A Relationship between Buddhist Ethics and Organizational Justice


  • Chaianun Siribensanont Krirk University
  • Sukhumpong Channuwong Krirk University
  • Anake Srinant Independent Scholars
  • Somporn Phuwadolpaisan Independent Scholars


Buddhist Ethics, Four Sublime Sates of Mind, Rules of Karma, Organizational Culture


The purposes of this research were: (1) to study the perceptions of employees towards recognition of justice from Buddhist ethics; (2) to study the perceptions of employees towards organizational justice; (3) to study a relationship between Buddhist ethics and organizational justice; and (4) to study the Buddhist ethics influencing organizational justice. The samples used in this study were 350 employees who work in private organizations in Bangkok. The instrument used to collect data was a research questionnaire. Statistics used in this research consisted of Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The perceptions of employees towards recognition of justice from Buddhist ethics, in total, were at a high level. In particular, the belief in the rule of Karma had the highest mean value, followed by the four sublime states of mind, whereas avoidance of four prejudices was at a moderate level.
  2. The perceptions of employees towards organizational justice, in total, were at a high level. In particular, interactional justice had the highest mean value, followed by procedural justice, whereas distributive justice was at a moderate level.
  3. The correlation coefficient between Buddhist ethics and organizational justice was at 0.01 level of significance with a correlation value between .124 to .396, which the highest correlation was a relationship between the four sublime states of mind and organizational justice.
  4. Buddhist ethics which had the highest influence on organizational justice were the four sublime states of mind, followed by avoidance of four prejudices and the belief in the rules of karma respectively.


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