Journal of MCU Philosophy Review <p>ยินดีต้อนรับสู่วารสาร มจร ปรัชญาปริทรรศน์ (JMPR) ISSN: 3027-7388 (Online) เป็นวารสาร มจร ปรัชญาปริทรรศน์ ซึ่งอยู่ภายใต้การดูแลของบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วารสารเผยแพร่เนื้อหาบทความที่ได้รับการตรวจสอบอย่างเข้มงวดจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ กองบรรณาธิการมีการตรวจสอบคุณภาพบทความให้มีความน่าเชื่อถือ และมีมาตรฐานตามหลักวิชาการ ทำให้วารสารมีข้อมูลเพื่อการอ้างอิงที่น่าเชื่อถือ ผ่านการตรวจสอบจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิที่เกี่ยวข้องกับปรัชญา คือ อภิปรัชญา ญาณวิทยา จริยศาสตร์ หรือปรัชญาประยุกต์กับสาขาวิชาอื่น เช่น ปรัชญาการศึกษา ปรัชญาศาสนา ปรัชญาสังคมและการเมือง เป็นต้น บทความทั้งหมดจะต้องเกี่ยวข้องกับปรัชญาบริสุทธิ์ ปรัชญาประยุกต์ และการวิจัยทางปรัชญา ใน 2 กลุ่มประกอบด้วย กลุ่มที่ 1 ปรัชญาบริสุทธิ์ ได้แก่ การวิเคราะห์ทางอภิปรัชญา ญาณวิทยา และจริยศาสตร์ และกลุ่มที่ 2 ปรัชญาประยุกต์ หมายถึง การประยุกต์หลักปรัชญาและศาสนา เพื่อตีความและนำเสนอแนวทางการแก้ไขปัญหาที่ปรากฎในสังคม</p> <p>ปีที่เริ่มต้น: 2561</p> <p>ภาษาที่รับตีพิมพ์: ภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ</p> en-US <p>บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสาร มจร ปรัชญาปริทรรศน์</p> <p>ข้อความในบทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสาร ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความ และข้อคิดเห็นนั้นไม่ถือว่าเป็นทัศนะและความรับผิดชอบของกองบรรณาธิการวารสาร มจร ปรัชญาปริทรรศน์</p> (พระมหาขวัญชัย กิตฺติเมธี) (แม่ชีธรรมอธิษฐาน พรบันดาลชัย, เกษริน บุตรา) Thu, 30 Jan 2025 08:21:58 +0700 OJS 60 Waste Management: Waste Management Model to Be Effectiveness <p>This academic article aims to study waste management in Bangkok. The study analyzes data from documents, government policies, and public opinions related to waste segregation. The findings reveal that key factors contributing to the problem include a lack of infrastructure for waste segregation, waste management systems that are inconsistent with waste segregation policies in terms of collection and disposal methods, and insufficient public awareness campaigns to promote citizen participation. Including proposing improvements to the waste segregation system, such as educating the public about waste segregation, developing waste management technologies, and creating economic incentives. This academic article highlights the urgent need for concrete actions to achieve sustainable waste management and mitigate environmental impacts.</p> Sittichai Kritvivat Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Mon, 03 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Management of Educational Resources of Buddhist Schools According to the Principles of Seven Sappayas <p>This article has objectives to study management of educational resources of Buddhist schools according to the principles of 7 Sappaya. In this article, I collected data through engaging book and relevant research. The management of educational resources in Buddhist schools plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of education. This involves managing five key resources: personnel, finance, facilities, curriculum, and information. Effective management necessitates considering efficiency, transparency, and maximizing benefits. It should also incorporate the seven Sappaya principles to create a conducive learning environment. This includes providing suitable locations, classrooms, and equipment, as well as promoting health, nutrition, and positive interactions. Such efforts will contribute to achieving educational goals and fostering sustainable development of learners in Buddhist education.</p> Phramaha Chaichana Buddhamedhi (Kirum) Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Mon, 03 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Police and Gray Business: Concept Problems Obstacles and Solutions <p>This article aims to study the concept of police and gray business. Problems and obstacles of police and gray businesses and solutions to problems and obstacles of police and gray businesses. The results of the study found that 1) the concept of police and gray business was found to be a concept related to hidden businesses or hidden business establishments. Owner Business and objectives of establishment Entrepreneurs or business owners have a relationship with the police as givers. The giver has less bargaining power. and is in a disadvantageous position and the police have a relationship with the entrepreneur or business owner as the recipient. The recipient holds the law in hand. Can give you and blame and can be in a position 2) Problems and obstacles of the police and gray businesses. It was found that problems with relationships between police and gray business operators Problems with police management and problems with welfare and compensation for the police, and 3) solutions to problems and obstacles of the police and gray businesses, it was found that (1) problems with relationships between officials Check with the gray business operator. Knowledge should be created about values, correctness and justice in society and create awareness of values, correctness and justice in society for both police and entrepreneurs or gray business owners. In addition, creating civil society network partners in the area to participate in Continuous inspection and monitoring and evaluation of police performance. (2) Problems with police management are Budget, personnel, materials, equipment, and fuel should be allocated sufficient to the missions assigned by supervisors during each period of work. and (3) The problem of police welfare and compensation is Welfare and compensation should be supported and allocated to the police in a manner sufficient for their livelihood and consistent with the compensation of the private sector.