Development of Professional Learning Community to Reinforce Active Learning Capacity of Teachers in Basic Education


  • Prakong Rassameekaew Director, Senior Professional Level Baan Nong Nae school, Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


Development of Professional, Learning Community to Reinforce, Active Learning Capacity, Basic Education


This research aims to develop the professional learning community to reinforce active learning capacity of teachers in basic education. The four main research methodologies are: 1) studying necessary background knowledge of the professional learning community by synthesizing documents and interviewing 3 experts; 2) creating and checking the quality of professional learning community in order to reinforce active learning capacity of teachers in basic education by 9 experts and teachers in Baan Nong Nae school; 3) studying the professional learning community by collecting data from 30 teachers who enrolled in the project by using the test (multiple choices) to check if they could understand active learning capacity and using the form to evaluate their lesson plans, teaching methods, and attitudes which are analyzed by mean and standard deviation; and 4) evaluating teacher’s satisfactory to professional learning community in order to reinforce active learning capacity of teachers in basic education by 30 teachers who enrolled in the project and the data were evaluated by using mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The research results are found as follows:

  1. The results of the study on necessary background knowledge of professional community from analyzing and synthesizing the data such as vision, goal, leadership, togetherness, and attitude in order to develop professional community effectively are congruent and appropriate.
  2. With regard to the results of creating and checking the quality of professional community which are methodologies and evaluations, the evaluation ofsuitability from the experts showed that the overall mean of professional community using active learning capacity was in high level. Likewise, the evaluation ofguide book from the experts showed that the overall mean of professional community using active learning capacity was in high level.
  3. The study of professional community to reinforce active learning capacity of teachers in basic education showed that 1) the average mean of teachers’ knowledge of Thapluang Jae Ngam campus in primary educational service area office 3 before attending seminar was 10.73 whereas 18.17 was gained after attending the seminar; 2) the overall mean of professional community using active learning capacity of Thapluang Jae Ngam campus in primary educational service area office 3 was in high level; and 3) the evaluation of attitude in active learning capacity of Thapluang Jae Ngam campus in primary educational service area office 3 was in high level as well.
  4. Lastly, the teachers’ evaluation of professional community to reinforce active learning capacity of teachers in basic education from the teachers in Thapluang Jae Ngam campus in primary educational service area office 3 was also in high level.


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