The Interpretations of the Courts of India and Thailand for the Use of Snake as a Murder Weapon


  • Pooja Tripathi


weapon, venomous snake, murder


At present the crime in particular murder is in various patterns with a higher level of chicanery for camouflage purpose. The interesting case study of using venomous snake for murder took place in the Republic of India. The deaths caused of wildlife is a type of accident taken place largely due to the wildlife’s instinct to safeguard their lives. Generally, the cause of such deaths is considered natural because of differences in terms of topography, climate and lifestyle of people in each and every state. If any victims die due to snakebite, it is highly possible to be considered as a natural death. For this reason, the murderer with a planning, will likely apply this strategy so that the victim’s relatives and officials, without hesitation and suspicion, consider and announce as the natural death. The horrific cases, which used the venomous snake as a weapon, were eventually arisen in the Republic of India. The court of India views such incident as chicanery and cruelty planned murder. Although such kind of instance has not yet occurred in Thailand, it is remarkable to learn about the interpretation by the court of Thailand for the similar nature of offence, if it is taken place in any future course.      



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How to Cite

Tripathi, P. (2023). The Interpretations of the Courts of India and Thailand for the Use of Snake as a Murder Weapon. Nitiparitat Journal, 3(3), 48–59. Retrieved from



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