaign.</li> <li>People with different genders, ages, education levels, occupations, and monthly incomes had distinct political attitudes in local elections among voters in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality, with a significant difference at the .05 level.</li> <li>Political attitudes under the Buddhist principles of voters in local elections in Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality following the principles of Sappurisadhamma 7 were as follows: being one who knows causes, effects, self-aware, limits when doing things, proper time, society, and how to choose the proper persons.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology CREATIVE LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AFFECTING THE MORALE AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF TEACHERS PERFORMANCE IN SCHOOLS UNDER OFFICE OF THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMISSION, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE 2024-10-16T09:26:58+07:00 Peeyarat Rodkaew Rattaporn Klinmalee Werayut Chatakan <p>This research aimed to study 1) the creative leadership level of school administrators, 2) the morale and encouragement in the work performance of teachers, 3) the relationship between the creative leadership of school administrators and the morale and encouragement in the work performance of teachers, and 4) development guidelines of creative leadership of school administrators under Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The sample group included 247 teachers under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, in 2023. The employed research instruments were questionnaires and interviews, with reliability coefficients of 0.93. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient.</p> <p><strong>The results showed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The creative leadership of school administrators under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, overall and each aspect was at a high level</li> <li>Overall, The morale and encouragement level in teachers' work performance under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, and each aspect was high.</li> <li>Overall, The creative leadership of school administrators and the morale and encouragement in teachers' work performance under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, had a very high relationship, with the statistical significance at 01.</li> <li>Development guidelines for creative leadership of school administrators and the morale and encouragement in teachers' work performance under Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, found that 1) the executives should have the visions, imagination, creativity, and flexibility to be able to see the same images. 2) They should apply knowledge to practice and create new work. 3) They should advise and help co-workers in practice. 4) They should provide opportunities for teachers to study in higher education and participate in training to gain more knowledge. 5) They should create a good working environment and have a good relationship between supervisor and personnel. Finally, 6) They should provide opportunities for teachers to participate in decision-making, give opinions, and believe in teachers' knowledge of operational ability.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE GUIDELINES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS HIGH – PERFORMANCE SMALL SIZE SCHOOLS IN CHA-UAT UNDER NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 2024-10-09T11:11:06+07:00 Sarawut Kaewphaluk Boonsong Thongaing Supattara Pusitrattanavalee <p>This research aimed to: 1) Study the administration conditions, 2) Compare the administration, and 3) Study the guidelines for the school administrators on administration of smalls schools with high-performance in Cha-uat District, NST Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The sample included school administrators or acting school administrators, teachers of small-size schools in Cha-uat District, NST Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, totaling 202 persons. The research tools used for data collection were a closed-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Analysis of Variance, ANOVA, F-test, and content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The findings were as follows:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Overall, the administration conditions of the school administrators in small-size schools in Cha-uat District, NST Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 were at a high level in all four aspects. When considering each aspect, arranged in descending order of average, Management had the highest average, followed by Organization, Control, and Planning, which had the lowest average.</li> <li>The opinion comparison results of the school administrators’ administration in small-size schools in Cha-uat District, NST Primary Educational Service Area Office showed that the administrators’ administration of the small-size schools (with high performance) had a higher average than that of other small-size schools (general), both overall and in each aspect, with a statistical significance of .001.</li> <li>The study results of guidelines on administration for school administrators in small-size schools with high performance in Cha-uat NST Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 found that the school administrators operated their administration based on four aspects: Planning, Management, Control, and Organization.