Academic MCU Buriram Journal <p><strong>ISSN 2651-1150 (Print)<br /></strong><strong>ISSN 2985-010X (Online)<br /><br /></strong><strong>วารสารวิชาการ มจร บุรีรัมย์</strong> มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อส่งเสริมการศึกษาค้นคว้าและเผยแพร่ผลงานวิชาการและงานวิจัยของคณาจารย์ นิสิตและบุคลากรทั่วไปในสาขาวิชา ดังต่อไปนี้<br /> 1. สาขาวิชาด้านครุศาสตร์ ศึกษาศาสตร์ และจิตวิทยา<br /> 2. สาขาวิชาด้าน รัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสตร์<br /> 3. สาขาวิชาด้านพระพุทธศาสนา ปรัชญา และสหวิทยาการด้านมนุษย์ศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์</p> <p><strong>การพิจารณาคัดเลือกบทความ<br /></strong> บทความแต่ละบทความที่ตีพิมพ์จะได้รับพิจารณาจากคณะกรรมการกลั่นกรองบทความวารสาร (Peer Review) อย่างน้อย 2 ท่าน ที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้อง และได้รับความเห็นชอบจากกองบรรณาธิการก่อนตีพิมพ์ โดยการพิจารณาบทความจะมีรูปแบบที่ผู้พิจารณาบทความไม่ทราบชื่อหรือข้อมูลของผู้เขียนบทความ และผู้เขียนบทความไม่ทราบชื่อผู้พิจารณาบทความ (Doubleblind Peer Review)</p> <p><strong>กำหนดการเผยแพร่ ปีละ </strong><strong>3 ฉบับ<br /></strong><strong> </strong>ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม - เมษายน<br /> ฉบับที่ 2 พฤษภาคม - สิงหาคม<br /> ฉบับที่ 3 กันยายน - ธันวาคม </p> <p><strong>ค่าธรรมเนียมเผยแพร่บทความ วารสารวิชาการ มจร บุรีรัมย์</strong><br />บทความวิชาการ/บทความวิจัย/ปกิณกะ วิจารณ์หนังสือ บทความละ 4,000 บาท โดยชำระค่าธรรมเนียมหลังจากบทความผ่านการพิจารณาเบื้องต้นจากกองบรรณาธิการวารสารก่อนส่งผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิประเมินบทความ<br /><br />ทั้งนี้ วารสารวิชาการ มจร บุรีรัมย์ ขอสงวนสิทธิ์ว่า การโอนค่าธรรมเนียมตีพิมพ์บทความและค่าสมัครสมาชิกมาแล้ว ไม่สามารถขอรับเงินคืนได้ไม่ว่ากรณีใดๆ</p> <p> </p> สำนักวิชาการ วิทยาลัยสงฆ์บุรีรัมย์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย en-US Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2651-1150 <p>ทัศนะและความคิดเห็นที่ปรากฏในบทความวารสารฉบับนี้ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความนั้น ไม่ถือเป็นทัศนะและความรับผิดชอบของบรรณาธิการ</p> Dhamma for people who hate temples <p> Buddhadasa Bhikkhu initiated many practices for monks and those who come to study Dhamma at Suan Mokkh that are different from other meditation centers or Buddhist sites. This was to create simplicity and not be a burden to oneself and others. He emphasized only the core of life and conduct towards freedom from suffering. He believed that those who do not wash dishes are not welcome. The concept is simple, easy to understand, and not complicated. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu initiated other activities that are unique to Suan Mokkh and are also easy to remember and apply, such as eating from a cat's plate, bathing in a ditch, living as a slave, living as if dead, etc. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu is considered one of the most talented monks in the Thai Theravada Sangha. He has written many works in both prose and poetry. Some of his Dhamma works were written in poetry, which is beautiful and attracts people to access the Dhamma content more easily. Buddhadasa Bhikkhu is considered to have written many books, the most important of which are Buddhism in the footsteps of the Arahants and the Human Manual. And there are countless other works which are all very useful for the next generations to study Buddhism. In addition, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu was the first Thai monk who pioneered the use of modern audiovisual equipment to spread Dhamma. From his works, he was well-known to both Thais and foreigners. He received honorary degrees from many educational institutions that valued his ideas and teachings in various fields, according to his works and academic work. The announcement of his knowledge, morality, knowledge, abilities and contributions to the Buddhist community, Thai society and academic circles abroad, which applied his ideas, principles and ideology to modern science and daily life. The book Dhamma for People Who Hate Temples, 2nd edition, Nonthaburi: Green Panyana Publishing Co., Ltd., 2014, 248 pages. This book is presented by the author in 8 chapters.</p> Phrakru Thawornphisut (Rerngsak Thawaro, Suthiphan) Phrakhruwijitajarn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 474 486 Know Zen Through Science <p>The book "Know Zen through Science" is authored by Dr. WorapatPhucharoen, aims to elucidate the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, particularly theZen sect, by juxtaposing them with scientific principles. The author traverses from classical scientific understanding, such as Newton's foundational Science, to the contemporary insights of Quantum Physics.<br />Dr. Worapat draws extensively from Zen wisdom, integrating it with <br />modern scientific knowledge. He elucidates Dhamma practices through a <br />contemporary lens, making them accessible to readers. Additionally, the book <br />advocates for a simplistic lifestyle and practical applications of Zen principles in daily <br />life, fostering a path towards cultivating an empty mind, or Nibbana.</p> Phrakru Pariyatkittichot (Yosaviphon Pemsilo) Sitthichok Panasree Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 487 495 Happiness in the Hand <p> In the work book “Happiness in the <strong>Palm of Your</strong> Hand”, the author is committed to understanding the essence of Buddhism. Adjust past misunderstandings to be correct with right view by not being afraid of suffering; don't be afraid of problems; every time suffering arises or there is a problem. Consider it a day to prove the results of Dhamma practice. Please look at things, consider things that come into our lives as tools for teaching Dhamma. Look at everything as a teacher. View everything as a tool to teach Dhamma. He or she will have a life without loss. Gain profit from every matter and every experience with working happily. And success is having a loving heart, diligently practicing the Dhamma, remembering the mind, analyzing and researching. All of this will help improve the efficiency of our work so that we are both happy and successful. Work is effective and people are happy. And always be aware that live for yourself Just to die; Live for the common people live forever; If we have left benefits on the land, we don't regret staying and dying feels worth it. When this happens, it is called true happiness. Because it gives happiness to both oneself and others. The book “Happiness in in the <strong>Palm of Your </strong>Hand”that guides us on how to create happiness with our own hands. It can do it now; make the present moment happy. It depends on knowing how to look what the path to creating happiness is. Happiness is not far away; not anywhere; but it's in the heart and in our hands. </p> Phrakruvinayathorn Chavalit Uttamo (Suwanchan) Phrakru Kositwattananukul Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 496 507 Practice Meditation for 7 Days and You Will Definetely Get Results <p> This review is a review of the book. “Practice meditation for 7 days and you will definitely get results”. It is a book that collects the sermons of Luang Por Charan Thitadhammo, compiled by the Dhamma Sabha. It has been collected in the book series "Meditation" which has a total of 12 volumes. It is a book that is very worth reading for those interested in meditation. Because in addition to receiving academic knowledge I have also seen the concrete form which is also a benefit of practicing meditation Luang Phor Charan has preached sermons on different occasions, most of which were sermons to the people who came to practice dharma at the Amphawan Temple Dhamma practice center. Singburi Province. The content of the book is mostly a combination of concrete examples of Dhamma practice and the benefits of Dhamma practice that can be seen today and the guidelines for Dhamma practice that Luang Phor Charan taught through his own direct experiences. Therefore, those interested in practicing Dhamma can use it as a guideline for practicing meditation as well. And I truly believe that you will definitely be able to see the results of meditation. As the title of the book is “Practice meditation for 7 days and you will definitely get results”</p> Phramaha Seksak Jantawangso (Thongon) Sitthichok Panasree Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 508 517 Using Active Learning to Enhance Student’s Documentary Writing Skill Based on Local Information for 12 Grade Students <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to use an active learning approach to enhance the student’s learning process for documentary writing skill based on their local information for 12 Grade Students in which it should meet a 75/75 standard criteria; and 2) to compare the student’s writing skill before and after allowing them to learn via the active learning approach. The sample group comprised 30 students from a class of 12/7 Grade Students in Prasatwittayakarn School, Surin Province, who were studying in Semester 2/2022. These students were selected by simple random sampling using a lottery method in which the classroom was a sampling unit. The research tools were: 1) A set of 10 lesson plans on enhancing the student’s documentary writing skill using an active learning approach; and 2) An essay test on the student’s documentary writing skill using local information. After that, the collected data was finally analyzed to define the mean score and the Standard Deviation (S.D.); the dependent samples t-test was performed as well.<br /><strong> The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The effectiveness of the lesson plans on enhancing the student’s documentary writing skill from the local information of 12 Grade Students significantly reached the E1/E2 criteria of 83.23/83.27 which was higher than the expected 75/75 criteria.