Special labor contracts: A case study from a football player contract


  • Chanthaphanee Sinorak


soccer player, labor contract, informal workers


At present, Thai professional football players are still experiencing difficult living conditions as they are not protected by the current labor law. Given that they are not subject to commands of their employers, the Court of Justice also consistently ruled that a professional football player contract is not a labor contract. Such a precedent, in effect, converts these players into informal workers. This article proposes an appropriate way to interpret the status of a professional football player contract.

At present, Thai professional football players are still experiencing difficult living conditions as they are not protected by the current labor law. Given that they are not subject to commands of their employers, the Court of Justice also consistently ruled that a professional football player contract is not a labor contract. Such a precedent, in effect, converts these players into informal workers. This article proposes an appropriate way to interpret the status of a professional football player contract.


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How to Cite

Sinorak, C. (2022). Special labor contracts: A case study from a football player contract. Nitiparitat Journal, 2(1), 46–69. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NitiPariJ/article/view/253146



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