Good governance andPoliticsin Thai Society


  • Phramaha Thanaphat Aphijano (Jato) Mahamakut Buddhist university, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus


Good governance, Politics


The application of principles for good public administration or the principles of good governance is very necessary for our country. It is because the principle of good governance is effective for administration which is auditable and is a system that allows people to participate in the current political, economic, social, and governmental affairs both within and outside the country. There has been a lot of changes, and the speed is fast and specious. This is due to the advances in communication technology and the rapid transfer of information to people. While the environment has changed dramatically and quickly into the era of globalization, but in the past, the government administration system and the Thai society as a whole were not in line with the rapid changes.

Therefore, it is very necessary for our country to change the role of society by applying the principles of good governance or good governance. It is because the principle of good governance is verifiable management. It is effective and system that allows people to participate which can propose a request for the gathering of masses of labor users and private organizations to play a role in tracking to examine political action and government administration as well as private business operations to ensure transparency in performance. This will result in the people as a whole and Thai society growing with strength. It can compete with other countries effectively. This will help the country have peace and develop quickly and sustainably.


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