An Analytical Study of the Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance according to Buddhist Approach
The objectives of this thematic paper are as follows: 1) to study the Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance, 2) to study the Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance according to Buddhist Approach and 3) to analyze the value of the Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance according to Buddhist Approach. This research is a qualitative study, focused on documentaries, studies mainly on the Tipitaka, documentaries relating and works of Buddhist scholars and the consultation of the advisors. All the data are classified into system, concluded and presented in descriptive analysis.
The results of research are found as follows:
1. The Principle of Good Governance for the Organization Administration is the good method for the management of the whole country including public sector, business sector, private sector and people sector to achieve the everyone happiness and well-being by the six principles as follows:- (1) the principle of law, (2) the principle of virtue, (3) the principle of openness and transparency (4) the principle of participation, (5) the principle of accountability and (6) the principle of effectiveness.
2. The Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance according to Buddhist Approach is the management of the organization following the Buddhist Doctrines to achieve effectively the given objectives including Brahmavihara 4, Iddhipada 4, Sappurisa- dhamma 7, Noble Eightfold Path and Raja-dhamma.
3. The results of the analysis of the values of the Organization Administration by the Principle of Good Governance according to Buddhist Approach are the value of the justice, the value of the reduction of the inequality and the value of the efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.
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