The Replicated Buddha’s Relics of the Thai Zodiac Years in Central Thailand towards Religious Tourism

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จริยา สุพรรณ


This research aims to analyze people’s beliefs and rituals related to the worship of the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years in the central region of Thailand, while assessing the potential and limitation of the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years in central Thailand towards religious tourism. The researcher has managed to rely mainly on the collection of documented information and field data via in-depth interview and observation. During 2017-2018, the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years were found in six major provinces in the central region of the country. The six provinces included PhraNakhon Si Ayutthaya, Chachoengsao, NakhonNayok, SuphanBuri, NakhonSawan, and Kanchanaburi. 

          According to studies conducted by the researcher, there were six main reasons why people believed in the worship of the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years in Thailand’s central region. The six reasons were (1) To pay homage to the Lord Buddha, (2) To make merits and wish everything would go auspicious and happy for a lifetime, (3) To be a great virtue leading to good fortune and prosperous career paths, (4) To admire the homelands of local Thai people who had faith in the replicated Buddha’s relics, and (5) To honor the King of Thailand.

          Meanwhile, there were two types of traditional rituals related to the worship of the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years in the central region of Thailand, including (1) Rituals similar to the worship of the Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years practiced collectively and individually by people in different local communities, in which the worship would require the offerings of flowers, incense sticks, and candles, practice of candlelight procession, cloth draping for the replicated Buddha’s relics, and bathing for the replicated Buddha’s relics and (2) Newly introduced rituals found to be pursued only by individuals, where the offerings of a bell and ‘Pan BuchaMahalarp’, a pedestal tray adorned with oblations of various kinds, were major objects required for the worship. The researcher could specify four major aspects related to the potential and limitation of the replicated Buddha’s relics of the Thai zodiac years in central Thailand towards religious tourism, which included (1) Tourism – varying in three levels (high, medium, and low), (2) Facilities – only a few places were arranged with maps, directional and informatory signs, and souvenir shops, (3) Methods of transportation – private cars and public transportation services were the most convenient and preferred choices for traveling to the places, and (4) Accommodations – many of them were relatively far from the locations of the places. 


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