Monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the model use for malaria prevention and control in Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi Province


  • Supakorn Sukprasit Office of Sangklaburi District of Public Health


Monitoring, Effectiveness, Pattern, Preventive and Malaria


This research aims: 1) monitoring and evaluate the effectiveness of using the model developed. 2) Prevention and control of malaria in Sangkhlaburi, Kanchanaburi by action research. The disease prevention and control were using model development and data collection by using mixed methods, both of quantitative and qualitative research methods. It can divide into 2 phases that consist of 1. Improving model development of malaria control and 2. Implementation of malaria prevention and control model. Implementation of improved model development were collected both of before and after processing with 438 people that used multistage sampling technique. Using questionnaire was used for analysis in descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistic to analyze the difference of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of malaria prevention.

The results shown that 1) there have higher results after using model development in 0.5 of statistical significance and 2) Malaria infection rates have decreased in 2020 compared to 2019.


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