Journal of Buddhistic Sociology <p style="text-align: justify;"> วารสารพุทธสังคมวิทยาปริทรรศน์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตศรีธรรมาโศกราช เลขมาตรฐานสากล ISSN : 2697-5130 (Print) และ ISSN : 2697-5254 (Online) เป็นสื่อกลางส่งเสริมการเผยแพร่องค์ความรู้ในด้านพระพุทธศาสนา สังคมศาสตร์ มนุษยศาสตร์ และการประยุกต์ใช้องค์ความรู้จากการบูรณาการศาสตร์ต่าง ๆ เข้ากับพระพุทธศาสนา เปิดรับผลงานทั้งทางด้านการวิจัย และผลงานทางวิชาการ บทความวิจัย หรือบทความวิชาการ ในมิติด้าน พุทธศาสนา การพัฒนาสังคม สังคมวิทยา ศิลปศาสตร์ รัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ และสหวิทยาการ ทุกบทความที่ตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ได้ผ่านการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ 3 ท่าน ในลักษณะปกปิดรายชื่อ (Double blind peer-reviewed) เปิดรับบทความทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ โดยรับพิจารณาตีพิมพ์ต้นฉบับของบุคคลทั้งภายในและภายนอกมหาวิทยาลัย ตั้งแต่ปี พ.ศ. 2564 เป็นต้นไป กำหนดพิมพ์ปีละ 4 ฉบับ คือ ฉบับที่ 1 เดือนมกราคม-มีนาคม / ฉบับที่ 2 เดือนเมษายน-มิถุนายน / ฉบับที่ 3 เดือนกรกฎาคม-กันยายน / และฉบับที่ 4 เดือนตุลาคม-ธันวาคม (ราย 3 เดือน) โดยผลงานที่ส่งมาจะต้องไม่เคยเสนอหรือกำลังเสนอตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการใดมาก่อน บทความอาจถูก ดัดแปลง แก้ไขเนื้อหา รูปแบบ และสำนวน ตามที่กองบรรณาธิการเห็นสมควร ทั้งนี้เพื่อให้วารสารมีคุณภาพใน ระดับมาตรฐานสากล และนำไปอ้างอิงได้ หากผู้นิพนธ์มีข้อสงสัยในการจัดเตรียมต้นฉบับสามารถตรวจสอบ ระเบียบการตีพิมพ์ล่าสุดของวารสาร หรือสอบถามได้ทาง E-mail: <a href=""></a></p> en-US (ผศ.ดร.ทิพมาศ เศวตวรโชติ) (ผศ.ดร.ทิพมาศ เศวตวรโชติ) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 16:59:47 +0700 OJS 60 COMPETENCIES OF THE NEW GENERATION OF EXECUTIVES ACCORDING TO BUDDHA BHAVANA <p> It is an era in which information technology systems drive everything and constantly change information, causing social conditions to change rapidly, including organizational management. Therefore, the organization that will be successful in this era must have executives with suitable competencies to develop the organization to keep pace with changes. For these reasons, the adaptation of the principles of competency for modern executives in the form of physical, mental, and knowledge is one of the tools to help develop the performance of executives to keep up with changes. Physical means the development of behavioral competencies that can be seen physically, such as being aware of the environment that affects the physical and creatively using the body in relation to the physical environment and benefit both oneself and the organization. Mental means developing mental competence to have good mental health, being ready to work and increasing the potential for effective management, responding creatively to situations that arise, and leading to systematic problem-solving. Knowing means developing knowledge competencies to be a knowledgeable person with an understanding of the various problems that arise, as a matter of fact, including applying the knowledge gained to various situations systematically and creatively.</p> Ravipat Pitpibulpong Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BUDDHISM AND MODERN SCIENCE <p> The academic article on Buddhism and Modern Science has the following objectives: 1) to study Buddhism and modern science, 2) to analyze Buddhism and modern science, and 3) to synthesize Buddhism and modern science. The results of the study found that the Knowledge system is a science that seeks knowledge and understanding that will help point the way in human life to know how to reach a good life and satisfy curiosity. Buddhism teaches humans to understand the actions of each human being and that it is a factor that causes humans to experience suffering or happiness differently. On the other hand, the science section focuses on developing skills to become proficient and proficient in seeking addictive things to satisfy curiosity. Science is only interested in searching and revealing the truth but not in seeking goodness. Buddhism for society has a goal of organizing the relationships of people in society through the refinement of those who follow the teachings. This is the way to bring religion to test, practice, and understand the doctrine through experience deep insight into the foundations of religious teachings to the point of solving new problems at the basic level of those problems, leading to action in terms of proposing principles to solve a severe problem or social movement to propose principles for solving that problem.