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology A COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT BASED ON THE DESIGN THINKING PROCESS WITH THE RESULTS OF LEARNING MANAGEMENT BASED ON INTERTEXTUALITY THEORY ON THE ABILITY TO COMPOSE THAI POETRY AND THE CREATIVE THINKING OF GRADE 8 STUDENTS AT THE DEMONSTRATION SCHOOL OF NAKHON RATCHASIMA RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY (HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION) 2024-10-09T11:13:28+07:00 Jakkgrit Jarat Aphirak Anaman Suwannee Yahakorn <p>The purposes of this research were to compare 1) the ability to compose Thai poetry by grade 8 students who learned by using the design thinking process with those who learned by using the intertextuality theory and 2) the creative thinking after learning by the students who learned by using the design thinking with those who learned by using the intertextuality theory. The research sample consisted of grade 8 students at the demonstration school of Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University (High School Division). The research instruments were 1) 10 lesson plans based on the design thinking process, totaling 20 hours, 2) 10 lesson plans based on intertextuality theory, totaling 20 hours, 3) a Thai poetry composing ability and creative thinking test, 4) criteria for evaluating Thai poetry composing ability, and 5) criteria for evaluating creative thinking in Thai poetry composing ability. Statistics employed for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and T-test.</p> <p><strong>The research findings revealed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>After learning the students who learned by using the design thinking process had different scores of Thai poetry composing ability from those who learned by using the intertextuality theory at the .05 level of statistical significance;</li> <li>After learning, the students who learned using the design thinking process had different scores of creative thinking from those who learned using the intertextuality theory at the .05 level of statistical significance.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE DEVELOPMENT OF MORAL AND ETHICAL TEACHING SYSTEM BASED ON THE HISTORY OF BUDDHA CHINNARAT STUDIES FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL STUDIES, FACULTY OF EDUCATION BUDDHA CHINNARAT BUDDHIST COLLEGE PHITSANULOK PROVINCE 2024-11-29T10:54:43+07:00 Phrakrubaideeka Thanoo Thanawatthano Niamwong Sairoong Bubphaphun Niwes Wongsuwan <p>This research article aimed to 1) study the history of Buddha Chinnarat for the development of moral and ethical teaching, 2) evaluate the moral and ethical teaching and learning status according to the history of Buddha Chinnarat Studies, 3) develop a system of moral and ethical teaching according to the history of Buddha Chinnarat Studies, and 4) evaluate and certify the moral and ethical teaching system according to the history of Buddha Chinnarat Studies. The research methodology was based on an experimental research design through experimental research. The total population was 38 people. The experiment was conducted with a sample of Grades 1-4 students in the Bachelor of Education Program in Social Studies, Semester 1, and Academic Year 2023.</p> <p><strong>The research results revealed that</strong>:</p> <ol> <li>The study of the history of Buddha Chinnarat for the development of moral and ethical teaching showed that all institutions, i.e., homes, temples, and universities, need to help each other to instill and promote students using a teaching method by creating the value of "being a good person with moral," and being a good role model by practicing good things.</li> <li>Overall, the evaluation results showed that students' opinions about the five aspects were at a high level, with an average of 4.36. When considering each aspect, thriftiness had an average of 4.47, behaving oneself to be beneficial to the public was 4.41, discipline was 4.37, honesty was 4.30, and gratitude was 4.23.</li> <li>The system development results consisted of 1) System name and information supplementing for learning management, 2) Objectives of the system and how to develop the system, 3) System details, and 4) System evaluation and anticipated benefits.</li> <li>Evaluation results and certification found that the system evaluation results were different, with a statistical significance level of 0.05, reflecting that students had a higher level of opinions about moral and ethical teaching. The results of the certification of moral and ethical teaching found students had a high level of opinions.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology APPROPRIATE LEGAL MEASURES TO PATRONIZE AND PROTECT THERAVADA BUDDHISM IN THE KINGDOM OF THAILAND 2024-10-16T09:29:58+07:00 Phrakhru Anugunsutakit <p>This research aimed to 1) study appropriate legal measures to patronize and protect Theravada Buddhism in the Kingdom of Thailand, 2) compare the use of appropriate legal measures to patronize and protect Theravada Buddhism in the Kingdom of Thailand, and 3) suggest appropriate legal measures to patronize and protect Theravada Buddhism. This research was qualitative based on the document research method. Data were analyzed using descriptive principles.</p> <p><strong>The results of the research found that: </strong></p> <ol> <li>The Sangha Act of 1962 is the primary law that governs the Thai Sangha. This law plays an important role in patronizing and protecting Theravada Buddhism in determining the structure of the Sangha.</li> <li>Using legal measures to patronize and protect Theravada Buddhism in Thailand has different strengths and weaknesses. Using only one method may not be enough. Various methods must be used in conjunction, depending on the different contexts.</li> <li>The Sangha Structure Act should be improved to be transparent, participatory, and consistent with the changing social context. It may consider establishing a temple council, setting measures to check for corruption, and developing a standardized health examination system for monks.