A Development of School Management System for Excellence School Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Thaun Thiengcharoen Doctor of Education Program in Educational Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University In the royal patronage
  • Sakda Sathapornwachana Doctor of Education Program in Educational Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, In the royal patronage
  • Weeraphat Phattharakul Doctor of Education Program in Educational Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, In the royal patronage


Development, School Management, Excellence


          The purposes of this research were to: 1) study the components of the administration  for the excellence of schools under the secondary education service area office  2)  study the current state and problems of school management for the excellence of schools under the secondary education service area office 3) to develop the school management system for the excellence of schools under the secondary education service. This research used a mixed research method. There were three phases.

The research finding were:

1) The components of the management  for the excellence of schools under the secondary education service area office from the analysis of Confirmatory components comprised 7 principal components as the followings; Leadership of the administrators , Strategic planning, Student and stakeholder focus, Measurement Analysis and Knowledge management, Workforce focus, Operation focus and Performance results. The components were consistent with the data Empirical very good. (Chi-Square = 124.38, p=0.06543,  c2/df  = 1.22, GFI = 0.98, AGFI =  0.95, RMSEA = 0.020)        

2) The School Management System for the excellence of schools under the secondary education service  consists of 6 subsystems, 20 components 53 guidelines as the followings;  Subsystems 1)  Goals and values  consists of Direction or Expectation, Strategic planning and Action plan,  and Organizational culture. Subsystems 2) Structuring consists of the School structure and Organization structure. Subsystems  3)  Workforce consists of Leadership, Workforce planning Workforce Development  and Building morale Subsystems 4) Resources and Technology consists of  Curriculum, Media Innovation and Technology,  Facility and Environment. Subsystems 5) Management consists of School Administration, curriculum management, Learning management, Supervision, the measurement and assessment and quality assurance.   Subsystems 6) The advising and helping student system  consists of  System Planning and System operations


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