Prevention of depression to solve life problems in the situation of COVID-19 according to the Noble Truth 4


  • PhraSrisuwong Siribhuddo (Triviseassri) Mahamakut Buddhist University


Prevention of depression, life problems, COVID-19 situations, Noble Truth 4


The objectives of this research are 1. To study social problems related to depression in the COVID-19 situation. 2. To study Buddhist principles for solving depression and social protection from the COVID-19 situation 3. To present a guideline A model for integrating Buddhism principles and promoting effective depression prevention from COVID-19 situation. Conduct qualitative research, document research form. Study and research primary documents from the primary and secondary documents. The data obtained were analyzed and synthesized research findings to answer the objectives.

The research results were found that: Prevention of depression in order to solve life problems in the situation of COVID-19 according to the 4 Noble Truths principles Divided into 3 sides 1. Behavior and actions towards oneself To gain knowledge and understanding about living with the Four Noble Truths 2. Social Conduct Make them have knowledge and understanding of the condition, problems, and situations that occur to oneself and others And behave properly with respect to the rules Social order and generosity And 3. Self-development Causing behavior in accordance with the principle of 8 Living with care Depression based on Four Noble Truths in SSD COVID -19 model.


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