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology LEGAL PROBLEMS IN DETERMINING THE DURATION AND PROTECTION OF TEMPLE LAND LEASES. ACCORDING TO THE CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL CODE AND THE SANGHA ACT, B.E. 2505, AMENDMENT (NO. 2) B.E. 2535 2024-11-29T10:43:16+07:00 Phrakhru Pariyatkittayaphon Suthat Kittināmo Woraphot Thanomkul <p>This research aimed to 1) Study the history and concepts of legal problems in determining the duration and protection of land leases of temples under the Civil and Commercial Code and the Sangha Act B.E. 2505 (Amended No. 2) B.E. 2535 (1992), and 2) Obtain recommendations on legal problems in determining the duration and protection of land leases of temples under the Civil and Commercial Code and the Sangha Act B.E. 2505 (Amended No. 2) B.E. 2535 (1992). It was qualitative research that studied documents and analyzed data using descriptive content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that; </strong></p> <ol> <li>The Sangha Act B.E. 2505 and the Sangha Act (No. 2) B.E. 2535, Section 31, stipulate that temples are juristic persons, i.e., legal persons. Therefore, temples are positioned to be protected by all provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code as well as general laws. For the rights and duties of temples, the law elevates the status of temples to juristic persons to protect the interests of temples and religion by allowing temples to have rights and duties separated from all persons who have duties related to temples in Buddhism, as stipulated in Section 31. In summary, there are two points: 1) Temples have rights and duties in accordance with all provisions of the law within the framework of the temple's objectives. 2) Within the regulations in Section 1, temples have the same rights and duties as natural persons, except for rights and duties that, by nature, can only be obtained by natural persons.</li> <li>Section 5 of the Ministerial Regulation on the Care and Management of Religious Property of Temples B.E. 2564, regarding the leasing of Sangha land, land plots, and temple land reserved for public use, the leasing must be amended to specify a more extended period from the original if the lease is for more than 3 years, such as 10 years, which can only be done if the National Office of Buddhism approves and receives permission from the Supreme Sangha Council first.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology ELEVATING THE LEVEL OF SCIENCE ACTIVITIES FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS INVOLVES UTILIZING COACHING-MENTORING THROUGH LESSON STUDY WITHIN A PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY PROCESS IN THE SCHOOL THAT IS AFFILIATED WITH A LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION IN CHACHOENGSAO PROVINCE 2024-10-16T09:18:04+07:00 Thidarat Athipanchapong Prapaporn Chanajeenasak Suwatcharaporn Suayarom <p>The research aimed to 1) compare the ability of early childhood teachers in schools under local administrative organization in Chachoengsao Province before and after using a mentoring process through collaborative lesson development in a professional learning community and 2) study the level of satisfaction of early childhood teachers in schools under local administrative organization in Chachoengsao Province using a mentoring process through collaborative lesson development in a professional learning community. The sample group used in the research consisted of nine early childhood teachers from Phra Yasi Sunthonwohan Municipal School 2 (Noi Acharayangkul), selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments included an assessment form for evaluating the ability of early childhood teachers to organize science learning experiences and a satisfaction assessment form regarding the use of the mentoring process through collaborative lesson development in a professional learning community to enhance the organization of science activities by early childhood teachers. The statistics used in the research included mean, standard deviation, and t-test.</p> <p><strong>The research showed that: </strong></p> <ol> <li>The ability of early childhood teachers to organize science activities significantly increased after participating in the mentoring process through collaborative lesson development in a professional learning community, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.</li> <li>Early childhood teachers were highly satisfied with the use of the mentoring process through collaborative lesson development in a professional learning community to enhance the organization of science activities, with an average score of 4.40.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE USE OF BUDDHIST LEADERSHIP IN MANAGEMENT TO SOLVE THE OUTBREAK OF THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) IN LAK CHANG SUBDISTRICT MUNICIPALITY, CHANG KLANG DISTRICT, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE 2024-11-12T15:47:24+07:00 Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon <p>This research aims 1) to analyze the use of Buddhist leadership in management to solve the spread of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) and 2) to provide suggestions on guidelines for promoting the use of Buddhist leadership in management to solve the spread of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19). It is a mixed method research, both quantitative and qualitative. The population used in the research is 105 people. There are 5 key informants. The research tools are questionnaires and interviews. Statistics using descriptive statistics and content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The use of Buddhist leadership in management to solve the problem of the spread of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) was at a high level overall. Considering each aspect, it was found to be at a high level, ranked from highest to lowest as follows: leader power, leader relationships, and work structure, respectively.