<br /></span> 2. The student’s post-test score on documentary writing skill was higher with than their pre-test score with a statistical significance of .05. </p> Pairote Kanin Sopee Untaya Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 1 14 The Guidelines to Develop the Digital Leadership of Administrators Under the Office of Surin Primary Educational Service Area 3 <p> The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the digital leadership levels of administrators under the Office of Surin primary educational service area 3, 2) study the best practice of administrators under the Office of Surin primary educational service area 3 and 3) study the guidelines to develop the digital leadership of administrators under the office of Surin primary educational service area 3. This research employed a mixed-method approach. The sample consisted of 148 school administrators. Phase 2: The sample were selected through purposive sampling, focusing on experts and distinguished individuals. In the in-depth interview process, one expert was chosen to discuss best practices in digital leadership among school administrators. In the focus group discussion, purposive sampling was used to select 11 experts to develop guidelines for enhancing the digital leadership of administrators. And using 5 experts to evaluate the guidelines for developing the digital leadership of administrators. The statistically analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and the content analysis.<br /><strong> The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Overall, the digital leadership levels of administrators under the office of surin primary educational service area 3 were at a high level.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The result from the best practice of digital leadership of administrators under the Office of surin primary educational service area 3 by the expert outlook quantity of 72 methods.<br /></span> 3. The result from the guidelines to develop the digital leadership of administrators under the office of surin primary educational service area 3 quantity of 20 guidelines, the overall appropriateness and possibility was at the highest level.</p> Jeerasak Jaidee Thanyatep Sitthisua Suphatanakris Yordsala Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 15 26 An Integration of Dhamma Principle for Promotion of Good Local Government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the general condition of good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 2) to analyze the concept and theory of good local government 3) Analyze the principles of Dhamma to promote good local government and 4) to integrate the principles of Dhamma to promote good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This is a qualitative research. The research tools are structured interviews, open ended, from 25 key informants and group discussions from 10 experts and qualified persons.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The general condition of local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province has a mission to develop and promote local government at the provincial and district levels to be a competent organization. Create a local development plan that is consistent with the national and provincial strategic plans and respond to the needs of the public to participate from the network in accordance with moral principles.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The concept and theory of good local government consists of 5 aspects: 1) Behavior 2) Work 3) Treatment of colleagues and service recipients 4) Treatment of networks 5) Promotion of treatment of places.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. The principles of morality to promote good local government are as follows: 1) Good governance, which is the principle of good management 2) The principle of good people to behave well 3) The principle of Brahmavihara, which is to treat subordinates with kindness and goodwill 4) The principle of Sanghavatthu, which is the participation of various networks 5) The principle of Sappaya4, which is to have a good environment.<br /></span> 4. Integrating morality to promote good local government in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province through a model called the OMENA Model, namely O means Oneself Control using the principle of 7 Sappurisadhamma, M means Man using the principle of 4 Brahmavihara, E means Earn, which is working to earn a living. Use the principle of good governance, N means Network Control using the principle of social welfare and A means Area which is the control of the place using the principle of Sappaya 4.</p> Somchirawadee Champasit Kantaphon Nuthongkaew Supreecha Chamnanputtipon Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 27 42 The Guidelines for Ethical Standard School Management Under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the current state of school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3. 2) explore the approaches to school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3; and 3) offer the approaches to school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane's formula, in each school, one administrator and one teacher under Surin primary educational service area office 3 were selected, totaling 294 participants. Data collection was conducted using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.81. Statistical methods for data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.<br /><strong> </strong><strong>The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The current state of school management according to the ethical standard school in the Surin primary educational service area office 3 is overall at the highest level, When considered by individual aspects, all areas are at the highest level. The average ratings from highest to lowest are: outcomes and success image, academic administration, budget administration, general administration, and personnel administration.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The guidelines for ethical standard school management under the Surin primary educational service area office 3, there are 5 standards with a total of 27 guidelines for ethical standard school management.<br /></span> 3. Offer the guidelines for ethical standard school management under the Surin primary educational service area office 3 indicates that the correctness, appropriateness, and feasibility are all at the highest level in every aspect. The findings revealed that the suitability (<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" /></span> = 4.84, S.D. = 0.30), feasibility (<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" /></span> = 4.76, S.D. = 0.35), and usefulness (<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"><img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" /></span> = 4.81, S.D. = 0.29) of the early childhood education management approaches were all rated at the highest level in every aspect.</p> Buasit Thongngam Vasanchai Kakkeaw Songdet Sonja Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 43 54 The Development of Reading Comprehension of Prathomsuksa 4 Stunents by Using Six Steps for Students Development Techniques with Games <p> The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the effectiveness of the 6-step ladder technique in combination with educational game activities. To be effective according to the 80/80 criteria 2) Compare the ability to read and understand main points using the 6-step ladder technique before and after studying and 3) Study student satisfaction with the development of reading comprehension by teaching the 6-step ladder technique to 21 Grade 4 students at Ban Nong Phue School, academic year 2023, Use the group selection method sampling method. The tools used in the research include 8 learning management plans, pre-study and post-study achievement measures. Questionnaire on student satisfaction with learning management using the 6-step ladder technique combined with educational game activities. Data analysis includes mean and standard deviation. Determining the effectiveness of learning management plans using E1/E2 and t-tests. Dependent Sample.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The efficiency of the learning management plan is 90.60/87.57, effective according to the criteria.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Comparative results of academic achievement Using learning management using the 6-step ladder technique, it was found that after studying was significantly higher than before studying, .05.<br /></span> 3. The results of the study of student satisfaction after organizing learning using the 6-step ladder technique found that the overall level of satisfaction was at the highest level. (<img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" /> = 4.78 ,S.D. = 0.41).</p> Maneerin Boonluma Rapin Chucheun Siriporn Yooprasert Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 55 68 The Study of Components Learning Management Efficiency of Teachers <p> The purpose of this research were to study of components learning management efficiency of teachers. The research is divided into two steps: Step 1 To analyze components learning management efficiency of teachers by relevant documents and studies-ten sources were selected with high frequency of 40% or greater.; Step 2 To evaluate components learning management efficiency of teachers by selecting five qualified experts, in 2024 (B.E. 2567). Effective data collecting tools consist of document analysis and a 5-point Likert scale assessment of appropriateness. Data analysis with frequency, percentage, average standard deviation (S.D.) and content analysis.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong> The components of teachers' learning management efficiency consist of 6 components: 1) Creating clarity in the lesson, 2) Creating a classroom atmosphere, 3) Organizing learning activities, 4) Using learning media, 5) Showing concern in learning management, and 6) Measuring and evaluating learning outcomes. All components are at the most appropriate level.</p> Mallika Khammee Waro Phengsawat Akkaluck Pheasa Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 69 82 Effects of Chemistry Learning Management by Flipped Classroom towards Learning Achievement and Retention of Mattayomsuksa 5 Students <p> The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the effects of chemistry learning management by flipped classroom towards learning achievement, 2) to investigate the retention of chemistry learning management by flipped classroom, and 3) to explore the satisfaction of Mathayomsuksa 5 students towards chemistry learning management by flipped classroom. The samples of this study were 30 Matthayomsuksa 5 students of Khueang Nai Phitthayakhan School, recruited by Cluster Random Sampling. The tools used in the research were a learning management plans, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics employed to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Students who received learning management using the flipped classroom model had higher academic achievement after studying than before, with statistical significance at the .05 level.