The Super Leadership of School Administrator and School Effectiveness Under The Office of Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area 2


  • วิมลพันธ์ ไวยคูนา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง
  • ชวน ภารังกูล มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง


superleadership, effectiveness


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the super leadership of schools, 2) the school effectiveness, and 3) the super leadership of school administrators and school effectiveness under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples were 18 administrators and 273 teachers, totaling 291, used in this research consisted of administrators and teachers in schools under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Area Office 2, selected by using stratified random sampling method. The instrument used for data collection was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a reliability level at .98. The data were analyzed by using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The research results were as follows:

  1. The super leadership of school administrators under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was overall at a high level. When each aspect was considered, it was found that super leadership of the school administrators was at a high level in all aspects, and those aspects could be ranked in descending order of their means as follows: modelling self-leadership, becoming a self-leader, encouraging self-set goals, creating positive thought patterns, facilitating self-leadership culture, facilitating self-leadership through reward and constructive reprimand, and promoting self-leadership through teamwork.
  2. The effectiveness of schools under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was overall at a high level. When each aspect was considered, it was found that the effectiveness was at a high level in all aspects, and those aspects could be ranked in descending order of their means as follows: students’ learning achievement, ability to solve problems within schools, ability to modify and develop schools, and ability to develop students’ attitude.

          3. The super leadership of school administrators and the effectiveness of schools under Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, overall were at a high level of positive correlation with statistical significance at the .01


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