The Factors Affecting Schools As Learning Organizations Under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • กฤติญา ศรีซังส้ม ค.ม.การบริหารการศึกษา
  • กัญภร เอี่ยมพญา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏราชนครินทร์
  • นิวัตต์ น้อยมณี มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏราชนครินทร์


learning organization, statistical significance, educational institutions


Aims of research were to 1) the level of factors leadership, organizational culture, the atmosphere, the persuasion, and the structure of organization of schools; 2) the level of Learning organization of schools; 3) The relationship between factors studies as learning organizations of schools; and 4) The factors affecting schools under office of Chonburi primary education service area. The samples consisted of 302 obtained by random teachers under office of Chonburi primary education service area 2. The instrument for collecting data was a questionnaire. The statistic used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The research result were as follows; 1) The factors leadership, organizational culture, the atmosphere, the persuasion, and the structure of organization overall was at the hight level. 2) Learning organization of school under Chonburi primary educational service area office 2 mental model, the personal mastery, team learning, system thinking and the share vision overall was at the hight level. 3) The relationship between leadership, the persuasion, the structure of organization, organizational culture, and the atmosphere that supports learning aspect under office of Chonburi primary education service area 2 had the highest positive with the statistical significance of .05. and 4) The factors in the atmosphere, organizational culture, the persuasion and the structure of organization affecting learning organization of schools under office of Chonburi primary education service area 2 with the statistical significance of .05. They could concurrently predict the learning organization at 84.60 percent.


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