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Students who were taught by the flipped classroom model had knowledge retention as evidenced by a comparison of the mean scores of the post-test and the mean scores of the fourteen-day post-test.<br /></span> 3. Students are satisfied with the flipped classroom learning arrangement at a high level.</p> Dewit Saipho Surachai Piyanukool Tepporn Lomarak Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 83 95 Development for Organization Management Towards Excellence of Sub District Administrative Organization in Songkhla Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze general conditions of problems and obstacles in development for organizational excellence, 2) to analyze principles, concepts, theories and factors influencing development for organizational excellence, and 3) Create knowledge on development for organizational excellence of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Songkhla Province. Using qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews of 25 monks/person and group discussion forums of 10 monks/person, consisting of Buddhist academics, Subdistrict Administrative Organization heads, local government academics, Subdistrict Administrative Organization leaders, Subdistrict Administrative Organization practitioners, and Subdistrict Administrative Organization service recipients.<br /> <strong>The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The general conditions of problems and obstacles in the development of organizational management towards excellence of sub-district administrative organizations in Songkhla Province in the current situation found the following problems and obstacles: Sub-district administrative organizations have power and duties that do not cover all aspects; centralized administration; the government does not completely decentralize power and overlaps powers among government agencies; the allocated budget is a small proportion compared to the area, missions and duties; lack of personnel in the organization; areas overlapping with other government agencies; Management still lacks public participation and current management.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Concepts, theories, factors about organizational management towards excellence are 1) Management, knowledge, understanding and transfer of experience to personnel 2) Determination of key performance indicators (KPI) for development of organizational management towards excellence 3) Factors of success in the management of local administrative organizations at the project level<br /></span> 3. Integration of knowledge about the development of organizational management towards excellence of sub-district administrative organizations in Songkhla Province, called the GLASMAC Model, namely G stands for Goal (goal), L stands for Leadership (leadership), A stands for Administration (management of people and materials), S stands for Service (service), M stands for Moral (adhering to moral principles), A stands for Assessment (evaluation), C stands for Communication (communication).</p> Wittaya Yodrak Kantaphon Nuthongkaew Supreecha Chamnanputtiphon Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 96 109 The Political Development of Civil Society Effecting to Promotion of Governing in Democratic Regime, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the general situation of the development of civil society politics in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 2) to analyze the factors affecting the promotion of democratic governance, and 3) create knowledge about the development of civil society politics that affect the promotion of democratic governance in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. This research is qualitative research, collecting data through in-depth interviews with 25 key informants and focus group discussions with 10 people, presented through descriptive data analysis.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Problems related to civil society administration are organizing activities that coordinate and provide political services to civil society through various relevant agencies, such as activities to promote political knowledge through heads of various government agencies, activities to promote political services through local administrative organizations, etc.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Factors affecting the promotion of democratic governance in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province consist of 4 aspects: 1) Democratic governance 2) Promotion of political participation of citizens in democracy 3) Good citizenship in democracy 4) Political culture in Thailand's democracy.<br /></span> 3. Knowledge about the development of civil society politics that affects the promotion of democratic governance in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province through the DDPC Model, namely, D means Development in the aspect of civil society development, D means Duty in the aspect of performing civil society citizen duties, P means Participation in the aspect of civil society participation, C means Culture in the aspect of political culture in civil society.</p> Chomkorn Jaruwattanapong Phramaha Ekkawin Piyaweerko Kantaphon Noothongkaew Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 110 124 The Political Leader in Democratic System According to Buddhism <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to Analyze the general conditions of political leaders in a democratic regime according to Buddhist principles, 2) to analyze factors that help in promoting political leaders in a democracy according to Buddhist principles, and 3) to create a body of knowledge about political leaders in a democratic system following Buddhist principles. This research is qualitative research by collecting document data In-depth interviews with 25 persons and a group discussion stage from 10 persons. Research tools include interview and from data analysis using descriptive methods.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The general condition of political leaders in a democratic regime according to Buddhism should have the following characteristics: 1) Self-management, namely physical, verbal, and mental (thought) such as having good human relations, being patient, alert, active, sacrificing, calm, not arrogant, not abusing one's power, using constructive speech, being fair, honest, free from bias, being loyal to the organization, and having a broad vision. 2) People management, namely allocating people appropriately to their knowledge and abilities through the process of recruiting and selecting personnel, assigning personnel to work, maintaining personnel, developing personnel, and evaluating work performance. 3) Work administration, managing efficiency through work performance with speed, accuracy, knowledge, experience, and creativity.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Factors that help promote political leaders in a democracy According to the Buddhist guidelines, 1) Papanikkadhamma principles (self-management), including having vision, having skills in work and having communication skills. 2) The 4 principles of Sangha Vatthu (managing people), including sacrifice for the public, use of speech in a creative way, sincerely volunteering to help others and neutrality 3) The 4 principles of Iddhipada (Administration) including love for work, perseverance determination, concentration focus and responsibility and having wisdom and reason.<br /></span> 3. The knowledge gained from the research is called the SPA Model, which consists of S (Self Management), P (People Management), and A (Administration).</p> Arkkarin Somsak Kantaphon Nuthongkaew Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 125 139 The Reservation of Original Community Way of Life in Ban Ta Hin based on Nod Na Le Model, Sathing Phra District, Songkhla Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze general problems regarding the conservation of the way of life of the Ban Ta Hin. 2) to analyze the concept about preserving the way of life of the model community. 3) to create knowledge about preserving the way of life of the model community of Ban Ta Hin, based on Nod Na Le model and 4) to present knowledge about preserving the way of life of the model community life of the model community of Ban Ta Hin. This a qualitative research by collecting document data. In-depth interviews with 10 persons and a group discussion stage. From 13 persons. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The general condition of the Ban Ta Hin community is that the area is suitable for growing rice for food and income since the past. Sugar palm trees have been planted to create cash crops. The coastline on both sides has created local fisheries that rely on local wisdom to catch fish.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Concepts and theories on the conservation of community-based models include concepts on conservation, integration, wisdom, and community participation.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. Integrating knowledge creation about the conservation of the way of life of the Ban Ta Hin prototype community based on the concept of Node Na Le model, together with: 1) Concepts about integration, wisdom, and community participation. 2) Public participation: giving people an opportunity to participate, think together, and exchange perspectives. 3) Conservation requires integration between the government, people and business in taking care of, preserving, inheriting, preserving, improving, and developing. 4) Principles of Dharma: the Ten Royal Virtues, the Good Man's Virtue, the Strongest Virtue, the Brahmaviharas Virtue, the Sanghavatthu, and the Six Directions.<br /></span> 4. The knowledge gained from the research is the WISDOM Model, which includes W (Wisdom), I (Integration), S (Saving), D (Dhamma), O (Originality), and M (Mores).</p> Phramahamanop Papassaro (Khunkaew) Kantaphon Nuthongkaew Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 140 152 The Empowerment of Reconciliation for Lifting up Development of “Wat Pracha Rath Project Create Happiness” in Songkhla Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the conditions for promoting reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province 2) to analyze factors that promote harmony and reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province and 3) to create knowledge about the model for strengthening reconciliation according to the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla Province. This research is qualitative research by collecting document data, In-depth interviews with 25 participants and group discussions. from 10 experts. