The Development of a Competencies for School Administrators as Expert of The Ministry of Education


  • สุจิตตรา กาญจนสินธุ์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง
  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง


รูปแบบสมรรถนะ, วิทยฐานะเชี่ยวชาญ, ผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the competencies of professional academic institution administrators, 2) to develop a model of professional academic institution administrators' competencies. The research methodology is a mixed method research using in-depth interviews to collect data. The target group used in the interview was 6 experts.consisting of experts from the Office of the Teachers Commission and Educational Personnel Provincial Education Director of Primary Educational Service Area Office Director of Secondary Education Service Area Office school administrators and an expert academic teacher acquired by selective selection The sample group used to answer the questionnaire was 44 Provincial Education Commissioners 137 directors of educational service area offices and 380 school administrators totaling 561 were drawn by stratified random sampling And the target group used to confirm the composition was 12 experts obtained by purposive selection. The research tools were interview forms, questionnaires, 5-level estimating scales, with a confidence level of 0.98 and the assessment form to confirm the components Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation exploratory component analysis and confirmatory component analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1. The competency of the administrators in schools as experts of the Ministry of Education were at a high level when classify of each item was between 4.28–4.80. 2. The competency model for the administrators in schools as experts by factor analysis with an exploratory analysis method, there were 4 components. The component 1 Management Capabilities. The component 2 Accepting and understanding individual differences. The component 3 Situational leadership had skill and knowledgeable. The component 4 Knowledge in teaching and learning management. 3. The confirmative component analysis (CFA) the competency model for administrators in schools as experts found that: The component 1 Management capabilities. It had 17 sub - variable. It has factor loading between 0.808- 0.906, eigenvalues =61.959, percent of variance= 23.237, Cumulative % variance= 23.237. The component 2 Accepting and understanding individual differences. It had 3 sub - variable. It has factor loading between 0.562-0.886, eigenvalues =3.013, percent of variance= 12.513, Cumulative % variance= 35.750. The component 3 Situational leadership had skill and knowledgeable. It had 3 sub - variable. It has factor loading between 0.824-0.907, eigenvalues =2.549, percent of variance= 9.998, Cumulative % variance= 45.748 and The component 4 Knowledge in teaching and learning management. It had 3 sub - variable. It has factor loading between 0.772-0.904, eigenvalues =1.702, percent of variance= 9.936, Cumulative % variance= 55.710. 4. Connoisseurship about Accuracy, Suitability, Possibility and Utilization were 100 % from 12 experts.


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