Creative Leadership of Executives Affecting Community Relations Operationsin Schools under Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1


  • wichanchai lertsongkhram มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา
  • ธดา สิทธิ์ธาดา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา


Creative Leadership, Community Relations Operations


This study aimed to 1) the levels of Creative Leadership of school administrators under the Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2) the levels of community relations operations in the schools under the Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1, and 3) Creative Leadership of Executives Affecting Community Relations Operations in Schools under Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The sample of this study were 63 schools under Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The respondents were school administrators, community relations operations heads, teachers total 315 persons. The research instrument was a survey with a reliability of 0.99. Data analysis was done using percentages, means, standard deviations, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The study found that 1) the overall levels of Creative Leadership of school administrators under the Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1 were at a high level in all aspects, 2) the overall levels of community relations operations in the schools under the Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1 were at a high level in all aspects, and 3) The Administrative Creative Leadership affecting the community relations operations in the schools under the Samutprakarn Primary Education Service Area Office 1 included creative thinking and vision respectively. The Multiple correlation coefficient (R) was .775, the predictive power was 60 percent, the standard error of prediction was .358, and statistical significance was at the .01. They could be written as a predicting formula for unstandardized scores and a predicting formula for standardized scores, as shown below.

               = 1.066 + 0.421X4 + 0.322X1                                 

             = 0.461Z4 + 0.344Z1


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