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.<br /> <strong>The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. General conditions of the model for strengthening reconciliation and unity. There is a development level of Wat Pracha Rath s in Songkhla Province. It is an idea from the project of Wat Pracha Rath creating happiness, one of the projects under the plan for reforming Buddhist affairs in the area of public utilities. The goal is for temples to develop physically, have an environment conducive to strengthening health, and be peaceful and cool places as centers of community learning. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and elevate temples to be centers of the community.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Factors promoting harmony to elevate the development of Wat Pracha Rath in Songkhla province are: 2.1) Applying the 5S principle, which consists of Sort, Set in order, Clean, Hygiene, and Create Habits; 2.2) Applying the 7 Sappaya principles to the development of temples and communities. In Buddhism, it means comfortable things or conditions that are conducive to well-being and the development of life that supports meditation; and 2.3) Complying with the 3 missions of the Wat Pracharath Sang Suk Project, consisting of (1) Developing physical areas of temples and communities to be clean, shady, beautiful, and well-supplied places; (2) Developing social and learning areas of temples and communities in accordance with Buddhist cultural practices; (3) Developing mental and intellectual areas of temples and communities in accordance with Buddhism, with temples as the center and the public and government sectors collaborating to help each other.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. Presentation on strengthening reconciliation to enhance the development of Wat Pracha Rath Project in Songkhla Province through a model called the PMI Model consisting of P = Principle, M = Method, I = Ideology.</span></p> Phrakruwichitsilachan Kuntaphon Nuthongkaew Phrakhrupaladathit Suvaddho Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 153 165 Form of Geopolitics in Old Town, Songkhla Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze the geopolitical conditions in the old town, Songkhla Province, 2) to analyze administrative management in the old town, Songkhla Province, and 3) to create knowledge about geopolitics, politics, and governance in the old town, Songkhla Province, this research. It is a qualitative research by collecting information through documents, In-depth interviews with 25 scholars and a focus group discussion stage. From 10 experts. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.<br /> <strong>The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The geopolitical situation in the old town of Songkhla Province has a history of more than 200 years. In the past it was considered a very important community. Because it is a very prosperous place for maritime trade. It is the center of all prosperity. Because it is a town whose borders are connected to the sea. This made maritime trade very prosperous. It has also been a multicultural community since the town was founded. There were 3 groups of villagers who came to live here: Chinese, Thai, Malaysia. Due to the diversity, the community has a variety of architecture that can still be seen today, such as buildings in the Chinese style or the Sino-Portuguese style.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Administrative management in the old town of Songkhla Province is divided into 3 periods: 1) Singra period. Governance in this era was ruled by a monarchy system, which included Toh Mughal, a Javanese merchant, Indonesia. He was the first king. 2) Laem Son era, the government was in the form of governor, with Yang Sae Hao, a Chinese person, appointed as governor. He is also the ancestor of the Na Songkhla family, ruling for 8 generations. 3) Bor Yang era, because there was a severe water shortage in the original place. Therefore, the address was moved to the area of Bor Yang Subdistrict (present). There were many administrative changes, including in 1836, Phraya Wichian Khiri (Thian Seng) held the position of governor, later in B.E1896. There was a change of ruler from the governor. It is the position of governor instead. with Phraya Wichian Khiri (Chom Na Songkhla) holding the position of provincial governor. and that the city of Songkhla was part of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Subsequently, in 1932, there was a change to make the city of Songkhla have the status of "Songkhla Province" of Thailand.<br /></span> 3. The presentation of a study of political geography in the old town of Songkhla province as basically throughout LSCK Model That is, L (Leadership), S (Sovereignty), C (Civil) and K (Knowledge and Budget).</p> Phrakrukosiwattananukul Kuntaphon Nuthongkaew Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 166 179 A Comparative Study of Chinese Vocabulary in the Chinese Language Touch Textbook Series for Primary School Levels and the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test Criteria as a Teaching Guide for Enhancing Students' YCT Examination Performance <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to compare the Chinese vocabulary in the Chinese Language Touch textbook series for primary school levels with the criteria of the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test; and 2) to propose strategies for teachers to enhance students' performance on the YCT examination. The sample consists of two groups: the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbooks (Volumes 1-12) and the YCT (Youth Chinese Test) proficiency criteria. Data collection tools include a vocabulary comparison table. Data analysis involves percentage means and content analysis.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Comparison of Chinese Vocabulary: The comparison between the Chinese vocabulary in the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbook series for primary school levels and the YCT Chinese Proficiency Test criteria revealed that the index of vocabulary in the 'Chinese Language Touch' textbooks (Volumes 1–12) includes a total of 604 words. Of these, 196 words align with the YCT vocabulary levels 1 through 3, out of a total of 300 words, which accounts for 65.33%.<br /></span> 2. Proposed Teaching Strategies: Regarding the proposal of teaching strategies to enhance students' performance on the YCT examination, it was found that 104 additional vocabulary words need to be incorporated into the lessons, out of a total of 300 words, which represents 34.67%.</p> Nipapat Kemtong Wuttipong Prapantamit Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 180 192 Participatory Administration of School Committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center under the Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et Province <p> The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the Participatory administration of School committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center, 2) to compare the opinions on Participatory administration practices of School committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center, classified by age and educational level, and 3) to collect suggestions on Participatory administration of School Committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center. The sample group consisted of 165 members of School committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test and F-test (One-Way ANOVA).<br /> <strong>The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The level of Participatory administration of school committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center was overall at a high level, in order of the highest to the lowest average values, participation in evaluation, participation in benefits, participation in decision-making, and participation in operations were ranked, respectively.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The results of comparing the participatory administration of school committees in Educational Administration of the Child Development Center, classified by age and educational level, were not different overalls.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. Recommendations on participatory administration of school committees in Educational Administration of Child Development Center found that Administrators should participate in considering activities or projects that may cause problems at the Child Development Center, Administrators should participate in the operations when there were activities or projects to develop the child development center., there should be participation in expressing opinions to improve activities or projects related to students to be most effective.</span></p> Nongnuch Srichaitung Kittayakorn Ladawan Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 193 204 A Model of Volunteer’s Mind Development of Suksalanukhro Nakhonpathom Foundation Based on Buddhist Integration <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study of the principle of volunteer development found in modern sciences in Thai society, 2) survey the Buddhist teachings concerning the volunteer of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, and 3) presenting the model of volunteer’s mind development of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, based on Buddhist integration. It was qualitative research with in-depth interviews in fieldwork.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Volunteer works are driven by various sources of inspiration, including faith, the belief that good deeds bring good outcomes, other Buddhist teachings and respected teachers, which serve as exemplary models for their benefits. Volunteers regularly practice mindfulness which helps refine their minds. They also have good friends, and finding opportunity to do good, they train their physic and mind to fit their works, having a good life. This enables them to live harmoniously in society. As their work succeeds, they feel a sense of pride, which further motivates them to continue their volunteer work, benefiting both themselves and the community.