การสร้างความปรองดองสมานฉันท์ของนักการเมือง ตามแนวพระพุทธศาสนา
Reconciliation, Politician, BuddhismAbstract
This article would like to present here 3 purposes as follow; to present concept of reconciliation, to present guidance to lead implementation of reconciliation’s concept, to give recommendations guidance to build reconciliation base on Buddhism. According to phenomena of conflicts of Thai society have risen until nowadays because of many factors. This crisis lead to chaos in Thai society and made massive affecting through politics, economics, and increases conflicts of many dimensions in Thai society. This phenomenon has effected to all partners and various group in everywhere. Buddhism is one of the most significance which it should be one of all mechanics to be used for implementation to solve this crisis This article has recommendation for creation reconciliation by Dharma applying of sublime states of mind, states of conciliation, bases of sympathy to become nation’s policies for building peace and harmony come through Thai society.
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