
  • พระมหาวรา โชติวโร สาขาวิชาการบริหารการศึกษา คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
  • ชุมศักดิ อินทร์รักษ์ อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษา


Development, Ethic


The purpose of this research was to identify the moral development of student in Muang Samutsongkram school. The key informants were school director, deputy school director, head of leaning subject, teacher and student, with the total of 12 key informants. The instrument for collecting the data was unsaturated interview and those data were analyzed by content analysis.

          The finding of this study was shown that the moral development of student in Muang Samutsongkram school composed of these activities : 1) diligent dimension ; the school provided school homework, and report, review dharma regularly, sports training and practice, training for arts and music skill from Monday to Saturday. 2) saving dimension ; the school provided the student to save money with school co-operation, learn how to save money, stimulated the student to understand economies sufficiency principle lased on her majesty king Rama IX, 3) honest dimension ; the school teach the student to be gratification, being and 5 doctrine of Buddha by 5 doctrine saving, giving appreciation for those students who had a good habit. 4) regulation dimension ; the school provided the student to have morning line up and nation flag chanting, boy and girl scout, student sport, moral camping, going for school lunch and alro in school co-operation 5) polite dimension ; the school provided the activities for the student to be polite with teachers and parents, respected to the monks and Buddha, being beyond school motto “Best leaner, harmony, save, tidily, and politeness’ 6) tidily dimension ; the school cheek and student tidily every month, provided tidily doctor program and healthy teacher project, schedule for student cleaning the school area. 7) harmony dimension ; the school kept the school provided sport day, Thai sport, football, volley ball, takraw, international song, and team building. And 8) altruism dimension ; the school kept the student to be gratification person, be altruism to all people, donated food for monk on special Buddha day, provided moral teaching by the monk and charity club.


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