</p> Phra Paladparadon Apiwattano (Keawsen), Supreecha Chamnanphuttipon , Suphap Temrat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF 5Es INQUIRY-BASED INSTRUCTION AND INDUCTIVE INSTRUCTION ON LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AND RETENTION IN LEARNING THAI GRAMMAR OF GRADE 6 STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS UNDER NONTHABURI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 1 <p> This research aimed to 1) compare Thai Grammar learning achievement of Grade 6 students between the groups that learned from the 5E inquiry-based and inductive learning methods and 2) compare Thai Grammar learning retention of Grade 6 students between the groups that learned from the 5E inquiry-based and inductive learning methods. The research sample group consisted of Grade 6 students in two classrooms, containing 39 students for each, Anuban Nonthaburi School, obtained by multi-stage sampling. The employed research tools were 1) learning management plans for the 5E inquiry-based learning, 2) learning management plans for the inductive method, and 3) a Thai Grammar learning achievement test. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and reliability.</p> <p><strong> The research findings revealed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The post-learning Thai Grammar learning achievement of the students who learned from the inductive method was significantly higher than the counterpart post-learning achievement of the students who learned from the 5E inquiry-based learning at the .05 level of statistical significance.</li> <li>The post-learning Thai Grammar learning retention of the students who learned from the inductive method was significantly higher than the counterpart post-learning retention of the students who learned from the 5E inquiry-based instruction at the .05 level of statistical significance.</li> </ol> Chanpen Preewilai, Suwannee Yahakorn , Apirak Anaman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECTS OF CREATIVITY-BASED LEARNING MANAGEMENT ON CREATIVE WRITING ABILITY AND ATTITUDE TOWARD THAI LANGUAGE OF GRADE 6 STUDENTS IN SCHOOLS UNDER NAKHON RATCHASIMA PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 <p> The objectives of this research were to 1) compare creative writing abilities before and after learning under creative-based learning management of Grade 6 students in schools under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, and 2) study the attitudes toward Thai language learning of the Grade 6 students after learning under creative-based learning management. The research sample consisted of 13 Grade 6 students from one Ban Yang Kratung School classroom in Nakhon Ratchasima province, obtained by multi-stage sampling. The employed research tools were 1) learning management plans for creative-based learning management, 2) a learning achievement test on creative writing ability, and 3) an evaluation form to assess attitudes toward Thai language learning. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent for testing the hypothesis.</p> <p> <strong>The research results showed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The post-learning creative writing ability of Grade 6 students who learned under creative-based learning management was significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart ability at the .01 level of statistical significance.</li> <li>The post-learning attitudes toward Thai language learning of Grade 6 students, who learned under creative-based learning management, was at the high level.</li> </ol> Wannipha Subrkathok, Suwannee Yahakorn , Apirak Anaman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION MODEL FOR ORGANIZATION LEARNING EXPERIENCES TO ENHANCE THE CREATIVE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD AT SOP MAE KHA CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER <p> This research aimed to 1) study the academic administration needs of the Sop Mae Kha Child Development Center, 2) create an academic administration model of the Sop Mae Kha Child Development Center, 3) test the academic administration model of Sop Mae Kha Child Development Center, and 4) evaluate the efficiency of the academic administration model to develop the creativity of early childhood children in Sop Mae Kha Child Development Center. The experimental group used in this study comprised five teachers and child caretakers of Sop Mae Kha Child Development Center and 20 students in Kindergarten 1. Statistics used for data analysis included the Delphi Technique and ANCOVA hypothesis testing statistics with statistical significance at .05.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The maximum analytical value was Development of Learning Experiences (PNI)=(I-D)/D, Actual Condition I=33, Desired Condition D=99 (I-D)/D=0.667. These values showed that teachers and personnel desired to develop academic work.</li> <li>An academic administration model consisted of 1) Project Approach teaching and teaching using techniques of Design Thinking, 2) confirming the format with Delphi Technique, IQR value=0, the experts confirmed that the model was correct and could be used in experiments.