Factor Analysis of School Administrators’ Leadership in the Digital Age under Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area


  • Chotirot Kaikitchakan มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม
  • พิชญาภา ยืนยาว มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม
  • ธีรวุธ ธาดาตันติโชค มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครปฐม


Leadership, School Administrator, Digital Age


The purpose of this research was to study the factor analysis of school administrators’ leadership in the digital age. This mixed research was comprised the qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative research consisted of in-depth interview and assessment of appropriate, accurate, feasible and useful. The key informants were school administrators, teachers, and academic specialists/supervisors totaling 6 informants, derived by purposive sampling. The research instrument were in-depth interviews form and checklist form. The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage and content analysis. The quantitative research were 196 schools under Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area. The informants were 784 school administrators and teachers derived by proportional stratified random sampling as distributed by district. The instrument was a questionnaire constructed by the researcher. Data was analyzed by exploratory factor analysis with using principal components analysis and orthogonal rotation by varimax.

The research results indicated that there were 4 the factor analysis of school administrators’ leadership in the digital age consisted of 1) innovative leadership, 2) creative leadership, 3) media literacy leadership, and 4) smart leadership.  Standardize factor loading between 0.329-0.725. All elements are statistically significant at .01 level. This proves that the models of humility can explain the factor analysis of school administrators’ leadership in the digital age of 65.666 which was appropriate, accurate, feasible and useful the factor analysis of school administrators’ leadership in the digital age.


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