</p> Phathairat Mulasiwa Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Mon, 03 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Criteria to Judge Moral Happiness of Buddhdasa Bhikkhuv <p>The research entitled ‘Criteria to Judge Moral Happiness of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu’ has three objectives: 1) to study the criteria for judging happiness in Theravada Buddhist philosophy, 2) to study happiness according to the idea of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu, and 3) to analyze the criteria for judging the moral happiness of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu. This research employed the documentary research methodology. The research results were found that, 1) That the concept of utility has been used by Theravada Buddhist philosophy for judging happiness comprise of one’s benefit, benefit others, and benefit both, 2)Happiness in the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's concept is divided into social happiness and individual happiness, 3) When it comes to the criteria for judging moral happiness of Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu, such criteria are called ‘ideal criteria’ where its morality embraces non attachment or reciprocity through the utilization of pure consciousness. Therefore, viewed from this angle, it shows that Buddhadãsa Bhikkhu argued against Theravada Buddhist philosophical ideas ones in action towards certain expectation, but did agree whit the results of such an act. It shows that being a good and moral person does not require expectations or attachment to the benefits and happiness that will be received from others, but doing good must come from a pure heart.</p> Montree Thaweegaew Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 An Analytical of Goals of Buddha’s Teaching Method in Dighaikāya Mahāvahha <p>This article aims 1) to study Buddhist teaching methods in the Tripitaka 2) to study Buddhist teaching methods in the sect. Mahawakha and 3) to analyze the Buddhist goals, teaching methods in the Mahawakha sect. This research is qualitative research. With documentary research. The findings show that 1. Buddha's teaching method is the main process of Buddha's teachings in all dimensions, that is, there is a way to teach from what is understood. Easy to find the hard thing to understand. It is a sermon in prose, prose, and prose mixed with prose, with the principles of words. Teaching to all classes of people is full of appropriate material for each individual. 2) Buddhist teaching methods in the Maha Vajiralongkorn sect, he taught both Buddhists 4.1 N. to the god and Phrom by teaching. According to the level of intelligence of the audience, there are 9 out of 10 Buddhist teaching methods starting Mahathana Sutra with Buddhists. The intention is to require Buddhists to understand and access the teachings consisting of Uttesthes, which is a parliamentary part. act and reject according to the learned and the learned 3) Analysis of Buddhist goals, teaching methods in the Maha Vajiralongkorn because the Buddha's primary goal is Anu. Puppikatha, the target among them is Ovatapatimokkha, and the ultimate goal is Riyasaka Patichasamubat, leading. develop the quality of life or the conduct of one's life into dual knowledge and virtue.</p> Phramaha Surasak Khantidhammo, PhraMethivorayan, Jutamas Vareesangthip Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Guidelines of Learning Management Model by Environmental Problems Based to Develop Futuristic Thinking Skills towards Active Citizen of High School Students in Bangkok <p>This research article aims were 1) to examine the current learning management models that promote future thinking skills, and 2) to investigate approaches for developing learning management models that utilize environmental issues as a foundation to foster future thinking skills and environmental citizenship awareness among high school students in Bangkok. The research employed a qualitative methodology, with data collected through interviews with seven key informants and focus group discussions with seven students, selected based on predetermined criteria using purposive sampling. The tools used for data collection included three main components: an interview guide focusing on current learning management models for developing future thinking skills, a discussion guide for student focus groups, and an interview guide for exploring the development of learning management models based on environmental issues. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and presented in descriptive narrative form. The findings revealed two main points. 