Immunity to premature pregnancy of the teenagers with the principle of Khanti-Soracca of the teenagers in the metropolitan area


  • karuna mathulaprangsan Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phramaha Kraiwan Chiinathattiyo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phrakru Opaskan chanatam Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakrupalat Suravut Ukitchok Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Immunity, Premature Pregnancy, Buddhist Principle of Khanti-Soracca


       The research had the adjectives as follows: To analyze the problematic states of the premature pregnancy, to study on how to apply the Buddhist principle of Khanti-Soracca to premature pregnancy of the teenagers in metropolitan area, and to create the model of Immunity for the premature pregnancy of the teenagers. The results of the research were found as follows: In connection with premature pregnancy problem, personal factors of the respondents were found that most of the teenagers were 15-16 years of age, they had lower secondary education, and their parents were employees of the companies. In connection with comparative analysis, comparison of Khanti-Soracca and premature pregnancy of teenagers in the metropolitan area, classified with different gender, age, educational level, and parental occupation, was found that overall was not different. But physical / mental aspects were significantly different at the 0.05 level, which was in accordance with the hypothesis. And in connection with Immune model of premature pregnancy with the principle of Khanti-Soracca, family members should create love, attachment, and understanding, which would create immunity for teenagers, and the principle of virginity before marriage should be adhered as well.  All these would help reduce the risk behavior of mental changes and thoughts that affected teenagers having the opportunity to risk behavior in various fields, especially sexual risk behaviors by the words "don't, and stop ". This had to be the rejection that came from the true intention to avoid and protect oneself


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