Strategy of Municipal Development Plan for Sustainable Community Development of Khao Chi Chan Sub-district Municipality, Sattahip District, Chonburi Province


  • Suchinchayun Pethnin Public Administration Siam Technology College
  • Suebsakul Commong Public Administration Siam Technology College


Strategy for Development, Municipal Development Plan, Sustainable community development


           This research is an applied research with the objective of 1) creating a development plan of the municipality 2) testing the suitability of the strategic model for the formation of development plan of the municipality. The sample consisted of 395 people from 6 communities they were obtained by simple random sampling, data then were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as percentage and average. To explain the general condition of the data collected, the statistical analysis in used was multiple regression analysis in testing the relationship between satisfaction and the process of creating the municipal development plan, for qualitative data the descriptive method is employed, according to the real situation.

          The research found that

  1. Creating awareness and knowledge Understanding of the municipal development plan after development, the level of knowledge and understanding (x̄= 6.75) was higher than before development (x̄= 4.42).
  2. The level of sustainable community development of the municipality is at the highest level (x̄= 4.04).
  3. When the influence of Identifying and analyzing problems providing knowledge, understanding, and public hearings Preparation and operation and monitoring and evaluation of the municipality's development plan Resulting in higher sustainable community development.
  4. The 5-step implementation of the research of strategic model for the development plan of the municipality has operated efficiently and success, resulting in the municipality having a sound development plan and suitable for the local development plan.


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