1) while future thinking skills are not explicitly addressed in the curriculum, they are indirectly integrated into teaching practices through diverse learning approaches. However, challenges were identified, including differences in students' lifestyles, a lack of basic skills, and constraints related to teachers' time and professional development opportunities. 2) the development of learning management models should emphasize the integration of content from various disciplines, connecting knowledge to real-life contexts. Environmental issues should serve as the foundation for teaching, with strategies such as inquiry-based learning, simulations, and experiential learning playing a central role. Additionally, the use of modern educational tools and media can enhance students' analytical thinking skills and understanding of environmental issues. This approach aims to transform students into Active Learners, capable of applying their knowledge in their everyday lives.</p> Thanakrit Chitarree, Atchara Sriphan, Rangsan ket-ord , Parinya Soithong Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Model of Application of Baladhamma for the Academic Administration of School Administrator under the Office of Basic Education Commission Ministry of Education <p>The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the components of the application of principles of morality in academic administration by administrators of educational institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, 2) to create a model for the application of principles of morality in academic administration by administrators of educational institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, using mixed research methods (Mixed Methods Research). The sample group consisted of 330 secondary schools under the Basic Education Commission. The information providers include: Educational institution administrators Deputy Educational Institution Administrator and teachers working in academic areas, a total of 990 people using a questionnaire as a 5-level evaluation scale with an index of consistency (IOC) between 0.6-1.0 and a discriminatory power between 0.302-0.835 and has a confidence value of 0.980. The statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and to analyze for linear relationships and analyze content using statistical computer programs. The research results were found that: 1) Components of the application of principles of morality in academic administration by administrators of educational institutions under the Office of the Basic Education Commission with analysis synthesize concepts, theories, documents, and related research and interviews experts were found that: a total of 7 elements and 85 variables were obtained. 2) The results of the evaluation and certification of the model from experts and experts were found that: It is a model has 7 important elements which are appropriate, correct, possible and can be used.</p> Sivapong Paimsawad, Phramaha Kraiwan Jinadattiyo Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 An Analysis of Function of Language Used in Sanghakamma in Buddhist Philosophical Perspective <p>In this research, three objectives were purposely made: 1) to study the concept of speech act, 2) to study the function of language used in Sanghagamma, and 3) to critically analyze the function of language used in Sanghagamma in Buddhist philosophical perspective. This research employed the documentary research methodology done by studying documents and then analyzing reasons and thereby evaluating reasons and then making conclusion accordingly. In the research, it was clearly found that: 1) in the concept of speech act of Austin, he viewed language as not only containing the true and false value but also performing something. As regards Searle’s idea, he viewed language used by man while communicating as illocutionary act. 2) When applied these concepts to examine language used in Sanghagamma they showed that the used language has the characteristic of speech act that continually functions on the necessary condition of Sanghagamma, therefore, the successfulness of Sanghagamma could be actualized by these functions according to Austin’s viewpoint, but Searle is of the view that such a speech act is clearly caused by psychological state that precipitates the speech act, so does the language in Sanghagamma; there will be speech act responded by a listener leading to the independent making certain decision. All is the study of the case where language is used by one who understands its meaning. Therefore, these concepts could not be used to explain language used in Sanghagamma where the user cannot understand the meaning of such language. Thus, the concept of language given by Austin and Searle could not be used to explain the language used in the present Sanghagamma. 3) In this research, it critically analyzes the problem caused by the case of one whose understanding of language is not present and then argues that the function of language used in Sanghagamma in Buddhist philosophical viewpoint does not only contain the condition that certify such Sanghagamma but also perform speech act to those who have faith in Pali regarded as the original language used in the mentioned Sanghagamma. However, the speech act arising in Sanghagamma of those who understand the meaning of language and of those who do not will vary. While in the former the function of speech act involves the utilization of intention the latter focuses on the usage of emotion.