Study the behavior of the meditator according to the attitudes


  • ณฐธนวัฒน์ ณัตธนากร สาขาวิชาพุทธจิตวิทยา คณะมนุษศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรราชวิยาลัย


behavioral education, dharma practitioner, attitudinal attitudes 4


This research is aimed at 4. Study the factors that affect the behavior of the meditator according to the rhythmic pattern and to present the causal models that affect the behavior of the meditators 4, the results showed that: 1. the influence of personal factors. The influence of personal factors, such as the status of the practitioners and the level of education. At the p-value <0.05 level, the behavior was significantly Effects on behavioral status and age range 41-50 years 2. Analyzing the influence of the original mental factors, i.e, and the self-esteem. Emotional Stability Self-efficacy and perceived performance status. Significant effects on behavior at p-value <0.05. 3. Multiple Logistic Regression analysis to determine whether coefficients of independent variables affect behavioral variables and cognitive processes


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