Analytical study Model on Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4 Approach by Stressing the Teaching of Kamma of Phradhamsinghaburacariya (Charan Thitadhammo)


  • พระบุญจันทร์ คุตฺตจิตฺโต (จิมพละ)
  • พระครูศรีปริยัติคุณาภรณ์ ธรรมจง
  • พระมงคลธรรมวิธาน .


        The objectives of this thesis ware as follows 1) To study the Model on Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4, 2) To study the Model on Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4 Approach by Stressing the Teaching of Kamma of Phradhamsingha buracariya (Charan Thitadhammo) and 3) To study values of Meditation Teaching in Sati patthana 4 Approach by Stressing the Teaching of Kamma of Phradhamsinghaburacariya (Charan Thitadhammo). The sample groups were the Tipitaka Commentaries. Texts and relevant researches. The thesis was the documentary qualitative research works. All the data, collected during January-September 2017, were then analyzed by content analysis and analytic induction.
The results of research are found as follows:
          1) Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4 Astring that Lord Buddha had taught the monks among them. To guide the Vipassana meditation. As a base of consciousness In recognition of the way in training. Aupatwa practices to eliminate damage to the guest is to calm the mind and body perception justified as a way of liberation from suffering and destruction. The effects of meditation practice, made a New Song. Meditation has the power to evoke joy at Longchamp. Lo and Gangut sq fair to Nirvana.
          2) The Model on Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4 Approach by Stressing the Teaching of Kamma of Phradhamsinghaburacariya (Charan Thitadhammo) was formed to teach meditation you have to follow the guidelines Satipatthana 4. The principle is based on the Holy scriptures phothipakkhithrrm. The operator sets the mood for a modern approach to the problem of consciousness is to set out the four mental health, compassion and fairness which are primarily used in the practice of meditation are two kinds: the smallness of consciousness. To control or define mental Know the job correctly. Then the remaining one Is a precaution When I would not underestimate the mental lifestyle with accuracy. While meditation teaches you to lectures about karma and merits of the arms of prayer epic. This is one of the Buddhist mindfulness widely popular hymns.
          3) The values of Meditation Teaching in Satipatthana 4 Approach by Stressing the Teaching of Kamma of Phradhamsinghaburacariya (Charan Thitadhammo). : found valuable in disseminating the principles and doctrines. Values personality and values to behave as role models. It is considered particularly valuable has been widely popular with the practice of meditation all over the country. The practice of meditation is valuable and useful as you know from experience pastor and from the mood of the practice of meditation can be summarized three reasons: 1) national memorial 2) the law of action and 3) the wisdom to solve life issues.

Author Biographies

พระบุญจันทร์ คุตฺตจิตฺโต (จิมพละ)

Phraboonjan khuttajitto (Jimphala)
M.A. student, Mahamakut Buddhist University Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus

พระครูศรีปริยัติคุณาภรณ์ ธรรมจง

Lecturer, Mahamakut Buddhist University Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus

พระมงคลธรรมวิธาน .

Lecturer, Mahamakut Buddhist University Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus


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