Guiding Development of Materials Administration of Schools of Under Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area Office.


  • ปุณยนุช วงค์ศรี คณะศึกษาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม
  • ธีระพงศ์ บุศรากูล วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


administration materials, Schools, Bangkok primary educational service area office.


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the conditions of school supplies management. Under the Office of Primary Education Service Area Bangkok, 2)Guiding development of materials administration of schools of under Bangkok primary educational service area office by work experience, educational background, and school size.

This research was a qualitative research design and Qualitative Research design. The sample group used in the research was the teachers who performed the school supplies duties. Under the office of Bangkok Educational Service Area Office, consisting of 92 people. The sample size was determined by opening the finished tables of Crazy and Morgan. After that, the researchers randomly selected the samples. By simple random method According to the proportion of each school. The instrument used in the research was a 5- point Likert scale and interview questionnaires. Frequency, percentage, mean standard deviation, and content analysis.

The findings of the study showed that 1) materials administration of schools of under Bangkok primary educational service area office was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the highest mean score was a materials procurement, followed by materials control, the lowest mean score was materials distribution. 2) Guiding development for materials administration of schools of under Bangkok primary educational service area office, procurement Budget, Educational institutions should assign teachers who wish to use parcels together to find supplies as needed. There should be a plan to allocate and approve the budget clearly, providing the school with sufficient time to procure goods. And should provide training to provide knowledge about procurement of goods at least once a year. Parcel control, Schools should appoint a procurement assistant officer. To help in the work of parcel control. Should register the parcel and property registration is always up to date. And schools should clearly appoint maintenance personnel and should allocate additional budgets for repairs. Distribution, Should appoint a committee to proceed with the sale of damaged parcels. Should check the condition of the parcel that is damaged or deteriorated and can not be used regularly. And should provide training for knowledge about distributing parcels at least once a year.


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