The Evaluation of the Strengthening of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dhamma Niyamma


  • Phrakhruparitattikunaphorn Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Somkiet Chaiyapoom Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Thongbai Dhiranandankura Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phra Vichain SanSri Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Karuna Mathulaprangsan Mahamakut Buddhist University


Thailand 4.0 Evaluation, Buddhist Dharma Evaluation, Three Equilibrium Evaluation


This article is to evaluate the strengthening of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainability in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma. This research was a qualitative study, focused on the documentary studies, mainly in the Tipitaka, the relating documentaries, and the Buddhist scholars’ works together with the depth interview of related experts. The results of the research are found as follows: 1) The evaluation of the Thailand 4.0 was the assessment of the potential of the three equilibrium theory in various fields as follows; (1) according to the Buddhist principles of Buddhism (2) assessing the strengthening of Thailand 4.0 (3) assessing the innovation of wealth (4) assessing the culture of marketing innovation and (5) assessing the political innovation in Real-Time. 2) The evaluation of the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma for the country development plan was the Buddhist Dharma concerning the real truth in nature confirmed to be complex and profound would be evaluated from the coordination and consistency without any conflicts being the complete knowledge from the Enlightenment of the Lord Buddha endured and challenged the proof. Therefore, the characteristics of showing correct results would come from the correct practices and the right principles. That was “Right Theory, Practice correctly and Right Result would happen”. The same as following the Three Equilibrium theory that promoted mutual support between producers and consumers throughout between employers and employees, further including between the government and the people, etc. 3) The evaluation of the strengthening for the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma was the evaluation of the Three Equilibrium theory interpreted and synthesized from the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma having the potential to enhance the value of Thailand 4.0 by creating continuous and systematic innovation, both economically and politically, from the Cultured Marketing throughout the Quantum Economy including the Cultured Politics


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