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Buddhist teachings promoting volunteer development of Suksalanukhro Nakhonpathom Foundation can be applied to enhance the volunteer work include the Seven </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Sappurisa-dhamma</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Five </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Ariyavaddhi</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Five Powers (</span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Bala</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">), the Four </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Brahmavihara</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Four </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Sangahavatthu</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Four </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Iddhip</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">ā</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">da</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Four </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Gharav</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">ā</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">sadhamma</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Four </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Ditthadhammikattha</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Three </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Attha</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, Three Grounds of Meritorious Action or </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Punnakiriyavatthu</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">,</span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> Dasavidharajadhamma</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, mindfulness, patience </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">(Khanti</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">), heedfulness or </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Appam</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">ā</em><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">da</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">, and honesty.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. The model of volunteer’s mind development of Suksalanukhro, Nakhonpathom Foundation, based on Buddhist integration showed that it was by applying key Buddhist teachings such as the </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Sangahavatthu</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> teachings, etc. These teachings are essential in encouraging the active behaviors of volunteer, having good relationship, compassionate, emotions control, being mindful, beneficial to public, respects in right and freedom of others, law follower, helping social growth. The knowledge gained is VMS model.</span></p> Panumart Neso Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 205 220 Developing a Model for the Performance of Duties of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrators <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the performance of duties of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum; 2) develop a performance model of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum; and 3) present a performance model of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum. This research was qualitative and collected data from documents and related research, in-depth interviews with 5 key informants, and focus group discussions with 20 relevant persons. Data were analyzed using content analysis and presented descriptively according to the research objectives.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The process of the performance of duties of the Vinaya monks in the administration of the Sangha of Chaiyaphum Province has an understanding of the roles and duties at the beginning, but there are still some parts that are not thoroughly understood. Improvements need to be made regarding the inspection, explanation, advice, and monitoring of monks and novices to behave properly according to the Dhamma and Vinaya, laws, the Sangha Supreme Council regulations, and regulations, and to be neutral in performing duties.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Develop a model for the performance of duties of the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province, which consists of 4 components: 1) Planning and promoting the process of performing duties of the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province. 2) Participation between the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province and the community, government, and private sectors. All parties should participate in Buddhism. 3) Organize a training project for the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province by inviting expert lecturers to provide knowledge. 4) There should be an evaluation and a summary report of the results of operations.<br /></span> 3. Present the form of the duties of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Disciplinary Commissioner, namely, planning, rules and regulations for duties clearly. The Disciplinary Commissioner should join networks with the community, government and private sectors, participate, and be aware of solving problems that arise in order to help maintain and protect Buddhism. Organize a training project for the Chaiyaphum Provincial Disciplinary Commissioner continuously to increase skills, techniques and efficiency in performing duties in accordance with regulations.</p> Phrakhrubaidika Supan suwanPasannamano (Siklang) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 221 233 Educational Institution Administration to Reduce Learning Loss in Schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2 <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the learning loss of students in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, and 2) to examine the opinions of school administrators and teachers on school management to reduce learning loss in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The population and sample used in the study included 312 school administrators and teachers. The research instrument was a questionnaire created by the researcher, with a validity index of 1.00 and a reliability coefficient of 0.98. The statistics used for data analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation.<br /><strong> The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The overall learning loss of students in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was at a high level. When considering individual aspects, the top three factors were: school management, which had the highest average score, followed by teaching staff and the school environment. The aspect with the lowest average score was educational resources.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The opinions of school administrators and teachers on school management to reduce learning loss in schools under the Nakhon Pathom Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were overall at a high level. When considering individual aspects, general administration had the highest average score, followed by academic administration and personnel management. The aspect with the lowest average score was budget management.</span></p> Nattakarn Phalamart Patcharapa Tantichuwet Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 234 244 An Application of the Trisikkha Principles to Strengthen the Kapang Surin Community, Mueang District, Trang Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of strengthening the Kapang Surin community, 2) to investigate the Trisikkha principle in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the Tri-Sikha principles to strengthen the Kapang Surin community, Mueang District, Trang Province. It is a qualitative research in which the researcher surveyed and collected data through in-depth interviews, analyzed data and summarized the results. All data obtained were analyzed, summarized, summarized and presented in a descriptive writing format.<br /> <strong>The research result found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. A strong community is a community with the potential to be self-reliant, safe in life and property. It can develop the potential of the people in the community and meet the real needs of the people in the community. There are efficient and ethically right management services.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Trisikkha is the Buddhist principle of education and self-training. It consists of 3 things: 1) morality, 2) concentration, and 3) wisdom. It is a practice for training and developing the body, speech, mind, and wisdom to grow and develop further until reaching the highest goal, which is liberation or nirvana.<br /></span> 3. The application of the Tri-Sikkha principles to strengthen the Kapang Surin community, Mueang District, Trang Province in 3 aspects as follows: 1) Behavioral aspect: This includes training and developing physical and verbal behavior by using morality and ethics as guidelines for conduct, maintaining calm body and speech, and not causing suffering and harm to the body and speech of oneself and others. This results in reducing behavioral problems within the community until it becomes strong and stable, and also plays a part in the development of the community in the future. 2) Mental aspect: This includes having mindfulness and concentration, knowing how to solve problems, listening to others’ reasons with a determined mind, and thinking of ways to solve problems, which will be successful because mindfulness and concentration are principles of Dhamma that help prevent carelessness in life. They help elevate the mind to a higher level, and life will also develop along with society and the community itself. 3) Wisdom aspect: This is about training or developing in knowing the truth, starting from beliefs, opinions, knowledge, and understanding, and being able to use existing knowledge to connect laypeople, create a knowledge network, and create new ideas to use in creative problem-solving. This will help the community that lives together become strong and strengthen the development of the community to become a strong community that can live together peacefully forever.