</p> Phramaha Khunpon Samacitto (Klaysuwan) Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Future of Educational Supervision in the Next Decade for the Small Primary Schools <p>This dissertation aims to study the future of educational supervision in the next decade for the small primary schools. The methodology applied in this study was Ethnographic Delphi Future Research (EDFR) technique. Data analysis uses statistics. Measuring central tendency these are the median, the mode and the range between quartiles (interquartile range). The results of research were found that 1) The principle of supervision was found that there should be supervision that focuses on the development of educational quality as the main priority, emphasizing the use of the school - Based Management and the PDCA quality cycle, emphasizing cooperation and teamwork. 2) The purpose of supervision was found that academic leadership and teaching techniques should be developed to promote research, create teaching innovations, focus on building morale and good relationships among personnel. 3) The role of supervisor was found that should have a good understanding of the context of the educational institution, be able to provide guidance on operations covering all aspects, have good communication skills. 4) The scope of supervision was found that should be placed on combining the contents and methods of learning management with local knowledge, cultivating learners' characteristics and abilities through learner-centered learning management. 5)The formats of supervision were found that comprehensive and flexible communication should be used to support and promote the effective development of teaching, while taking into account the background of the school. 6) The techniques of supervision were found that should be placed on the use of aesthetic, coaching and mentoring to support the development of the potential of the supervisee, and the application of innovative technology and artificial intelligence in supervision. 7) The assessment of supervision was found that should be carried out systematically and comprehensively in all dimensions of supervision. Using real-world evaluation methods and multiple evaluation stages.</p> Pijarn Ditpracha Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Establishing the Department of Clergy Case in the Court of Justice Guideline for Monk in Charged of Criminal Case <p>This research article aims were 1. To study the problems and obstacles in the criminal prosecution of monks. 2. To study the process of establishing the Ecclesiastical Court of Justice in Thailand. 3. To present guidelines for the establishment of the Ecclesiastical Court of Justice in Thailand. Research data was collected by in-depth interviews. Semi-structured questions Key informants were selected in a purposive manner. and organized group discussions to brainstorm opinions of experts from both monks and the general public. The results of the research found that there are problems and obstacles in the criminal prosecution of monks who need to find criminal cases. These include arrests, detentions, prosecutions, sentencing, and enforcement of sentences. Social criticism has a negative effect on the image of Buddhism. The detention of monks who are accused of criminal charges and who are not allowed to be temporarily released. A specific place to stay should be arranged as a special measure. Detention must be separated from laypeople. There should be a Vinayathorn involved in the investigation. The National Office of Buddhism and the Royal Thai Police should review the temporary release pending consideration. There is a process for reinstating the clerical title. The Sangha Supreme Council should review the judicial process of the Sangha. As for the process of establishing an ecclesiastical court of justice in Thailand, it should not be established yet because the volume of cases is not large. Not having sufficient value Establishing a department must consist of two important parts: a budget and personnel. Only one ecclesiastical constitution should be prepared. There are guidelines for monkhood under consideration. That is, there was Vinayathorn involved in the investigation. A place of detention for monks should be arranged, separate from laypeople.</p> Thatdaow Chomluk Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Comparative Study of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Concept of Freedom in the Social Contract and Mikhail Bakunin's Concept of Freedom in Anarchy <p>The research article titled "A Comparative Study of the Concept of Freedom in the Social Contract of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Concept of Freedom in Anarchism of Mikhail Bakunin" aims to study, analyze, and compare the concepts of freedom according to Rousseau and Bakunin. In the research, it was clearly found that, on the one hand, according to Jean-Jaques Rousseau’s viewpoint, the real freedom is created by the way people are under the law which reflects on general will through the process of constructing social contract whereby it will become the essential key in establishing the just state. Under this, the state’s duty is to protect the freedom and justice by