Operational Development of Large-Scale Agricultural Extension System to Implementation

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กานต์ เสกขุนทด


The purposes of this study were 1) To study factors affecting the operation of agricultural extension systems.  2) To study the problems regarding the operation of the agricultural extension system. And To develop a model for implementing agricultural extension system policy into practice. The samples were 296 people. And the sample interviews were 40 people. The tools of research were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation.

The findings revealed that:

  1. Opinions about the factors affecting the operation of large-scale agricultural extension systemoverview of all were moderate. The highest average was the cost reduction, product quality improvement and marketing.

  2. Opinions about the problems of the implementation of agricultural extension system overview of all were moderate. The highest average was the Farmer development. And the operations and public relations was the lowest average.

  3. Guidelines for the development of large-scale agricultural extension system implementation. The government should promote by transferring knowledge, produce farmer information and public relations for participation in the project. Farmers should be developed regarding production cost reduction, increasing production efficiency and managing agricultural plots, promote the sharing of production factors, develop marketing channels and should publicize to farmers to participate in production development, marketing. Regarding monitoring and evaluation should be meeting held to review the goals and project implementation guidelines.

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