</p> Phramaha Supanan Warapunyo (Wongmongkoldej) Sitthichok Panasree PhrakruWijitsilajarn Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 245 256 Necessary Needs for the Development of the Competency of Educational Technology and Communication for Teaching Students in the 21st Century Faculty of Education Thaksin University <p> The purpose of this research were to address the Necessary Needs for the Development of the competency of Educational technology and communication for teaching students in the 21st-century Faculty of Education Thaksin University. It is survey research. The sample group consisted of second year students from the Faculty of Education. Thaksin University, was 362 people using a multi-stage random sampling method. The tools used in the research are Necessary questionnaire Data analysis IOC Found to have a value of 0.8-1.0, Cronbach’s Alpha using averages standard deviation and prioritization of essential needs (PNImodified).<br /><strong> The research results found that: <br /></strong> The research results found that there is a need for the development of competency in educational technology and communication for teaching professional students in the 21st century, Faculty of Education. Thaksin University found that current average condition needs to be met for the development of competency in educational technology and communication. Overall, it is at a moderate level (<img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" /> = 2.79, S.D = 1.08) and the desired conditions of the average requirements necessary for the development of competency in technology and educational communication. Overall, it is at the highest level ( <img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" />= 3.79, S.D = 0.96). As for the results of the study of the needs and necessity of developing competency in technology and educational communication, etc. Overall it is equal to 0.265. When considering each aspect, it was found that the knowledge items regarding information and communication technology It has the highest needs index (PNImodified = 0.319), followed by the item Able to use information and communication technology to solve teaching and learning problems in accordance with the problem situation (PNImodified = 0.304), and the item Able to design and Develop information and communication technology (PNImodified = 0.280) respectively.</p> Poonkeat Mongkonsawasd Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 257 268 Construction of Lesson Plans Using SQ4R Strategy with Six Thinking Hats to Improve Learning Achievement and English Reading Comprehension of First Year Vocational Diploma Students <p> The purpose of this research were to construct lesson plans to develop learning achievements and English reading comprehension of first year vocational diploma students using SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats. The target group consists of 3 experts. The research instruments were 1) 3 lesson plans using SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats, for 12 hours of teaching and learning, and 2) an assessment form for the appropriateness of the learning management plan. The statistics used for data analysis were arithmetic mean (<img id="output" src="\small%20\bar{X}" alt="equation" />) and standard deviation (S.D.).<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats consisted of the following steps: step 1: introduction; step 2: presentation of new content for reading; step 3: instruction using the SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats, which included 6 steps: 1) survey, 2) question with six thinking hats, 3) read, 4) record, 5) recite, 6) reflect; step 4: conclusion and evaluation.<br /></span> 2. The quality check of the lesson plans revealed that the overall appropriateness of the lesson plans was at the highest level with the arithmetic mean of 4.87.</p> Amanee Yumyuang Juraisiri Choorak Salila Pettong Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 269 279 An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Khura Buri Subdistrict, Khura Buri District, Phang Nga Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of developing the quality of life of the elderly, 2) to study the four principles of meditation in Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the four principles of meditation to develop the quality of life of the elderly in Kura Subdistrict, Kura Buri District, Phang Nga Province. This is a qualitative field study. By conducting in-depth interviews and conversations with 20 key informants in Kura Subdistrict, Kura Buri District, Phang Nga Province. The tools used were interview forms and focus group documents. Then present the data using descriptive analysis methods.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong> 1. The concept of improving the quality of life is to be happy, both physically and mentally on satisfied emotions and intellect with the existing environment and good interaction that can convey the ability of the elderly with good physical and mental health as well as intellect because the elderly have experience at many ages, from children to the elderly.<br /><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The 4 Bhavana principle in the Buddhist scriptures are: 1) kayabhavana: physical development 2) Silabhavana: moral development 3) Jittabhavan: cultivation of the heart; emotional development and 4) Bhanyabhavana: cultivation of wisdom; intellectual development.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Khura Buri Subdistrict, Khura Buri District, Phang Nga Province is: (1) Kayabhavana , physical development or promotion of physical health care, (2)Silabhana, behavioral development or an encouraging the elderly to live happily in the society, (3) Cittabhavana , mental development or focusing on activities that promote good mental health and (4) Pannabhavana, wisdom development or promoting wisdom through the exchange of information, increasing knowledge, and being able to solve problems in life by oneself.</span></p> Phrakhru Sunthonthammapinit Phrakru Kositwattananukul Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 280 291 Construction of Lesson Plans Based on Harrow’s Instructional Model for Psychomotor Domain with Multimedia to Improve Learning Achievement and Standard Ramwong Practical Skills of Grade 10 Students <p> The purpose of this research was to construction of lesson plans based on Harrow’s instructional model for psychomotor domain with multimedia to improve learning achievement and standard ramwong practical skills of grade 10 students. The target group consists of 3 experts. The research instruments were 1) 4 lessons lesson plans based on harrow’s instructional model for psychomotor domain with multimedia for 8 hours of teaching and learning and 2) an assessment form for the appropriateness of the learning management plan by an expert. The statistics used for data analysis were arithmetic mean () and standard deviation (S.D.).<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Harrow’s instructional model for psychomotor domain with multimedia consisted of the following steps: step 1 imitation; step 2 implementation of the instruction; step 3 practice correctly complete; step 4 expression; step 5 act naturally with multimedia included 2 steps: step 1 Imitation; step 2 Implementation of the instruction.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The quality check of the lesson plans by the experts revealed that the appropriateness of the lesson plans was at the highest level with the arithmetic mean of 4.95.</span></p> Suwanarat Nopparat Juraisiri Choorak Jongkon Buakaew Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 292 301 The Application of Pancasila Principle to Develop Life Quality of Pokasamakki Community, Muang District, Krabi Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of quality of life development of Pokasamakki community, Mueang District, Krabi Province, 2) to study the Five Precepts as stated in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the Five Precepts to quality of life development of Pokasamakki community, Mueang District, Krabi Province. It is a qualitative field research by conducting in-depth interviews four target groups include monks, community leaders Elderly group Youth group and then analyzing the data, summarizing the results, and presenting them in a descriptive writing format.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The concept of quality of life in the Phokasamakkhi community consists of 1) Individuals: This is a process of creating a guarantee of quality of life in the personal dimension. 2) Family: This is creating one of the most important guarantees, namely, the family. All adults, including grandparents and parents, should behave themselves as good examples for the youth or their children in order to create love, unity and warmth within the family. 3) Society: This is the coexistence of members of society, who must have rules and regulations in the community and their own society for the happiness and normalcy of the community.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The 5 precepts that appear in Theravada Buddhism are: 1) to abstain from killing 2) to abstain from stealing 3) to abstain from sexual misconduct 4) to abstain from false speech and 5) to abstain from intoxicants causing heedlessness.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. The development of a stable quality of life and self-benefit is diligence, preservation of assets, association with good friends. Besides, living a good life and stability in the future requires the right faith and precepts without any violation, knowing how to sacrifice and have wisdom to consider the right life as the way to end suffering, to bring happiness in life and community.</span></p> Phra Chanasorn Kusalachitto (Reawklang) ), Phrakru Chittasunthon Phrakru Khositwattananukul Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 302 314 Application of the Iddhipada Principle to Promote the Work Performance of Sichon Municipal Personnel, Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of work performance of Sichon Municipal Personnel, Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, 2) to investigate the<em> Iddhipada </em>principle in Theravada Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the <em>Iddhipada</em> principle to promote work performance of Sichon Municipal Personnel, Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The searcher has explored and collected data through in-depth interviews. Data analysis and conclusion were conducted by analyzing all the obtained data along with synthesis, content processing, summarizing, and presenting in the descriptive form.