The model for developing Professional Learning Community (PLC) to promote learning man-agement based on the STEM education approach. Otalan School Surin Primary Education Service Area Office 3




Model, Professional Learning Community PLC, STEM education approach


The purpose of the research was to (i) study the current and desirable outcome of Professional Learning Community (PLC) model in promoting learning management based on the STEM education approach; (ii) create a new PLC model to help teachers at Othan schools in Surin Primary Education Service Area Office 3 (iii) apply new PLC model (iv) assessing new PLC model Model assessment consists of four steps. Each teacher from 233 schools will be selected in order to assess current and desire outcome of PLC model. 10 experts with great knowledge in PLC consisted of school directors and university professors will be selected to create the new PLC model. Apply the new PLC model with 17 teachers of Othlan school. Verifying the results of the new PLC model by employing frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation as research tools.

The results revealed that

  1. The study had reveled that the current and desirable outcome PLC model in promoting learning management abilities based on the STEM education approach was at a high level.
  2. 2. The experts found that new PLC model that consisted of Principles, purposes, content, Process, evaluation and assessment developed had high level of propriety and feasibility. The expert also found that the PLC model manual had high level of propriety and feasibility as well.
  3. 3. The result of applying new PLC model with teachers of Otalan school reveal a fair level in pre-training and high level in post-training.

           4. The evaluation of PLC model had showed that teachers of Otalan school had attained Propriety, Feasibility and Profibility at a high level, which result in an overall attainment of high level.


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