Freedom to live is a life goal



  • Komentr Chinawong -


freedom of life, heart of a millionaire, financial skills.



Freedom to live is a life goal that many people try to achieve. Dreaming of the ideal millionaire is easy. But taking action to achieve that dream is difficult. Life must have principles through learning or Seeking good knowledge (Right thought) from various sources, with the courage to act, patience and mindfulness. These facts are well understood by the general public. There are many important factors in being a successful ideal person. Planning for life to achieve goals in each era has different factors. One of the key fundamentals is having the skills to achieve financial freedom. No matter how different each person's life is. But it seems that the path to becoming an ideal person of success requires the following principles: Having a good foundation of knowledge gained through education Including the pursuit of knowledge to further develop one's own life towards freedom in the future. That is freedom which is the true happiness of life. However, the happiness and success of each person's life may be as the saying that friend's food on plate is always better than our plates, but believe me If we switch plates to order from the beginning. A friend's dish is still more appetizing. Perhaps what was lacking was not the appetizing of the food on the plate. but rather the self-satisfaction. So, be yourself not because it's the best choice. But because it's the only option you have.



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Waldinger Robert. what makes a good life lessons from the longest study on happiness?

(เข้าถึงได้เมื่อวันที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน 2564) เว็บไซต์ https ://

waldinger what makes a good life lessons from the longest study on happiness?

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