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Regarding the work management concept of Sichon Sub-district Municipality, Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, there is a policy to serve the people, performance, and career development people who come to contact the government to the best of their ability and that would result in the personnel of the Sichon Sub-district Municipality operating more efficiently.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Regarding the four principle</span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> Iddhipada</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> in the Theravada Buddhist scriptures, it was found that it is the principle that brings forth prosperity and is the means of success, consisting of </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Chanda</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> (Intention), </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Viriya</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> (Effort), Citta (consciousness), and </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Vimamsa</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> (investigation).<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 3. The application of the </span><em style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Iddhipada</em><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> in promoting the performance of Sichon Municipal Personnel Sichon District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province results in positive way to executives and personnel with high quality, happiness in their work and performance.</span></p> Kanoksak Jantarak Sitthichok Panasree Phrakru Wijitsilajarn Chatawunno (Kitikora) Phrakru Wijitsaturot Tachathammo (Keawmanee) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 315 328 An Analysis of Buddhist art murals in the ordination hall of Wat Pho Pathamawat (Royal temple), Mueang District, Songkhla Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of Buddhist art, 2) to study the Buddhist art that appears in the mural paintings of the ordination hall of Wat Pho Pathamawat (Royal temple), Mueang District, Songkhla Province, and 3) to analyze the value of Buddhist art that appears in the mural paintings of the ordination hall of Wat Pho Pathamawat (Royal temple), Mueang District, Songkhla Province. It is a qualitative research, studying from documents and interviewing a target group of 20 monks/people. All data obtained were analyzed, summarized, summarized, and presented in a descriptive writing format.<br /> <strong>The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The concept of Buddhist art is the creation of beautiful art for Buddhism directly, which is divided according to the era. It is created for the sake of faith in Buddhism and the liberation from suffering.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The mural paintings in the ordination hall of Wat Pho Pathamawat are exquisite and express cultural values, multiculturalism, and Buddhist rituals. The way of life of the people in the community makes the mural paintings of Wat Pho Pathamawat play a role as a guide for visitors to try to think and contemplate by themselves. The important mural paintings are the procession of Chao Sen, which not only creates pride among the Muslim community, but also honors the great ritual of Islam in the ordination hall of Wat Pho Pathamawat, which plays an important role in organizing society in another way.<br /></span> 3. The mural paintings of the Ubosot of Wat Pho Pathamawat (Royal Monastery), Mueang District, Songkhla Province, are of significant spiritual, social, and Buddhist stability values, spreading the religion to the next generation to continue to believe in the religion.</p> Phra Natthawut Sirisopano (Sirisophon) PhrakruWijitsilajarn PhrakruKositwattananukul , PhrakruPrasutphothikun Phrakhru Wateethammawipat Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 329 339 An Application of Bhavana Principle in Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Wat Thep Nimit Community, Wichit Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phuket Province <p> The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of promoting the quality of life of the elderly in the Wat Thep Nimit community, Wichit Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phuket Province, 2) to study the four principles of meditation that appear in Theravada Buddhism, and 3) to apply the four principles of meditation to promote the quality of life of the elderly in the Wat Thepnimit community, Wichit Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phuket Province. This is a qualitative field research using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 20 key informants in Wichit Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phuket Province. Selected from elderly representatives who volunteered to be interviewed. Then present the data using descriptive analysis methods.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. The concept of quality of life development is to be happy in physical, mental, emotional and intellectual aspects, to be satisfied with the current environment and to have good interactions with people around you including family members and to be happy in many aspects. It can reflect the ability of the elderly to have good health in both body and mind, including intelligence. Caring for the elderly to be able, ready and able to cope with changes in physical, behavioral, mental and intellectual development in order to have the potential to live happily in society.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. The principle Bhavana in Theravada Buddhism is four stages of practice for self-development or mental development consisting of 1) Kayabhavana, physical development; 2) Silabhavana, behavioral development, 3) Cittabhavana, cultivation of stability of mind and 4) Pannabhavana, wisdom cultivation to comprehend the word and life as they really are.<br /></span> 3. Apply the four principles of meditation to promote the quality of life of the elderly in the Wat Thepnimit community in Wichit Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phuket Province in four aspects: (1) Physical aspect: physical development or physical training, which is by promoting physical health care; (2) Behavioral aspect: behavior development or morality training, which is by promoting the elderly to live happily in society; (3) Mental aspect: mental development or mental training, which is by focusing on activities that promote good mental health; (4) Intellectual development: intellectual development or intellectual training, which is promoting wisdom through exchanging information, increasing knowledge, and being able to solve problems in life by themselves.</p> Phrakhru Kittyankowit Phrakru Chittasunthon Phrakru Kosalattakit Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 340 351 Food Security After the Covid-19 Outbreak Sutuation of Farmer Groups in Chaiyaphum Province <p> The purpose of this research was: to study assess food security during the outbreak of COVID-19farmer groups among in Chaiyaphum Province This was quantitative research. The population included the people living in Chaiyaphum Province. The quantitative research tool was a questionnaire. The samples were 398 households. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.<br /><strong> The research results found that:<br /></strong> Food security during the outbreak of COVID-19 among households at the provincial level: The anxiety of the residents in Chaiyaphum Province about the future outbreak of emerging diseases regarding household food security was at a low level in the following issues: 1) food sufficiency, 2) access to food, 3) food utilization and 4) food stability. This may be due to the current situation of the COVID-19 outbreak that tends to ease and reduce in severity. As a result, the villagers have less anxiety. Meanwhile, the overall food security of the four area was at a high level. When considering each aspect, food stability and food utilization of the community were at a high level while food sufficiency and access to food were at a moderate level.</p> Soonthorn Panyapong Anchalee Chaisri Thassanaiyawan Doungmala Wimonsin Phungchaiyaphum Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 352 366 Factors Affecting Quality of Life for the Elderly After Retirement by Using Buddhist Principles to Lead Their Lives <p> This purpose of this research were: 1) to study the components of factors affecting the quality of life for the elderly after retirement by using Buddhist principles to lead their lives, 2) to develop factors affecting the quality of life for the elderly after retirement by using Buddhist principles to guide their lives from empirical data, and 3) transfer knowledge on developing the quality of life for the elderly after retirement by using Buddhist principles to lead their lives. The sample group consisted of 364 elderly people after retirement living in Mueang Roi Et District, Roi Et Province. The research instruments were: 1) interview forms, 2) questionnaires, with reliability within the standard range of 0.80to 1.00, and the reliability of the whole questionnaire was .93.<br /> <strong>The research results found that:<br /></strong><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 1. Components of factors that affect the quality of life of the elderly after retirement using Buddhist principles to guide their lives. Components of factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly after retirement using Buddhist principles for leading life in 6 areas, consisting of 6 elements, 74 indicators, including: 1) Social integration, 10 indicators 2) Interpersonal relations, 10 indicators 3) Good physical condition, 15 indicators 4) Self-determination, 10 indicators 5. Health condition Well-being, 9 indicators, 6) Good emotional state, 12 indicators, which had the highest level of overall opinion.