limitation of the oppression which would be precipitated by external force, on the other hand, according to Michael Bakunin’s viewpoint, he holds that the state is the enemy of freedom because the state is always inclined to control and oppress citizen and then he comes to propose that the state and various institutions should be wiped out in order to construct the anarchy which decentralizes the center of power where people can govern themselves completely. From the comparison of the proposed concepts of freedom, it clearly showed that although both Rousseau and Bakunin similarly aim at the creation of freedom to human being, yet their ways completely vary. While Rousseau is of the view that the just state can be used as the instrument leading to the promotion of freedom, Bakunin lays emphasis on the obstacle of freedom caused by the state. If both concepts of freedom are properly integrated, then it would establish the state that decentralize the power justly through following the general will which promotes individual freedom and the direct form of Democracy is used to decentralize the center of power including the protection of oppression done by the state.</p> Nutawut Thanadhammo Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Promoting Pilgrim Route of Chinese Shrine in New Normal Cultural Tourism <p>The objectives of this research are: 1) to study promoting pilgrim route of Chinese shrine in Phranakhon District Bangkok, 2) the readiness of shrine stakeholders and 3) satisfaction of tourists towards New normal cultural tourism. Its mixed methods research. The sampling group totaling 200 persons. Its instrument was interviews and questionnaires. Its analytical statistics were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were shown as follows: Have promoting pilgrim route of Chinese shrine in Phranakhon District Bangkok, Most of shrine stakeholders to readiness and the satisfaction of tourists towards New normal cultural tourism as a whole to the routes and attractions, service, safety and cooperation of people in the community.</p> Sombut Sae-be, Ananya Tanprasert Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Comparative Study of the Influence of Beliefs on Pana to Heal the Disease in the view of Thai Traditional Medicine between Buddhism and Brahmanism – Hinduism <p>This research paper has 3 objectives: 1) to study of the Influence of Beliefs on Pana to Heal the disease in Buddhism, 2) to study of an Influence of Beliefs on Pana to Heal the disease in Brahmanism – Hinduism, and 3) to compare of the influence of beliefs on Pana to heal the disease in the view of Thai traditional medicine between Buddhism and Brahmanism – Hinduism. The research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting information from the Tipitaka, Hindu religious scriptures such as Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, related research, religious dialogue, and interview religious scholars, Thai traditional medicine scholars, and patient groups. The results of the study were found that: Buddhism sees breath as the breath and the wind that flows throughout the body. The use of breath in Buddhism for healing is to treat diseases that occur both in the mind and those that are expressed through behavior. Brahmanism-Hinduism is the breath or the main wind or the feeling energy that has wind spreading above the head and has a main point in the brain. When moving down to the chest and throat, it controls inhalation and swallowing, as well as sneezing, spitting and burping, controlling the senses, mind, heart and consciousness. It is a part of the characteristics of the body's movement and is the energy that makes the body survive. Comparing of the influence of beliefs on Pana to heal the disease in the view of Thai traditional medicine between Buddhism and Brahmanism – Hinduism, it can be summarized as follows: Buddhism understands that when there is a cause and a factor, it will be equal to the result that creates mindfulness. For Hinduism, breath must be trained to control the breath so that the breath can help us reach concentration. Therefore, the body and mind must be related because the mind is what controls the body. Therefore, no matter how well we take care of our bodies, our bodies will deteriorate over time. When the body deteriorates, we must take care of both body and mind.</p> Amphai Chaichonlasub Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Comparative Study of the Ideas of the Death and Funeral Arrangements in Theravada Buddhism and Brahmin-Hinduism <p>The objectives of this research article are: 1) to study the beliefs of the death and funeral arrangements in Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study the beliefs of the death and funeral arrangements in the Brahmin-Hinduism, and 3) to comparative study the beliefs of death and funeral arrangements in Theravada Buddhism and Brahmin-Hinduism. This research is a qualitative study by studying and collecting information from the Tripitaka and the Vedas texts including the research papers. The results of study were found that: By conclusion, Buddhism and Brahmin-Hinduism have the same view that “A funeral ceremony is a ritual performed by a living person to support and promote the deceased” followings the path to happiness