Use of travel control laws for the security of Thailand In an emergency situation and the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Kanthawit Thanpjai -
  • Juladej Chaengjiraphat
  • ThanaKar Patipakol
  • Arunrung Khamnat


Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations, Fundamental Right, COVID -19


This article aims to analyze the problems of law application issued by government on emergency situation by declaring State of Emergency and COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand about the restriction of the freedom of transportation. This article shall present the appropriate and legitimate option in order to protect and remedy the pandemic in these following issues. The focuses are as follows:

  1. the related and enforced laws : sources of the law, concepts of the declaration on the application of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548
  2. the effect on rights according to the constitution including the agreement in the conventions related to the human freedom
  3. the analyzation of effects resulting from the restriction of the freedom of movement: advantages and disadvantages
  4. the guidelines to improve and modify the regulation for controlling COVID - 19 pandemic in order to build the confidence to people regarding the law application in the State of Emergency, and the exercise of power to equitably legislate the laws with the least effect on the people’s rights


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How to Cite

Thanpjai, K. ., Chaengjiraphat, J., Patipakol, T., & Khamnat, A. (2022). Use of travel control laws for the security of Thailand In an emergency situation and the COVID-19 pandemic. Nitiparitat Journal, 2(3), 1–18. Retrieved from



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