</li> <li>Guidelines for promoting the use of Buddhist leadership in management to solve the problem of the spread of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) 1) In terms of the power of leaders, behave in a way that has confidence in leadership. Give orders correctly 2) In terms of work structure, perform work according to the chain of command according to the structure 3) In terms of the relationship between leaders and followers, leaders have knowledge of the disease, make good decisions, give orders to suppress germs and prevent the spread of disease. Followers follow central orders along with the specified guidelines correctly and carry out disease prevention effectively.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology DEVELOPING A LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL ACCORDING TO THE BUDDHIST WAY TO PROMOTE LIFE SKILLS AND PUBLIC CONSCIOUSNESS TOGETHER WITH LEARNING MATERIALS ON THE TOPIC OF BUDDHA, DHAMMA, AND SANGHA FOR GRADE 6 STUDENTS 2024-08-03T16:58:07+07:00 Thepnaree Charoensri <p>The development of a learning management model under the Buddhist ways to promote life skills and public consciousness, with learning materials on the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, aimed to 1) study the conditions and problems of learning management, 2) develop a learning management model, 3) test the learning management model, and 4) evaluate the learning management model. The sample group consisted of 25 grade 6 students at Tesaban School 4 (Ban Lamsai), selected by cluster sampling. The research instruments were interviews, learning management models, learning materials, achievement tests, life skills and public consciousness assessments, and satisfaction surveys. Data were analyzed using Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and a T-test and presented in a descriptive format.</p> <p><strong>The research showed that: </strong></p> <ol> <li>Study Results of the conditions and problems of learning management for Social Studies Subject on the curriculum revealed that students should be taught about the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Regarding conditions and problems of teachers' learning management, they were not connected to real life and lacked public consciousness. Students learned by focusing on memorization without the public mind. Therefore, learning management must allow students to practice and have the opportunity to learn together with their friends through facing situations and creating knowledge. This will enable students to develop life skills and public consciousness.</li> <li>The results of developing a learning management model based on the Buddhist ways to promote life skills and public consciousness with learning materials on the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, had the efficiency at 84.29/81.77.</li> <li>The experiment's results, using a learning management model based on Buddhist ways to promote life skills and public consciousness with learning materials on the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, found that students had higher academic achievement after studying than before.</li> <li>Overall, the evaluation results of students' life skills, public consciousness, and satisfaction were at a good level or higher.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERNAL SUPERVISORY MODEL BASED ON GLICKMAN TONKAEWPHADUNGPITTAYALAI SCHOOL 2024-09-19T15:38:26+07:00 Sirinya Nawato Phramaha Sakun Mahavīro Chatchai Sirikulapan <p>This research aimed to 1) study the current status of internal supervision at Tonkaew Phudung Pittayalai School, 2) develop an internal supervision model, 3) test the effectiveness of the internal supervision model, and 4) evaluate the use of the internal supervision model. This was quasi-experimental research using a One Group Pre-Test and Post-Test Design. The population was 21 teachers in grades 1-3. The research instruments were the Needs Index and Expert Questionnaire, which used the Delphi technique to develop an internal supervision model at Tonkaew Phudung Pittayalai School. The experts agreed with the Medium and the IQR statistics. The quality of the instruments was checked by finding the content validity and reliability. The statistic used for data analysis was Paired - Sample T-Test.</p> <p><strong>Research results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The study of the current situation using the PNI needs index technique revealed that the first-ranked need was internal supervision, with a score of 0.95.</li> <li>The model developed using the Delphi technique had a statistical value of 0 for the overall distribution of the IQR for all items, indicating that experts had a consensus opinion and confirmed that the model was correct.</li> <li>The before and after the experiment of the model found that the difference in the mean after using the model was higher than before using the model in the overall mean ( <img id="output" src="\bar{X}" alt="equation" />=4.35), standard deviation (S.D.=0.58, t=9.21)</li> <li>The evaluation results found that the model was more effective after it was used. Teachers were very satisfied with the mean value equal to the mean (<img id="output" src="\bar{X}" alt="equation" /> =3.72), standard deviation (S.D.