The Strengthening of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dhamma Niyamma


  • Somkiet Chaiyapoom Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakhruparitattikunaphorn Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Thongbai Dhiranandankura Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phra Boonserm Janpakdee Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Karuna Mathulaprangsan Mahamakut Buddhist University


Buddhist Dharma Niyamma, Three Equilibrium, Thailand 4.0


This article is to present the Strengthening of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainability in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma. This research was an integrated research plan including 3 sub-project types of research as follows; (1) The analysis of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainability in the Thai Society 4.0 actually or not by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma, (2) The Evaluation of the Strengthening of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dhamma Niyamma and (3) The Model of Robot Applications without the replacement of the human careers in Thailand 4.0 according to the Buddhist Doctrines, and a qualitative study, focused on the documentary studies, mainly in the Tipitaka, the relating documentaries and the Buddhist scholars’ works together with in-depth interviews with relevant experts. The results of the research are found as follows: 1) The flaws in the Thailand 4.0 developing plan was a development plan connecting to the traditional science of Newton and Descartes that causes the economic and political systems to be extreme to one side with the more growing inequality as the more increasing development of technology. 2) The Buddhist Dharma to correct the flaws in the Thailand 4.0 developing plan was the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma called “Eightfold Noble Path” which is the correct and sublime principle corresponding to modern science. In order to avoid the extreme practice, we had to select the Eightfold Noble Path interpreting and synthesizing as “Three Equilibrium Theory” for the strengthening the value of Thailand 4.0. 3) The Strengthening Principle of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainability in the Thai Society 4.0 actually by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma was the implementation of the Three Equilibrium Theory to strengthen the value of Thailand 4.0 by changing the paradigm of the Thailand 4.0 developing plan from connecting to the traditional science to be the modern science with the relationship of everything as the holistic characteristic to develop many new forms of the social innovation from focusing on competition and usurpation to cooperation and collaboration, from between producers and consumers, to employers and employees or government and people resulting in both economic and political innovation including cultured marketing, the quantum economy as well as cultured politics.



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