Teacher Developing Model through Lesson Study Using Professional Learning Community for Enhancing Active Learning of Teachers in Basic Education


  • Apichai Sritho โรงเรียนห้วยเม็กราษฎร์นุกูล สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษากาฬสินธุ์ เขต 2


Teacher Developing Model, Professional Learning Community, Active Learning


This research aimed to 1) study the elements of teachers’ learning management and guidance to enhance active learning 2) build and check the  quality of model using lesson study and teachers’ professional learning community to enhance active learning of teachers in basic education 3) study the results of teachers’ lesson study by using professional learning community for enhancing active learning of teachers in basic education and 4) evaluate teacher developing model through lesson study using professional learning community for enhancing active learning of teachers in basic education.

          The results were found as follows:

  1. There were 2 elements focused on this study. First, the elements of teachers’ active learning contained 1) design and plan the lesson plan 2) do the activities 3) use technology 4) evaluate learning process and 5) manage learning process by thinking and doing. Second, guidance to enhance teachers’ active learning from the experts contained in-depth interview. Therefore, the results from the interview suggested the guidelines to develop teachers which were building agreements, acknowledging to develop lessons, developing lessons. To do this, there were 5 steps to go on. The first step was set the goal to develop lessons. Next, it was a step to plan the lessons. Later, it was a step to teach and observe the class. The fourth step was to reflect and debate the lessons. Finally, it was a step to exchange and expand knowledge. To focus on the PLC, there were 6 important elements as shared vision, shared leadership, collaborative learning and integrated knowledge, shared learning and cooperation, shared responsibility, and support terms. The second element was the guidelines to enhance teachers’ active learning by using PLC. The results revealed that 1) teachers should change the work culture from teaching a lone to shared teaching, 2) teachers should be ready to listen to others and adjust themselves for new upcoming trends, and 3) teachers should see the value of students, colleagues, and themselves.
  2. Likewise, there were two elements to focus on building and checking the quality of model using lesson study and teachers’ professional learning community to enhance active learning of teachers in basic education. First, building and checking the quality of model using lesson study and teachers’ professional learning community to enhance active learning of teachers in basic education included model’s principles, content, processes, and evaluation. Second, the results of asking about checking the quality of model using lesson study and teachers’ professional learning community to enhance active learning of teachers in basic education from the experts revealed that the accuracy and feasibility were in high level while the accuracy and feasibility of asking about checking handbook of the quality of model using lesson study and teachers’ professional learning community to enhance active learning of teachers in basic education were in high level as well. 
  3. The results of studying the results of teachers’ lesson study by using professional learning community for enhancing active learning of teachers in basic education revealed that the score before joining the project seminar was 384 (64.00 of percentage, 12.80 of mean, and 1.03 of standard deviation).
  4. The results of evaluating teacher developing model through lesson study using professional learning community for enhancing active learning of teachers in basic education included 4 main points. First, pre-test and post-test score after joining the project seminar were higher than the score before joining the project seminar (.05). Second, the results from asking about joining the project seminar revealed that the score before joining the project seminar was in high level while it was in the highest level after joining the project seminar. Third, the results of PLC from asking the teachers who joined the project seminar showed that the score was in higher level. Finally, likewise, the results of active learning from asking the teachers who joined the project seminar showed that the score was in higher level.


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