=0.67), and t=10.94)</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology THE APPLICATION OF BUDDHADHAMMA PRINCIPLES TO ENHANCE THE ETHICS OF LOCAL POLITICIANS IN NOEN SA-NGA DISTRICT CHAIYAPHUM PROVINCE 2024-10-11T10:10:29+07:00 ฺิPhramahathanakorn Titathammo Phrakrusutapattarabandit Apiwat Jata <p>This research aimed to 1) study the level of opinions on the ethics of local politicians, 2) study the relationship between the ethics of local politicians and the four divine states of mind of local politicians, and 3) propose the application of Buddhist principles to enhance the ethics of local politicians. The research was a mixed-methods research. The quantitative research used a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The sample group consisted of 393 eligible voters in Noen Sangha District, Chaiyaphum Province. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson's correlation coefficient. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews with nine informants divided into four groups. The data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The research results were as follows:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Overall, the level of opinions on the ethics of local politicians was high. The aspect with the highest mean was creating pride in the profession, followed by creating awareness of ethics. The aspect with the lowest mean was creating knowledge and understanding.</li> <li>Overall, the relationship between the ethics of local politicians and the four divine states of mind was highly positive (r = 0.861**).</li> <li>Buddhist principles were applied to enhance the ethics of local politicians under the principle of the Four Divine Abodes: Local politicians apply loving-kindness to help people escape from suffering. They have the compassion to help people live better lives. They always congratulate their colleagues and the people. They have empathy and cooperation, are impartial, and do not take sides.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT PROCESSES OF BAN WANG TAKHIAN COMMUNITY KABIN BURI DISTRICT PRACHINBURI PROVINCE 2024-09-10T15:52:39+07:00 Danai Thongboonma Pornpirom Yodboon Phra Phompiriya Thavaro Malairak Phrakhru Pariyatwannaporn Jatupon Phrommee <p>This research aims to study the land and water management processes, analyze these processes, and propose land and water management strategies for Wang Takhian community in Kabin Buri District, Prachin Buri Province. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The sample consists of 98 households in Wang Takhian Sub-district, 8 key informants, and 1 focus group comprising 9 participants. Research tools include questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed using basic statistics and descriptive analysis.</p> <p><strong>The findings reveal that: </strong></p> <ol> <li>The land and water management processes in the Wang Takhian community indicate that most farmers aim to preserve land for future generations and for sustaining their livelihoods. Farmers commonly use both chemical and organic fertilizers and implement soil and water conservation practices in agricultural areas.</li> <li>The analysis of land and water management shows that land is utilized for seasonal crop cultivation. However, water management faces challenges during the dry season due to the predominantly sandy loam soil, which is unable to retain sufficient water for year-round agricultural use.</li> <li>The proposed integrated land and water management strategy emphasizes knowledge sharing, public participation, and the establishment of community networks for sustainable resource management.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology ALLEGORY: FROM THE ABSTRACT TO THE CONCRETE WITH A CRITICAL APPROACH 2024-11-21T11:14:38+07:00 Phurithat Sri-aram Phrakruparadwimonpariyattiwat Phrakhru Ophassarathikhun Chetniphat Phithiyanuwat Pornpirom Yodboon <p>This research aimed to 1) create a database of allegories in the Tripitaka, 2) create a database for analyzing the allegories in the Tipiṭaka by using critical methods, and 3) develop a model for using allegories in the Tripitaka through critical methods. The study was documented research, mainly studying information about similes and metaphors in the Tripitaka and interviewing 13 key informants (monks/persons). </p> <p><strong> The results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The Vinaya Pitaka mentioned 18 examples of metaphors and similes, while the Suttanta Pitaka Mentioned 66 examples, and Abhidhamma Pitaka stated 13 examples.</li> <li>Most of the allegory analysis in the Vinaya Pitaka was in the manner of the Lord Buddha teaching dharma. With all the commandments, there were various things called Paññattihara. For analyzing the Suttantapiṭaka, most of them were considered questions, answers, and statements appropriate to the Sutrapitaka questions. Assatha consideration is the origin of the Sutta called Vijyahara. Most of the questions in the analysis of the Abhidhamma Pitaka were in the form of questions. Then explain and answer the question: which Dhamma will cause which Dhamma to arise? It is a factor passed down from generation to generation, called Parikkhaharahara.</li> <li>Patterns of using allegories in the Tipiṭaka through critical methods used logical words, with having knowledge of the following topics: language, words, and their meanings. It had the understanding of the principles and their meaning, which corresponds to the four Patisambhid: Dhamma Patisambhidā (understanding of principles), Attha Patisambhidā (understanding of the meaning of the Dhamma principles), Nirutti Patisamphida (understanding of language), combined with the three mentioned points of Patibhānapatisambhidā and Patisambhidā, mixed with knowledge of the social context to raise concrete vocabulary to be understood reasonably.</li> </ol> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology