Guidelines for Leadership Development According to The Seven Sappurisadhamma of Small School Administrators Under The Office of Ang Thong Primary Education Area


  • สุรพงษ์ มาลาม มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


seven principles of Sappurisa Dhamma, The guideline for development of leadership


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the leadership characteristics of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area, 2) to develop the leadership according to seven principles of Sappurisa Dhamma of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area, and 3) to propose the guideline for development of leadership according to seven principles of Sappurisa Dhamma of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area. The mixed research methodology was used in the study.

The research results were found that:

The state of leadership characteristics of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area was at a high level overall. In each aspect consideration, the highest level was on technical and academic skills, followed by energetic, good decision, interest and attention, creative thinking, good health and self-confidence respectively. 

The development of leadership according to seven principles of Sappurisa Dhamma of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area consists of 47 characteristics in self-analysis, knowing the consequence, life living guideline, knowing moderation, knowing the proper time, knowing the society, knowing the individual, and knowing ingenuity.

The guideline for development of leadership according to seven principles of Sappurisa Dhamma of administrators in small schools under Office of Ang Thong Primary Educational Service Area has 3 aspects; 1) Building awareness and understanding on a particular item by oneself, 2) Building self-discipline, and 3) Self-development by learning, experiences, and suggestions from the skillful


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