</li> <li>The model was tested with an experimental group of 20 people and a control group of 18. Overall experimental results were: (<img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" />)=3.37, overall Mean square value <img style="font-size: 0.875rem;" title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" />=11.12, and p-value=.01.** These values showed that the format was effective in developing students' creativity with a statistical significance of .01.**</li> <li>Evaluation results showed that the experimental and control groups had different improvements with a statistical significance of.01.** Teacher satisfaction was at the highest level, mean <img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" />=.4.70, and standard deviation S.D.=1.290.</li> </ol> Plernpit Tiangmarn, Phramaha Sakun Mahavīro ; Chatchai Sirikulpan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEOPLE’S PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL WISDOM: A CASE STUDY OF SONG BOK, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE <p> An athematic paper study aimed to 1) study the people's participation in the development of local wisdom, a case study of a Phleng Bok in Nakhon Si Thammarat (NST) Province, and 2) study the development guidelines for people's participation in the development of local wisdom: a case study of Phleng Bok in NST Province. This qualitative research collected the data using in-depth interviews with the 12 key informants selected by purposive sampling. The research tool used in this study was an in-depth interview, and data was analyzed through content analysis.</p> <p><strong> Research findings showed that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>For people's participation in the development of local wisdom, it revealed that people lacked participation in the local wisdom's restoration and preservation. Global change is one of the critical factors that overshadow Thai wisdom in different fields to become the wisdom that needs the inheritors to transfer knowledge from generation to generation. It also lacked attention from the department and individual levels, causing a lack of continuity in preserving NST Pleng Bok's wisdom. The participation study must include consultation, giving knowledge, budget support, and public relations.</li> <li>The development guidelines for people's participation in developing local wisdom included consultation, providing knowledge, supporting budgets from public and private sectors, and dispersing public relations. Local wisdom is considered a precious cultural heritage, so people's participation is essentially required, together with receiving support from all parties, to maintain and preserve the local arts of people in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.</li> </ol> Somkid Chuapchoob, Phrametheevachirapirat, Detchart Treetrab Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EMPOWERING TO CREATE AND ADDED VALUE FOR HEALTHY AND HISTORICAL TOURISM IN A SUSTAINABLE BALANCE AT NOPPITAM DISTRICT, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE <p> This research aims to 1) increase the potential from the development of health and historical tourism in a balanced and sustainable way, 2) increase the tourism route value from the development of health and historical tourism, 3) build the value from the development of participatory local science lessons based on health and historical tourism, and 4) expand the market of health and history tourism. The research area was is in Nopphitam district, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This research is mixed method research. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. </p> <p><strong> The findings revealed that: </strong></p> <ol> <li>Potential for health and historical tourism overall is at a high level.</li> <li>The development of health and historical tourism routes by communities of two programs located in the area of Ban Rong Lhek.</li> <li>The development of participatory local science lesson packages. The results from the experiment found that after teaching the lesson package, understanding was analyzed by asking students to answer questions from activities at the end of the lesson package. It was found that the students answered the questions correctly and understood the content more.</li> <li>Expansion of the community-based medical and historical tourism market by communicating through Facebook fan page "Arrived at Nopphitam" found that information learned during the tour was the highest level of reflection on the history and community way of life today and expectations.