Expectations and Opinions of the Actual practice of administration of sangha affairs: A Case Study of People in the Sangha Administrative Region, Thonburi District, (Thammayut) Bangkok


  • Phramongkol thammavithan Lecturer, Master of Arts Program in Buddhism, Mahamakut Buddhist University


Sangha-Affairs people in the sangha district, Thonburi (Thammayut) district Bangkok


          The objectives of this research were to 1) Study of personal factors The administrative factors of the Sangha affairs consist of 6 aspects which are: (1) Governing (2) Educational (3) Help-Education (4) Buddhism propagation (5) Buddhism propagation and (6) Public welfare and 2) Comparative expectations and opinions of the actual practice of administration of sangha affairs of people in the sangha district, Thonburi (Thammayut) district, Bangkok. The representative sample is a group of 400 people by stratified random sampling. The research tool is a statistics questionnaire used to analyze, namely Percentage (%), Median (x̄), Standard Deviation (S.D.), t-test, and One-Way Analysis of Variance (One-Way ANOVA).

          The results revealed that 1. People in the sangha administrative region, Thonburi District (Thammayut), Bangkok. There was a high level of expectation towards the administration of Sangha affairs in general (x̄=4.34, S.D.=0.55). The opinions towards the actual practice of sangha affairs administration in general were at a high level (x̄=3.38, S.D.=0.68). 2. People in the sangha administrative region, Thonburi District (Thammayut), Bangkok. Classified by temple that practices meditation. There is a high level of expectation on the administration of the sangha affairs. not different. When classified by age, education, occupation and income are different, there are different levels of expectations on the administration of sangha affairs. Statistical significance at the level of .05. 3. People in the sangha administrative region, Thonburi District (Thammayut), Bangkok. Classified by temples that practice dharma, age, occupation, and income have different levels of opinions on actual practice of sangha affairs administration. not different. When classified according to different studies. There are different levels of opinions on the actual practice of the administration of sangha affairs. Statistical significance at the level of .05.


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