as the living person hopes. For the difference opinions, (1) Buddhism is only making merit to encourage the deceased. (2) Brahmin-Hinduism aims to beg the gods to grant what they wish for the deceased to be happy, which is divided into 2 types: (1) funerals for innocent people, such as priests, and (2) funerals for ordinary people. On different issues, Buddhism is divided into (1) funeral rites for monks and (2) for lay people. The details of the ceremony vary according to qualifications, royal title. But overall, Emphasis will be placed on cremation, not discrimination on caste and rank. The Brahmin-Hinduism classifies funeral ceremonies into 2 items by referring to (1) the funeral ceremony without cremation for those who are considered holy, such as priests, and (2) the cremation ceremony is a general ceremony. Anyways, all persons and funeral ceremonies are divided according to social castes. However, there is also a method according to religious beliefs, which is to burn it and float it in the Ganges River to lead the soul to heaven.</p> PhrakrusangkharakThanawat Techadhammo (Khummuang) Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Administrator’s Competencies and School Effectiveness under Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 <p>This research aimed to determine: 1) the competency of school administrators under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; 2) the effectiveness of schools under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; and 3) the relationship between administrator competency and school effectiveness under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample consisted of 92 schools under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Two people from each school provided data, consisting of 1 principal and 1 teacher, for a total of 184 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire on administrator competency based on the concept of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Committee, and the concept of school effectiveness based on Mott's ideas. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis. The research results revealed that: 1) the overall competency of school administrators under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was at the highest level; 2) the overall effectiveness of schools under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was at the highest level; and 3) there was a statistically significant positive correlation at the .01 level between administrator competency and school effectiveness under the Narathiwat Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, indicating a high level of positive association.</p> Pichayanun Inrak, Vorakarn Suksodkiew Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Study on Social and Cultural Contexts to Graphic Art Design for Promoting Community-Based Tourism: A Case study of Samchuk 100-Year Market, Suphan Buri Province <p>This article aims to study the social and cultural context of Samchuk Market, Suphanburi Province, and analyze and synthesize the local culture and community identity based on data collected through observations and interviews with entrepreneurs, community members, and tourists. The findings led to the design of contemporary art symbols to promote tourism. The study revealed that: 1) Samchuk Market has a distinctive architectural identity, including well-preserved wooden row houses and Sino-Portuguese architecture, reflecting the context of a Thai-Chinese trading community; 2) The community possesses valuable local knowledge in food preparation, food preservation, and ingredient selection, which has been passed down through generations, representing important local wisdom; 3) The application of contemporary design elements, such as creating symbols, color schemes, patterns, and cartoon characters, as well as designing food-oriented tourism activities, can enhance the market’s image and foster positive attitudes towards the market. The project can be extended in real-world applications to promote tourism and preserve cultural values, local wisdom, and the good traditions of the community.</p> Wanaporn Yangsiri, Pradiphat Lerrujdumvongkul Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Development of Student Care System Management Model in Secondary Schools Ranong Province <p>Research and development have specific objectives to 1) study problem conditions 2) create models 3) evaluate models 4) compare results of experimenting with models. between before and after 5) study the results of using the efficiency model Effectiveness and value. The sample group in the problem study included 7 secondary schools in Ranong Province and Stree Ranong School. It is an experimental school. There were 7 people conducting the experiment. