Leadership Styles of School Administrators Affecting factors that promotes teacher performance In school under the office of Ratchaburi Primary educatonal service area 1


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ -
  • ดวงกมล มนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง


Leadership Style, Factors Promoting Work


The purposes of this research were to 1) explore the Leadership of school administrators 2) determine the Affecting factors that promotes teacher performance in school 3) investigate the the leadership of school administrators affecting factors that promote teacher performance in school under Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. of 123 places, which were obtained at random by stratification. There are 3 information providers per school, consisting of 1 administrator of the school, 1 academic teacher, and 1 teacher. totaling 369, The instrument used for collecting data was a 5 rating scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.96 The statistics for data analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.         

The research findings were as follows:

  1. 1. Leadership style of school administrators were overall at a high level. The classification were finding that: It were at a high level in 3 aspects from highest to lowest average. They were team management, middle of the road management and authority obedience respectively, the middle level was country club management and low level was impoverished management.   
  2. The factors promoting the performance of teachers in schools were overall at a high level. The classification highest to lowest average were finding that: the success at work, the nature of work performed, it to be respected, the responsibility and the job advancement respectively

3. The Leadership styles of executives affecting factors that the overview promote teacher performance in school under the office of Ratchaburi primary educational service area 1. That fit into the equation in order were team management and middle of the road management. The prediction efficiency was 35.00 percent.


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