</li> </ol> Patcharee Sumethokul, Umaporn Kanjanaklod, Methawat Phutornpukdee, Mayoon Lamsub, Supavadee Promma , Prakob Jaiman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PROMOTING LEADERSHIP ACCORDING TO THE BUDDHIST MORALITY FOR LOCAL POLITICIANS IN KONG DISTRICT NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE <p> The purposes of this research article are to 1) study the level of leadership for local politicians 2) study the relationship between the leadership of local politicians and the principles of Sangha Vatthu 4 3) present guidelines for promoting leadership according to Buddhist principles. The research uses a mixed methods research method. Quantitative research Data were collected using a questionnaire. The sample group is people who have the right to vote. Lives in Khong District Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 398 people. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Qualitative research Use in-depth interviews with 9 key informants/people. Data were collected using an interview form. Data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis. Quantitative research comes before qualitative research.</p> <p><strong> The research results found that;</strong></p> <ol> <li>Level of opinions on leadership for local politicians in Kong District Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Overall it is at a high level. The aspect with the highest average was the personality aspect, followed by the responsibility aspect. The aspect with the least average value was decision making.</li> <li>The relationship between the leadership of local politicians and the 4 principles of Sanghawatthu for local politicians in Kong District Nakhon Ratchasima Province as a whole has a high level of interconnectedness. (r=0.851**)</li> <li>Guidelines for promoting leadership according to Buddhist principles for local politicians in Kong District Nakhon Ratchasima Province According to the principles of Sangha Vatthu 4, local politicians donate things or give alms for the benefit of the people. Use your words politely and appropriately with sweet words with sincerity reasonableness and helping each other. Selfless sacrifice treating suffering and nourishing happiness work to protect the interests of the people. With sincerity and consciousness to find a solution. Dealing with various problems regularly in working to serve the public.</li> </ol> ฺิBenyapa Atcharoek, Phrachitsanuphong Wachirayano, Natthakarn hongkulaset Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BUDDHIST INTEGRATION TO ENHANCE PARTICIPATORY POLITICAL CULTURE OF YOUTH IN NONSUNG DISTRICT NAKHON RATCHASIMA PROVINCE <p>The purposes of this research article are to 1) study the level of opinions on participatory political culture among youth. 2) compare opinions on participatory political culture among youth. Classified according to personal factors 3) Present integrated Buddhism to strengthen youth's participatory political culture. The sample group used in the research included youth studying at Than Prasat Phet Witthaya School. and Makha Witthaya School, 173 people, stratified sampling was done. Integrated research methods Data were collected by questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. Data were collected through interviews with key informants. Select a purposive sample of 9 people to analyze the data qualitatively. using descriptive analysis.</p> <p> <strong> The research results found that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Level of opinion on youth participatory political culture Overall it was at a high level (<img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" /> =4.17). When considering each aspect, it was found that Aspects of knowledge or perception tendencies. It has the highest mean (4.20), followed by the emotional bias (<img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" /> =4.17) and the evaluation bias. has the lowest average (<img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" /> =4.13)</li> <li>Comparison of opinions on youth participatory political culture aged youth Different educational levels have different opinions on participatory political culture at the .05 level. Youth of different genders have no different opinions on participatory political culture.</li> <li>Buddhist integration to strengthen participatory political culture among youth in Non Sung District Nakhon Ratchasima Province According to the principles of Saraniyadhamma 6, namely physical action, doing good to one another, being kind and helping one another, verbal action, speaking kindly to one another to create unity, mental action, thinking well and sacrificing public health, allocating benefits to the public, supporting local development, Silasamanyata, not harming others. The view of common sense Listening to other people's opinions leads to eliminating problems. for unity in society<strong>.</strong></li> </ol> PhraAdhikarn Prathompong Thanavaro, Phrakhrupariyatwisuttibandit, Paiwan Purimart Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Buddhistic Sociology Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700