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and test the t value (t-dependent). The results of the research found that 1) the problem situation was at a high level 2) the synthesized model consisted of 6 steps, including planning the student care and support system; Structuring the student support system Organizing a team to care and help students Implementation of the plan, monitoring, and evaluation of the student support system. and counseling Named POSDEM Model 3) Results of content validity assessment. The consistency value (IOC) was obtained equal to 0.80 - 1.00 4) The results of the experiment used the mean format after being higher than before the experiment. which has a statistically significant difference at the .01 level 5) Results of using the efficiency model Effectiveness and value is at a high level. Suggestions: There should be a study of the opinions of other educational personnel and stakeholders in operating the student care and assistance system in educational institutions to cover all groups. And there should be a study of the roles of school administrators, teachers, and educational committees. and parents of students towards the operation of the student care and assistance system in educational.</p> Sunisa Paphong, Choomsak Intarak, Rhoamrumpha Natthunatiruj Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Comparative Study of Treatment of Body and Mind to Improve Quality of Life: A Case Study of Willpower Institute Branch 6, Samutprakan Province and Dhamma Medical Health Camp of Suan Pa Na Bun 3, Pathumthani Province <p>The objectives of this research article are: 1) to study the treatment the body and mind in Theravada Buddhism in Thai society, 2) to study concept of the ways to develop the quality of life of the Willpower Institute Branch 6 and the Dhamma Medical Health Camp of Suan Pa Na Bun 3 and, 3) to compare the treatment of t body and mind in order to develop the quality of life. The research paper is a qualitative study and interview religious scholars, Thai traditional medicine scholars, and patient groups. The results of the study were found that: Physical and mental treatment in Theravada Buddhism in Thai society refers to the balance of our body. This life of man is a body and a mind. Therefore, there must be Balance of the mind as well. Both body and mind must have this balance. The Institute of Willpower and Dhamma medical health camp are the places for physical and mental development, so it goes hand in hand in terms of making merit for oneself and extending the merit by extending merit for others to receive further by expanding the area. or expand opportunities for others, by giving and telling and by passing on merit as a teacher who recommends good things to others. It also creates machines by balancing the body and mind, Including creating suitable places that lead to the development of the mind and body, being happy and reducing physical ailments so that one can make benefit to society. Both institutes have proposed the concept of treating the body and mind in terms of interdependence. The principles of treating the body and mind must use the principles of self-development and coexistence as the main principle. Finally, the practice method for improving the quality of life is to improve the body and mind by creating a clear curriculum of practice, which is the creation of holistic treatment, not separation.</p> Amnat Chaichonlasub Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Alleviation of Model Kāmaguṇa Kamaguna from the Usage of Buddhist Monks' Information and Communication Technology in Current Society <p>This research article has objectives were purposely made: 1) to study Buddhist monks’ the behaviour in using technology in the present society, 2) to study and develop the mental training model in accordance with four foundations of mindfulness to reduce Kāmaguṇa of the Buddhist monks in using technology, and 3) to present the alleviation model of Kāmaguṇa of Buddhist monks from using technology in the present society. This research employed the qualitative research methodology done by collecting data from field research through in-depth interview and non-participative observation. The research results showed that: In the present society, the Buddhist monks’ behaviour in using technology is somehow inseparable from their context of living life where its usage can be divided into three aspects: 1) in the education 2) in the communication 3) in the entertainment. The current usage of technology by monks has negative effects in three ways: 1) stimulating passion, 2) mingling with groups, and 3) indulging in entertainment. In the development of the mental training model in accordance with four foundations of mindfulness to reduce Kāmaguṇa of the Buddhist monks in using technology, mindfulness on four bases needs to be focused: 1) one should be mindful on body and its behaviour, 2) one should be mindful on feeling, 3) one should be mindful on one’s consciousness, and 4) one should be mindful on the functioning sense-bases. Hence, to gain the mentioned bases, Buddhist monks in the present time need to get mind and themselves trained through the holistic manner. The alleviation of Model of Kāmaguṇa from the usage of Buddhist monks’ information and communication technology in current society needs three types of structural competency model where it consists in the followings: 1) being full awareness, 2) it needs good friendship 3) it needs the effectiveness of the process where time, determination and study are used so that the holistic training.