
  • Phatchariphon Suebdee Public Policy Department Faculty of Political Science and Social Sciences, University of Phayao
  • Veera Lertsomporn Public Policy Department Faculty of Political Science and Social Sciences, University of Phayao
  • Raksi Kiattibut Public Policy Department Faculty of Political Science and Social Sciences, University of Phayao


development, management, network, local fishery, Phayao Kwan


            The research on the Development of Management Guidelines of Local Fishery Network at Phayao Lake is qualitative research and has the objectives to 1) study Phayao Lake constitutional provision and policies about development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake and to 2) set development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake. There are 3 groups of key informants used in the study, namely, 10 local fishery network members, 7 officials from the government agencies that secure Phayao lake area and 5 local administrative organization administrators. And the tools used in the study were indepth semi-structural interview form. The study was conducted in the descriptive analysis using method of lecture and discussion.

            The result of the study showed that the content of Phayao Lake Constitutional Provision consisting of 5 categories, 21 section which involves directly with the development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake. The overall content is about creating a learning process for people in Phayao Lake society and having joint management of many departments which identified clearly in the provision but not yet announced officially. About policy related to the development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake, it was found that there are 7 main agencies of the government which have policies to promote the development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake. Each department is directly and indirectly involved in thedevelopment of management guidelines of the local fishery network and there are driving policies and operations for efficiency and effectiveness. This is to respond to the policy of the development of management guidelines of the local fishery network at Phayao lake and it was found that local fishery network members, officials from the government agencies that secure Phayao lake area and local administrative organization administrators have all the same opinions. That is, the development of management of local fishery network to be firm should require harmony, balance, dependence, vision, participation, exchanging knowledge, sharing perspectives, strengthening one another, sharing interest and relationship among members. Additionally, the researchers suggest that the development of management of local fishery network to be firm should establish good awareness for all stakeholders to understand thoroughly. The communication channels should be variously multiplied to contact each organization or the organizations should contact local fishery network. And more importantly, they should be aware of the balance of the development of management of local fishery network at Phayao lake. Creating balance in each area is related to the development of management of the local fishery network at Phayao lake. It should be developed together in all areas and when the direction of development of fishery network has clear directions, it will bring benefits to economic, social, and environmental which all regions should continue to promote and develop together with local fishery network at Phayao lake.




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