Factors in making decision on Thai Herbal Ball purchasing of the communities in BanRonchaeWieng, Thoeng, Chiangrai
Marketing Mix, Thai Herbal Ball, decision for purchasingAbstract
The study aims to investigate 1) variable factors in making decision to purchase Thai herbal ball of the communities in Ban RonchaeWieng, Thoeng, Chiangrai 2) individual factors and market mix in purchasing Thai herbal balls The sampling groups are the 246 customers of Thai herbal ball buyers in Ban Ronchae. Questionnaires are mainly used in collecting data. Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, T-test, F-test and One-Way Anova areapplied to analyze the data. LSD (Least Significant Different) is applied to index the pairs of the different data.
The results show that the studied factors in driving the customers to buy Thai herbal ball in Ban RonchaeWieng, Thoeng, Chiangrai is at a high rate in all aspects. Considering the particular factors to decide to buy Thai herbal balls, all particular factors are also at the high average. The most effective factor is the price, followed by marketing place, product, and promotion respectively. In terms of marketing mix classified by basic individual, it shows that there is no significant factor in genders and educational degree relating to making decision in buying Thai herbal balls.
The results show that the studied factors in driving the customers to buy Thai herbal ball in Ban RonchaeWieng, Thoeng, Chiangrai is at a high rate in all aspects. Considering the particular factors to decide to buy Thai herbal balls, all particular factors are also at the high average. The most effective factor is the price, followed by marketing place, product, and promotion respectively. In terms of marketing mix classified by basic individual, it shows that there is no significant factor in genders and educational degree relating to making decision in buying Thai herbal balls.
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