Regulatory Implementation in Aceh Special Autonomy Era by Local Government


  • Rico Novianto Prince of Songkla University


Aceh, Special Autonomy, Local Government


Special autonomy is one of the conflict solutions for Aceh and gives authority to the local government to create their governance in social, economic, and political aspects. This research will focus on regulatory implementation and local government policy to rebuild Aceh based on MoU Helsinki. The Qualitative methodology is a method of analyzing this study using a literature review and local government legal product to assess the implementation of Aceh Special Autonomy. Law of Governing Aceh No. 11 of 2006 (LoGA) is the manifestation of the Special Autonomy in Aceh. Aceh Local Government already issued hundreds of Qanun or Sharia Law regulations and other legal documents. However, Aceh Local Government still has not implemented some of the articles MoU Helsinki and Special Autonomy articles such as land rights for ex-combatants and political stance authorities.


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How to Cite

Novianto, R. (2024). Regulatory Implementation in Aceh Special Autonomy Era by Local Government. Nitiparitat Journal, 4(2), 44–55. Retrieved from



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