School Administrator’ S Conflict Management Affecting Teacher Teamwork in Schools under the Office of Ratchaburi Education Service Area 1


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ
  • ยุทธพิชัย เที่ยงตรง


Conflict management, Teamwork


The purpose of this research were to study 1) School administrator conflict management. 2) Teacher teamwork in schools. and 3) School administrator conflict management affecting teachers teamwork in schools under the office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1. The sample were 120 schools under the office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 by opening the sample size table and simple random sampling. The 2 respondents per school and total respondent were 240 teachers. The research instrument was a 5-level estimation scale type questionnaire with validity between 0.60-1.0 and the reliability value of .839. The statistics used for analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The Research findings were as follows:

  1. School administrator conflict management were overall at a moderate level. The classification were finding that: It was at a high level in 3 aspects from highest to lowest average. They were relationship, compromise and confrontation and the middle level 2 aspects from highest to lowest average. They were use of power and withdrawal respectively.
  2. Teacher teamwork in schools were overall at a high level. The classification highest to lowest average were finding that: the cooperation and the use of conflict in creativity, Self-development, review of works and methods of work, team relationship, performance and decision-making, communication, support and trust, and exposure and confrontation to solve problems.
  3. The school administrator conflict management affecting teachers teamwork in schools under the office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1. That fit into the equation in order were the use of power (X2), Compromise (X4) and total conflict management (Xtot). The prediction efficiency was 63.00 percent with statistical significance at the level of .05, which can be written in the form of raw scores as follows:

                   tot   = 3.730 +.011 (X2) +.203 (X4) +.151(Xtot)   

               It can be written as a forecast equation in standard score form as follows:

                     Ytot =   .012 (X2) +.243 (X4) +.137(Xtot)


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