Guidelines to Promote Learning management Project of Smart ONIE for Smart Farmer in Petchaburi Province.


  • Suchitta Sangprasert Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University
  • Jittra Makapol Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University


learning management, Smart ONIE, Smart Farmer


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the qualifications and performance of personnel in learning management under the Smart ONIE project to create a Smart Farmer in Phetchaburi Province, 2) to study problems and needs to promote learning management under the Smart ONIE project to create a Smart Farmer in Phetchaburi Province, 3) to study guidelines to promote learning management According to the Smart ONIE project to create a Smart Farmer in Phetchaburi Province. The population and sample consisted of 1) 118 Phetchaburi Province personnel of NFE using the entire population and 2) The samples for the interview were district school administrators and 15 personnel using a specific selection method. The research instruments were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

Findings were as follows: 1. Personnel of NFE. Phetchaburi Province knowledge, understanding, and readiness in organizing activities according to the Smart ONIE project to create a Smart Farmer at a high level. 2. Personnel of NFE. Phetchaburi Province problem condition, There are many aspects of workload. Some lack the expertise, especially in the use of technology for project implementation. Farmers were not clear, cannot be done manually after the training, and the context in each area, diverse activities make it difficult to cause a shortfall between the organizers and the participants. And overlap with other organizers, including equipment, technology is not sufficient to meet the target. 3. Guidelines to promote learning management by the personnel of NFE. Should choose a course to be adopted, applied, and designed with community-based activities to be able to expand and lead to sustainable implementation in accordance with the project guidelines and with the management network partners to achieve objectives and share knowledge. Under the policies of the government and each agency based on the needs and benefits of farmers.


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