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กัญญาณัฐ ตั้งสุข
ชนิกา แสงทองดี


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the level of Self-control management of Police Officers in Bang Pho Police Station.; and 2. to compare between personal factors and Self-control management of Police Officers in Bang Pho Police Station. The research instruments are a questionnaire of 4 aspects: in Subordinate, Colleague, Supervisor and Citizen. The researcher used the questionnaires with 80 police officers in Bang Pho Police Station. By finding the frequency and percentage, finding the mean and standard deviation, Analyzed by t-test independent and One-way ANOVA, data analysis using social science software packages.

The results of this study is as below: 1. The level of Self-control management of Police Officers in Bang Pho Police Station is in a high level ( = 4.18, S.D. = 0.40). When considering each aspect, it is found that the aspect of the highest average value of the top 3 was Self-Control with citizen part at a high level ( = 4.22, S.D. = 0.51).  The second one is Self-Control with Supervisor part at a high level (=4.19, S.D. =0.66). The last one is Self-Control with Colleague at a high level (=4.16, S.D. =0.57). 2. The perspective of comparison between personal factor and Self-control management of Police Officers in Bang Pho Police Station classified by genders, age and range of work found that the sample variance was not different. These elements were classified by position and local found that the sample variance was different and significantly differently at .05 level.

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