</p> Phra Thiradet Tejadhammo (Hiran), Phramaha Tawee Mahapañño, Maechee Kritsana Raksachom Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Guidelines of Phenomenon-Based Learning Management to Develop Social Intelligence Among Global Citizens for High School Students <p>The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study current instructional models in The Social Studies, Religion, and Culture Department, and 2) to study the guidelines of phenomenon-based learning management for developing social Intelligence among global citizens for high school students. This is the qualitative research. To collect data by interviewing from secondary school, university professors, educational supervisor, social studies scholar, and high school students. The research instrument was an interview guide focusing on instructional models in The Social Studies, Religion, and Culture Department for developing social intelligence among global citizens. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive writing. The research results were as follows: 1) The results of current instructional models for developing social intelligence among global citizens are not directly mentioned core in the curriculum. The models align with the core curriculum framework, allowing teachers to integrate content to enhance skills in various contexts. However, limitations were identified in connecting content to real-world situations, as teaching primarily focuses on lecturing and achieving predetermined learning outcomes due to assessment and evaluation using the same standard. 2)The results of the guidelines of phenomenon-based learning management to develop social Intelligence among global citizens for high school students emphasizes self-directed learning, hands-on practices, and analytical skills to address social issues. This approach encourages critical reflection, knowledge exchange, and the application of social phenomena to real-life contexts. The evaluation process employs authentic and diverse assessment methods. It aims to develop students’ competencies to adapt to global changes while fostering an awareness of their role as global citizens. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of global citizenship, enabling students to socially intelligent among global citizens.</p> Sakoonthip Phromrangka, Atchara Sriphan Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Guidelines of Phenomenon-Based Learning Management to Develop Digital Empathy of Secondary School Students in Lamphun <p>The objectives of this research article were to: 1) study the current state of learning management and 2) explore approaches to phenomenon-based learning management to develop empathy in the cyber world among lower secondary school students in Lamphun Province. This qualitative research included seven key informants: three experienced teachers, two university lecturers, one educational supervisor, and one psychologist, selected through purposive sampling. The research instrument used was an interview guide with in-depth questions, and the data were analyzed through content analysis and presented descriptively. The research findings revealed that the current state of learning management showed a lack of specific curricula to develop empathy in the cyber world, with teaching primarily following the Basic Education Core Curriculum. Teaching methods were content-focused without connections to real-world cyber issues, although diverse techniques and integration with social studies were observed. Regarding the roles of teachers, some lacked understanding of digital citizenship, while others acted as advisors, listened to students, and served as good role models. However, students were found to have a relatively low awareness of empathy in the cyber world. For the phenomenon-based learning approach to develop empathy in the cyber world, it is recommended to use real-life phenomena close to students’ experiences. This would enhance their understanding of emotions, foster respect for differences, encourage polite communication, raise awareness of the impact of online behavior, and promote empathy in the cyber world.</p> Suriyaporn Yanatan, Atchara Sriphan Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Sun, 02 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Critical Study of the Donation of Vessantara from an Existentialist Perspective <p>The donation of Vessantara becomes a controversial topic in the history of Buddhism from the past to the present. In <em>“The Questions of King Milinda</em>,” the King Milinda said to Nagasena that the donation of the prince does not follow the concept of the middle way given by the Buddha. Modern scholars have raised the question that it could be possible to see that the donation of the prince has caused a number of serious problems in the society. The donation of his wife and children has been seriously criticized as the thing that violates the human rights and why the prince, who is believed to be a wise person, does not understand this simple thing. In this research, I need to explain and defend the actions of Vessantara through a perspective of Existentialism. Existentialism highly stresses the choice and responsibilities of a person, and I would like to argue that in donating things in his life the prince is highly responsible for everything. </p> Somparn Promta Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of MCU Philosophy Review Mon, 03 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700