The Role of Moral Monks in Teaching and Learning Buddhism at the Secondary Level Phai Dam Pittayakom Ratchamangkhalapisek School


  • PhraThanesuan Thirathammo (Thong Chiang) Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Somchai Srinok Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Suwatsan Ragkhanto Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


The role of moral monks, teaching, learning Buddhism


The thesis entitled consisted of two objectives. The study aimed 1) to study the role of moral teaching monks in teaching and learning management; Buddhism Secondary Phai Dam Pittayakom School Rajamangalaphisek 2) to compare opinions on the role of moral teaching monks in teaching and learning management Buddhism Secondary in Phai Dam Pittayakom School Rajamangalaphisek Classified by personal factors 3) To propose development guidelines The role of monks teaching morality in teaching and learning management of Buddhism. Secondary Phai Dam Pittayakom School Rajamangalaphisek 1. The role of monks teaching morals in teaching and learning management Buddhism Secondary Phai Dam Pittayakom School Rajamangalaphisek Overall, it was at a high level (=๔.๒๔, S.D.=๐.๗๙๒) when considering each aspect. It was found that it was at a high level in all aspects. The aspect is at the highest level. 1) The development of morality and ethics in teaching students 2) School activities organized for moral and ethical development 3) Environmental management in schools for moral and ethical development 4) Moral and ethical evaluation of students 2. Comparison results students' opinions on The role of monks teaching morals in teaching and learning management Buddhism Secondary Phai Dam Pittayakom School Rajamangala Phisek, classified by personal status, as a whole, it was found that The role of moral monks in teaching and learning Buddhism at the secondary level no different which denies and does not conform to the premise with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. and different levels of education have different opinions which denies and does not conform to the assumptions set 3. Suggestions for development guidelines found that teachers should have moral and ethical teaching. including the integration of morality and ethics to be applied to the learning management plans of all subject groups to suit students And students have learned to search for knowledge from learning sources in everyday life. and should use teaching materials to create fun and not get bored It's about learning and applying it and can also encourage students to learn both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Measurements and evaluations must be fair and impartial. by evaluating the actual conditions that are consistent with the development of morality and ethics of students






บทความวิจัย (Research article)