The Relationship Between Operation of Professional Ethics of Administrators and School Happy Workplace Under Ratchaburi Educational Service Office Area 1


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ -
  • สิริวิภา เหมุไทย


school administrator ethics, School to be Happy workplace


The purposes of this research were to study 1) The application to be use school administrator ethics 2) schools to be happy workplace 3) The relationship between the application to be use school administrator ethics and the happy workplace of schools. The samples were 122 administrators by purposive sample and 244 teachers by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a 5-level estimation scale type questionnaire with confidence value of 0.87 The statistics used for analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation and simple correlation.

          The research findings were as follows:

  1. The application to be use school administrator ethics were overall at a highest level. The classification were finding that: All aspects were at the highest level.  Sort the mean from highest to lowest that: professional ethics, ethics for service recipient, self ethics, ethics for co-professional, ethics for society respectively.
  2. The schools to be happy workplace were overall at a high level. The classification were finding that: It was at the highest level in 3 sides and sort the mean from highest to lowest were happy soul, happy brain, happy relax. It was at the high level in 5 sides and sort the mean from highest to lowest were Happy society, Happy heart, Happy body, Happy money and Happy family respectively.
  3. The application to be use school administrator ethics and schools to be happy workplace were significant positive correlation at the .01 level


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