Administration In Accordance With the Principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Secondary Schools In Kamphangsaen District, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • ณิปุณมา ล้อมไร่ วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม
  • พรศิริมา บูรณะพันธุ์ วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


Administration, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, secondary school size of school


The research study aims to study and compare the educational institution administration based on the sufficiency economy philosophy of Secondary School in Kamphangsaen District, Nakhonpathom Province. Classified by school’s size and work experience. This quantitative research by using questionnaires as a tool from secondary school teachers and administrators in the area of Kamphangsaen, Nakhonpathom, number 154. The research analyzed the data by the program.  The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test. One way analysis of variance (One Way ANOVA) in case of significant statistical differences will check the difference in pairs at the significance level 0.05 or 95% confidence level using the Least Significant Difference (LSD) formula to compare the population mean.

The result of the study led to the following conclusions: 1) The Education administration according to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Secondary School in Kamphangsaen District, Nakhonpathom Province was overall rate as high level. When considering each aspect, ranking from the highest mean to the lowest mean were Self-immunity, Integrity condition, Moderation, Knowledge condition and Reasonableness.  2) The results of comparisons of the opinion of secondary schools teachers and administrators in the area of Kamphangsaen, Nakhonpathom about the educational institution administration based on the sufficiency economy philosophy of Secondary School in Kamphangsaen District, Nakhonpathom Province indicated that all of the schools did not show significantly different. When considered in each aspect, it was found these four domains were not statistically different except administration based on knowledge. Then hypothesis tested, the secondary schools teachers and administrators in the area of Kamphangsaen, Nakhonpathom who have different work experience and in various size of school have the opinions about the educational institution administration based on the sufficiency economy philosophy of Secondary School in Kamphangsaen District, Nakhonpathom Province did not show significantly different indicated by overall and each aspect.


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