The Impact of Music Festival Influence on City Reputation: A Case Study of Xiamen City, China


  • ืืืื์Nuengruetai Champathin Shinawatra University


Music festival influence, City image, City reputation, Xiamen


Music festival is not only an important marketing tool to improve the city image, but also a significant way to improve city reputation. This study will take the music festival in Xiamen, China as case to explore impact of the music festival influence on the city reputation. The study is using the questionnaire survey of the participants of the music festival before questionnaires were processed by a structural equations model. The results show that music festival influence positively impact on city reputation, music festival influence positively impact on city image, city image positively impact on the city reputation and city image plays a part of the mediating role in the process of music festival influence on city reputation. The study not only discusses the mechanism of music festival influence and city reputation but also provides management strategies based on the above research results.


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