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> 2. Developing factors that affect the quality of life of the elderly after retirement by using Buddhist principles to guide their lives, including (1) social integration (Principles of Sappurisadhamma 7) (2) Relations between individuals (Brahmavihāra 4) (3) Good physical condition (Sappurisadham 7) (4) Self-determination aspect (Sappurisadhamma 7) (5) Aspect of well-being (4 Noble Truths) (6) Good emotional state (4 Noble Truths)<br /></span> 3. Transferring knowledge on improving the quality of life of the elderly after retirement using Buddhist principles to guide their lives. Through the manual for improving the quality of life of the elderly after retirement using the principles of Buddhism leading life, it was found that the manual for developing the quality of life of the elderly after retirement using the principles of Buddhism leading life. This manual contains Various components and content Style and use of language in terms of design, in the format of the book, in terms of possible benefits from using the manual.</p> Vimonporn Suwanseantavee Kittayakorn Ladawan Mueang Suwanseantavee Chitsopin Kanchantuek Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 367 381 Guidelines for Waste Management in Communities <p> Solid waste has long been a significant issue in Thai society and it is becoming increasingly severe. The increasing amount of solid waste each year correlates with the growth rate of the population, economic expansion, and public consumption. Local administrative organizations, which are primarily responsible for waste management, including collection, transportation, and disposal, face budget constraints. Additionally, the waste management efforts of local administrative organization are insufficient to handle the increasing amount of solid waste in each community every year. Therefore, given the waste problem in Thailand, it is crucial for all sectors of society, including government agencies, private sectors, civil society, and the public, to collaborate in addressing this issue. This can be achieved through community-level initiatives that instill awareness of household waste management and encourage public participation in community waste management and raise awareness of the current waste problem. This begins by encouraging residents to reduce household waste, promoting knowledge on waste separation before disposal, and providing income incentives for community members to engage in waste management.</p> Parinrit Phukhammee Rachanon Sanitrak Natthawat Karasri Mongkhon Chanrungrueang Chot Bodeerat Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 382 396 Guidelines for Promoting Integrated Buddhist Health for the Elderly <p> Holistic well-being means a state of complete well-being in all four dimensions: physical, mental, social, and intellectual. The 4 dimensions of well-being are important to oneself, family, organization, and society. Because a smooth life, a warm family, a strong organization, and a peaceful society all rely on good health as their foundation. Holistic health care in all four dimensions should be given importance by developing mindfulness, which is a way of cultivating mindfulness. There are four methods: 1) to attain enlightenment. Kāyānupassanā or contemplation of the body 2) Vedanānupassanā or contemplation of feelings: pleasant, unpleasant, neutral 3) Cittānupassanā or contemplation of mind: passion, aversion, delusion and 4) Dhammānupassanā or contemplation of mind-objects to attain enlightenment or escape from suffering in the cycle of existence.</p> Phra Macha Aphisit Viriyoo (Jodknok) PharMacha Agkaphan Thanaveero (Cheawchanying) isarapong kraisin Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 397 410 Buddhist Principles for Living a Happy Life for Retired Government Officials <p> Retirement from the government is to leave the job at the age of 60 is considered a process of changing social roles and duties. Prepare and adjust the lifestyle conditions that will occur in various aspects such as daily living, promoting mental health, Have good relationships in the family and community. Government retirees must adjust their lifestyle. By applying Buddhist principles as a guideline for behavior by developing according to the principles of precepts, such as controlling physical and verbal behavior that does not oppress others, and mental development (prayer), which is training the mind to be strong, happy, and peaceful, which will help to have a good quality of life, be able to take care of oneself and be reasonably self-reliant, as well as be able to accept the reality of life that has changed so that it can eliminate suffering. physically and mentally.</p> Phrakru Pariyatkittichot (Yosaviphon Pemsilo) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 411 420 The Value of Temples as a Powerhouse of Life Quality Development <p> This academic article aims to find the answer to the question of the value of the temple as a powerhouse for improving the quality of life. The study results found that the temple is a symbol of Buddhism that has existed alongside Thai society for a long time. At present, the role of the temple is as a system and mechanism leading to life quality development, led by the monks, with the abbot as the leader, who drives the ๖ missions of the Sangha: Governance and public welfare are physical and social development, Religious, Education, Propagation side and the aspect of welfare education is holistic development including physical, social, mental, and intellectual aspects. As for public facilities, it is the preparation of support to promote the implementation of those various missions. The image of identity from the role of the temple as a religious place that propagates the principles and teachings of the Lord Buddha. It is also a source for studying knowledge, a Thai school, a hospital, and a place of rest. The value of the temple becomes the center of society, a center of cooperation, and a center of wisdom power that reflects the way of life and culture of society and communities for a long time from the past to the present until the temple has value and importance in many ways. Therefore, the value of the temple can be considered an important foundation for life quality development in terms of physical, behavioral, mental, and intellectual qualities for individuals and society.</p> Phrakru Thavornphisut (Riangsak Thawaro) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 421 430 The Tri-Sikkha Principles for Enhancing Happiness <p> This academic paper aimed to find answer to a question about how the Threefold Training can lead to the human competency development to strengthen the happiness. The study findings have showed that Buddhism views the unwholesome roots of human suffering as arising from defilements of greed, hatred and delusion, in other words, of ignorance, craving and attachment. Whenever humans do not see things as they really are according to their nature; they created the world by giving words and meanings to things; the process of suffering cause happens. Human Beings have hopes and desires that things will proceed according to their desires. When it doesn’t go the way we hope it would; we become disappointed and suffer. Man ceaselessly tries to give meaning to the world and restlessly hopes from it. Human suffering therefore arises continuously from the feeling of existence. When the self is filled with lust; that desire finally gives rise to the feeling that this is me and this is mine. So, the process of liberation from suffering has to destroy those feelings. It is human nature to try step by step with the process of reducing, giving up, and quitting in the uprooting of evil roots and returning it to good roots consisting of non-greed, non-hatred, and non-delusion. By using tools of the Threefold Training principle to solve; the application of morality is the happiness strengthening process of non-greed; the concentration is of non-hatred, and the wisdom is of non-delusion.; and they will lead to the outcomes of sustainable happiness.</p> Phrakruvinayathorn Chavalit Uttamo (Suwanchan) Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 431 443 CIPPA : Learning Achievement Development Model <p> This academic article the aim is to present the CIPPA learning model that can effectively develop learning achievement. The CIPPA teaching model is a teaching process that emphasizes students' knowledge, thinking, and decision making in a systematic way. Discover knowledge by yourself and can be used in everyday life. The word CIPPA is an abbreviation of C (Construction), which means teachers organize activities that give students the opportunity to build knowledge on their own. I (Interaction) means having students do activities that provide opportunities for students to interact socially with a variety of people and knowledge sources. P (Physical Participation) means organizing activities that allow students to move their bodies. P (Process Learning) is organizing activities that allow students to learn various processes. and A (Application) is organizing activities that allow students to apply knowledge in their daily lives. There are 7 steps of practice: 1) reviewing previous knowledge, 2) seeking new knowledge, 3) studying and understanding information, 4) exchanging knowledge and understanding with the group, 5) summarizing and organizing. Knowledge regulation, 6) the performance stage, and 7) the knowledge application stage. When this step is followed, students will have higher academic performance than normal teaching methods.</p> Watchara Klahan Alongkot Yawai Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 444 458 Management of International Quality Tourist Towns in Chonburi Province <p> This academic article Presenting the management of tourism towns in Chonburi Province to international quality. Presented only in Chonburi Province. It is a province with many tourist attractions, transportation, and industries that are among the top in the country. Therefore, it has been developed and upgraded to be a tourism province with international quality, with 17 activities. There are 13 tourism promotion activities. Activities to develop facilities and improve landscapes for tourism 2 activities and activities for creating tourism public relations media in Chonburi Province, 2 activities, there are 114 registered tourist attractions. Divided into 29 natural tourist attractions and 85 man-made tourist attractions. In addition, it has complied with standards for managing tourist attractions. That is, there is planning by the person responsible for the tourist attraction. Management of tourist attraction areas. Management of accessibility to tourist attractions. Management of various facilities. Management to ensure quality of service in tourist attractions. Tourism activity management and management of environmental conservation nature and culture.</p> Chotima Nuanchan Chot Bodeerat Copyright (c) 2024 Academic MCU Buriram Journal 2024-12-26 2024-12-26 9 3 459 473