Duty Performance According to the Roles of Village Health Volunteers (VHV.) In Cha-am Municipality, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province
Duty Performance, Roles and Duties, Village Health VolunteersAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the performance of roles of village health volunteers (VHV.) In Cha-am Municipality, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province; 2) to compare the performance of roles of Village Health Volunteers (VHV.) In Cha-am Municipality, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province; and 3) To collect suggestions about problems and solutions to the performance of the roles of village health volunteers in the Cha-am Municipality, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province.
The instrument used was a questionnaire. The sample consisted of people living in the Saphan Hin community, Cha-am Municipality, consisting of 234 people, and a simple random sampling method was used. The statistics used were descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferred statistics were the t-test and the One-Way ANOVA test. If the differences were found, they would be tested in pairs by the Scheffé method.
The results of the research revealed that 1) The overall roles of the village health volunteers (VHV) were at a high level; and 2) Hypothesis testing results were found that people living in Saphan Hin community, Cha-Am District, Phetchaburi Province, who had different monthly incomes had opinions about the performance of roles of Village Health Volunteers (VHV.) in Cha-am Municipality, Cha-am District, Phetchaburi Province, in 4 different aspects.
Suggestions on health promotion were practicing skills and seeking experience in transferring knowledge all the time. Disease prevention Relations should be distributed for disease prevention campaigns not yet accessible to all households. In Healthcare Public health, personnel should contact and coordinate with the hospital to refer patients for treatment or recommend the hospital where the patient would be admitted. In Regeneration of Health, implementation and contact and coordination directly to the department would bring about good result rapidity.
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