Administration According to Good Governance and Administrative Processes Affecting the Effectiveness of Municipalities in Sampran District Nakhon Pathom Province


  • wantip pankaew มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี
  • ภมร ขันธะหัตถ์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี
  • ธนิศร ยืนยง มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


administration according to the principles of good governance, administrative processes, effectiveness of municipalities


The research purposes were: (1) to study the administration levels according to good governance and administrative processes of municipalities in Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province; (2) to study the administration according to good governance and administrative processes affecting the effectiveness of municipalities in Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province; (3) to present the guidelines for improving the effectiveness of municipalities in Sampran District Nakhon Pathom Province. This research was the quantitative and qualitative research.  The target population was the people aged 18 years and over, and domiciled in the municipalities in Sampran District Nakhon Pathom Province. The sample group for quantitative research was the 400 people, and the research instrument was the questionnaire. The sample group for qualitative research was the 18 people, and the research instrument was the in-depth interview form. The data analysis statistics were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis, and correlation analysis.

The research findings were: (1) the administration according to good governance and administrative processes affecting the effectiveness of municipalities in Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province found the overall was at high level; the descending mean were: the responsiveness principle, the effectiveness principle, the transparency principle, the accountability principle, the equity principle, the efficiency principle, the rule of law principle, the morality/ethics principle, the participation principle, and the decentralization principle, respectively; (2) the administrative processes of municipalities in Sampran District, Nakhon Pathom Province found the overall was at high level; the descending mean were: the planning aspect, the ethics administration, the aspect of administration related to society, and the aspect of authority administration, respectively; (3) should be the planning for the authority administration to achieve the highest efficiency in the administration according to the principles of good governance.


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