Administrative Approach For Small Schools Under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • อมลภา ปิ่นทอง ศึกษาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


Approach, Management, Small School


This research uses a mixed methods research, The sample used in this research was administrators and teachers of small schools. under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, consisting of 306 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and structured interview forms.

          The result of the study revealed that small schools management operations under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, in overall. When considering in each aspect, it was found that the highest mean was general administration, followed by the budget management and the personnel management while the lowest mean was the academic administration The structured interview with 5 schools administrators about the guidelines of managing small schools, found that, the academic administration schools should set up school curriculum in accordance with the needs of the local community and the context of the school. Teachers should have learning and teaching management and development of learning process with emphasis on learners. Should organize academic activities to allow opportunities for exchanging knowledge to the community, The budget administration schools should create a strategic plan or action plan for the fiscal year with participation. Per-student subsidy management is implemented in a systematic action plan through participation and clearly defines action details. There should be a budget document. Money outside the budget correctly written school income, clearly written, The human administration the administrators clearly specify the responsibilities of the personnel within the school. Schools should have a plan to develop teachers and educational personnel annually, administrators, teachers, school board, community, parents are involved in the work very well, the general administration the schools community committee, parents should participate in the school activities, administrators, teachers the community school board, parents should promote the activities for students to participate in the process of organizing various activities according to their aptitude And the interest of learners schools should maintain and develop the buildings, facilities and school environment to be beautiful, inviting, safe, and useful, worthwhile and conducive to learning.


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