Natural Disaster and National Security: Problem and Impact from Law Enforcement


  • Ratchawit Wangsri


Natural Disaster, National Security, Legal Measures, Law Enforcement


Natural disaster is one of major threats to the national security as it affects to the public security and normal living of the citizens, which citizens are considered as the part of the nation. The natural disaster has always been considered as the top rank risks affecting the global. Although we cannot prevent the occurrence of disasters; however, we are able to alleviate damages or protect properties and life of citizens. Law is one of the important tools in this mission. This report analyzed the legal measures that are used as tools for coping with disaster problems and analyzed the problems and impact from the law enforcement. In addition, the guidelines for legal solutions for Thailand were proposed in order to respond to the disaster situations promptly and appropriately. This is for the ultimate goal of protecting the lives and property of the citizen which means that the national security is strongly protected.


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How to Cite

Wangsri, R. (2021). Natural Disaster and National Security: Problem and Impact from Law Enforcement. Nitiparitat Journal, 1(2), 27–49. Retrieved from



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